Password entropy logarithm - authentication

I've a password with a length of 10 and 78 unique characters. I know that the first two characters of the password must be digits (from 0-9). My calculation is:
E = log2(10^2) + log2(78^8) = 56,93
Is that right?

Yep this is the correct calculation for information-theoretic entropy.
Remember though, entropy is a measure of the uncertainty generated by a source, not a property of the generated bits themselves.


Why is there one more negative int than positive int?

The upper limit for any int data type (excluding tinyint), is always one less than the absolute value of the lower limit.
For example, the upper limit for an int is 2,147,483,647 and ABS(lower limit) = 2,147,483,648.
Is there a reason why there is always one more negative int than positive int?
EDIT: Changed since question isn't directly related to DB's
The types you provided are signed integers. Let's see one byte(8-bit) example. With 1 byte you have 2^8 combinations which gives you 256 possible numbers to store.
Now you want to have the same number of positive and negative numbers (each group should have 128).
The point is 0 doesn't have +0 and -0. There is only one 0.
So you end up with range -128..-1..0..1..127.
The same logic works for 16/32/64-bit.
Why the range is -128 to 127?
It depends on how you represent signed integer:
Signed magnitude representation
Ones' complement
Two's complement
This question isn't really related to databases.
As lad2025 points out, there are an even number of values. So, by including 0, there would be one more positive or negative value. The question you are asking seems to be: "Why is there one more negative value than positive value?"
Basically, the reason is the sign-bit. One possible implementation of negative numbers is to use n - 1 bits for the absolute value and then 0 and 1 for the sign bit. The problem with this approach is that it permits +0 and -0. That is not desirable.
To fix this, computer scientists devised the twos-complement representation for signed integers. (Wikipedia explains this in more detail.) Basically, this representation maintains the concept of a sign bit that can be tested. But it changes the representation. If +1 is represented as 001, then -1 is represented as 111. That is, the negative value is the bit-wise complement of the positive value minus one. In fact the negative is always generated by subtracting 1 and using the bit-wise complement.
The issue is then the value 100 (followed by any number of zeros). The sign bit is set, so it is negative. However, when you subtract 1 and invert, it becomes itself again (011 --> 100). There is an argument for calling this "infinity" or "not a number". Instead it is assigned the smallest possible negative number.
Let's say you have a 4byte (32 bit) integer. The range defined by C++ is -231 to 231-1.
So we end up with a range -231.....0......231.
We can think of this as having 231 non negative integers (note 0 is included) and 231 negative integers.

what does the following message api id mean

Can anyone tell me what these represent?
Does anyone know where I can find more info on these and what they mean?
Those are numeric values represented as hexadecimal literals. The &H prefix is the VB.NET syntax for a hexadecimal number. Numbers are numbers. They always mean the same thing. It's just a different way of representing the values, just as different languages use different words to represent the same ideas. Normally, numbers are represented as base-10, but sometimes hexadecimal can be more convenient because every two digits is exactly one byte. Each digit ranges from 0-F, so a two digit number can range from 00 (0) through FF (255) which is the range of one byte. Most languages represent hexadecimal with a 0x prefix. VB is unusual for having &H as the prefix. Here are the base-10 equivalents:
&H100 = 256
&H109 = 265
&H200 = 512
&H20E = 526
The meanings of these values depends on the API that uses them. If these are window message codes, this MSDN article would be a good place to start.

Fortran: can you explain this formatting string

I have a Fortran program which I need to modify, so I'm reading it and trying to understand. Can you please explain what the formatting string in the following statement means:
write(*,'(1p,(5x,3(1x,g20.10)))') x(jr,1:ncols)
breifly, you are writing three general (g) format floats per line. Each float has a total field width of 20 characters and 10 places to the right of the decimal. Large magnitude numbers are in exponential form.
The 1xs are simply added spaces (which could as well have been accomplished by increasing the field width ie, g21.10 since the numbers are right justified. The 5x puts an additional 5 spaces at the beginning of each line.
The somewhat tricky thing here is tha lead 1p which is a scale factor. It causes the mantissa of all exponential form numbers produced by the following g format to be multiplied by 10, and the exponent changed accordingly, ie instead of the default,
g17.10 -> b0.1234567890E+12
you get:
1p,g17.10 -> b1.2345678900E+11
b denotes a blank in the output. Be sure to allow room for a - in your field width count...
for completeness in the case of scale greater than one the number of decimal places is reduced (preserving the total precision) ie,
3p,g17.10 -> b123.45678900E+09 ! note only 8 digits after the decimal
that is 1p buys you a digit of precision over the default, but you don't get any more. Negative scales cost you precision, preserving the 10 digits:
-7p,g17.10 -> b0.0000000123E+19
I should add, the p scale factor edit descriptor does something completely different on input. Read the docs...
I'd like to add slightly to George's answer. Unfortunately this is a very nasty (IMO) part of Fortran. In general, bear in mind that a Fortran format specification is automatically repeated as long as there are values remaining in the input/output list, so it isn't necessary to provide formats for every value to be processed.
Scale factors
In the output, all floating point values following kP are multiplied by 10k. Fields containing exponents (E) have their exponent reduced by k, unless the exponent format is fixed by using EN (engineering) or ES (scientific) descriptors. Scaling does not apply to G editing, unless the value is such that E editing is applied. Thus, there is a difference between (1P,G20.10) and (1P,F20.10).
A format like n() repeats the descriptors within parentheses n times before proceeding.

RSA-OAEP : How do Cryptographic hash functions expand a number of bits?

First of, this question is not really code related, but i am trying to understand what happens behind the code. Hope someone know the anwser to this one, because it have been troubling me for some time.
I am writing a program in c#, which is using the RSA crypto service provider.
From what i can understand, the class is using SHA1 by standard in its padding.
I have been trying to understand what actually happens during the padding, but can't seem to get my head around a single step in the process.
The algorithm for OAEP that i am currently looking at, is simply the wiki one.
The step that is troubling me is 3). I thought hash functions always returned a certain amount of bits (SHA1 - 160bits), so how can it simply expand the amount of bits to n-k0, which with a standard 1024 key bit-strenght would be 864 bits?
I've never done anything with OAEP, but crypto hash functions (as described in step 3) use a procedure spelled out in Basically, to expand the number of output bits, you 1st repeat the hash with an incremented counter concatenated to the argument being hashed, then concatenate those results until you have enough bits. This technique doesn't add entropy to the result, but does allow you to create a longer output bitstream.
From wikipedia:
If you want a key that's dklen long, and your crypto hash function U only outputs hlen bits:
DK = T1 || T2 || ... || Tdklen/hlen
Ti = F(Password, Salt, Iterations, i)
F(Password, Salt, Iterations, i) = U1 ^ U2 ^ ... ^ Uc
U1 = PRF(Password, Salt || INT_msb(i))
U2 = PRF(Password, U1)
Uc = PRF(Password, Uc-1)
(If you only need one iteration of the cryptographic hash function, c=1, so you don't need the XOR operator ^, and for each i, you only need to calculate U1)
Specifically for OAEP, the recommendation is to use an algorithm called MGF1, which operates. By repeatedly hashing a seed and a counter, and concatenating the results together, the spe I fixation comes from RfC 2437
From the RfC text, where Z is the seed and l is the length of the output:
3.For counter from 0 to {l / hLen}-1, do the following:
a.Convert counter to an octet string C of length 4 with the
primitive I2OSP: C = I2OSP (counter, 4)
b.Concatenate the hash of the seed Z and C to the octet string T:
T = T || Hash (Z || C)
4.Output the leading l octets of T as the octet string mask.

How can I use SYNCSORT to format a Packed Decimal field with a specifc sign value?

I want to use SYNCSORT to force all Packed Decimal fields to a negative sign value. The critical requirement is the 2nd nibble must be Hex 'D'. I have a method that works but it seems much too complex. In keeping with the KISS principle, I'm hoping someone has a better method. Perhaps using a bit mask on the last 4 bits? Here is the code I have come up with. Is there a better way?
* This sort logic is intended to force all Packed Decimal amounts to
* have a negative sign with a B'....1101' value (Hex 'xD').
In the code that processes the VSAM file, can you change the read logic to GET with KEY GTEQ and check for < 0 on the result instead of doing a specific keyed read?
If you did that, you could accept all three negative packed values xA, xB and xD.
Have you considered writing an E15 user exit? The E15 user exit lets you
manipulate records as they are input to the sort process. In this case you would have a
REXX, COBOL or other LE compatible language subroutine patch the packed decimal sign field as it is input to the sort process. No need to split into multiple files to be merged later on.
Here is a link to example JCL
for invoking an E15 exit from DFSORT (same JCL for SYNCSORT). Chapter 4 of this reference
describes how to develop User Exit routines, again this is a DFSORT manual but I believe SyncSort is
fully compatible in this respect. Writing a user exit is no different than writing any other subroutine - get the linkage right and the rest is easy.
This is a very general outline, but I hope it helps.
Okay, it took some digging but NEALB's suggestion to seek help on MVSFORUMS.COM paid off... here is the final result. The OUTREC logic used with SORT/MERGE replaces OUTFIL and takes advantage of new capabilities (IFTHEN, WHEN and OVERLAY) in Syncsort 1.3 that I didn't realize existed. It pays to have current documentation available!
* This MERGE logic is intended to assert that the Packed Decimal
* field has a negative sign with a B'....1101' value (Hex X'.D').
OUTREC IFTHEN=(WHEN=(32,1,BI,NE,B'....1..1',OR,
Looking at the last byte of a packed field is possible. You want positive/unsigned to negative, so if it is greater than -1, subtract it from zero.
From a short-lived Answer by MikeC, it is now known that the data contains non-preferred signs (that is, it can contain A through F in the low-order half-byte, whereas a preferred sign would be C (positive) or D (negative). F is unsigned, treated as positive.
This is tested with DFSORT. It should work with SyncSORT. Turns out that DFSORT can understand a negative packed-decimal zero, but it will not create a negative packed-decimal zero (it will allow a zoned-decimal negative zero to be created from a negative zero packed-decimal).
The idea is that a non-preferred sign is valid and will be accurately signed for input to a decimal machine instruction, but the result will always be a preferred sign, and will be correct. So by adding zero first, the field gets turned into a preferred sign and then the test for -1 will work as expected. With data in the sign-nybble for packed-decimal fields, SORT has some specific and documented behaviours, which just don't happen to help here.
Since there is only one value to deal with to become the negative zero, X'0C', after the normalisation of signs already done, there is a simple test and replacement with a constant of X'0D' for the negative zero. Since the negative zero will not work, the second test is changed from the original minus one to zero.
With non-preferred signs in the data:
With preferred signs in the data:
Note: If non-preferred signs are stuffed through a COBOL program not using compiler option NUMPROC(NOPFD) then results will be "interesting".