How to take screenshot of on MacOS Catalina - screenshot

Just to be clear: I am not talking about AppleTV but the in Mac.OS Catalina.
Usually to take a screenshot you press Shift+Command+3 or +4.
But when you do that within the you will get a black screen as Apple blocked that option.
Any idea how to go about it?


Is there a Way of telling Appleskript to Open Mission control > Screen Mirroring > Select ipad?

So currently I am working on a Macbook Pro which Screen is cracked! the problem is I need to somehow execute a skript that i can activate with the Touchbar of my macbook to tell To
open the Mission Control
Select the Screen Mirroring
Select the Ipad.
Is there any way?
otherwise the Same Would be
Apple Symbol
system settings
click on the plus icon
Select ipad
i am really new to skripting or coding!
But I would be really grateful about some useful links or starting points!
I tried to find some other ways, but the other ways are outdated...According to the skripts I haven't found any thing which brings me closer to solve my problem.
I downloaded a screen mirroring app, but i think there must be a shorter way to use this feature...
Thanks in advance!

IntelliJ doesn't display... at all

I have a bug which is completely over the planet. IntellIJ doesn't display. It's on, yet doesn't display.
It worked well before, last thing I did was re-setting up new dependencies on my code and (nothing to do with that) re-setting SDK for other reasons, both of which shouldn't be linked to display properties.
As you can see it's working, I see the pop up windows:
But doesn't display:
Yet I can see IntelliJ windows with Shift + Tab:
and yes, my screen doesn't duplicate, so it's not hidden in another dimension or something
I tried:
restart computer
uninstall install IntelliJ
uninstall install IntelliJ without previous parameters
try other JetBrains software, like DataGrip, it works and displays well
call a homeopathic doctor
Unsuccessfully. So I knee and await before your judgement of this critical situation.
I have this exact same behavior happen to me when I use IntelliJ at work and then go home and try to use it via Remote Desktop. Its very strange (regardless of which monitor I leave it on at work when I leave).
If I hover over it in the task bar and then hover over the thumbnail for the running app, I can right click and tell it to maximize and it magically comes back into focus. Sometimes I have to tell it to restore and then to maximize before this works.
Occasionally even this doesn't work and I have to close it, re-open, and do the same. It makes no sense, so I understand your frustration.
It works
As John Humphreys - w00te mentionned, click right over the thumbnail (I insist: the thumbnail ! Not the taskbar icon) and then select maximize and voilà.
Bon appétit.
Thanks for your contribution and I hope it will help some people in need here.
I have had this issue when I have moved from a dual monitor setup to a single monitor setup or a different dual monitor set up. The issue here that intellij window seems to save and use the coordinates of the last dual window setup to render the window. It doesn't matter you restart your computer, it will always try and render to that position, even if that position is not visible on the new monitor set up. On windows there is an easy way to fix this issue. Go to your display setting and flip the order of the windows. The intellij window should now be visible. you can drag the window to the your other monitor and re-arrange the windows back to the order you had previously. After that, you can place the intellij window wherever you want.
In my case I noticed there is a 1 pixel thick gray line on my screen, turns out that was the IDEA window and I could resize upon hovering that line. Needless to say it wasn't me shrinking it.
I have this same behavior, It happens to me when I connect a monitor in extended mode and move the intellij window to the monitor, then disconnect without moving it back. No other solution other than to connect to monitor again and bring it back to the original window for me works.
On mac, select the app from the app tray so that the menu for it appears up top. Then on the menu up top, go to Windows->Zoom and it should expand to fill the viewport.
From there you can drag it down to size and reposition.

How do you force shutdown a unresponsive VM with VMWare with a IOS host?

enter image description hereenter image description hereI have windows 10 running on VMWare Fusion on my MacBook pro. I've used it without problem for the past year then today in my class the screen just went black. I cant even see the mouse I scrolled my mouse to the top and was able to get the mac top task bar and was able to close out of the VM and it was suspended but it wont let me shut it down. Anyone know the process I need to take to do this? I know I could always shut the mac down and entirely and restart but don't want to risk damaging the windows image. any help would be appreciated.
Maybe this could work, I used it a few times as well.

Save screenshots on tvOS

The question is very simple, but i haven't found an answer.
How can i take a screenshot on tvOS?
In simulator is straightforward, just File -> Save Screenshot, but on a real device?
I already tried some combination of buttons, but nothing happened.
Let me know. Thank you.
With the Apple TV connected to your development machine via USB.
In XCode from the menu Window -> Devices
Select the Apple TV on the left representing your device.
On the device, configure the screen the way you want to capture it.
Click the Take Screenshot button.
It will save the screenshot to your development Mac
The new screenshot appears on the desktop.
For reference:

iOS 8 beta 5 Today view extension (widget) stuck at Waiting to Attach

I want to debug a today view extension (widget) in iOS 8, so I select the widget under "Scheme" in Xcode, and select my iPhone as the device and hit run. It says "running today-view on iPhone" and on the side bar on the left it says "Waiting to attach". It gets tuck at the "waiting to attach" phase forever and never shows me any debugging info on my iPhone. However this works fine if I select the simulator as my device. After a few seconds of "waiting to attach" in the simulator, the widget comes alive and debugging info is displayed.
Has anybody come across why an extension won't show debugging info on an iPhone but will in the simulator?
Do not stop & start the debugger while notification windows is open in the simulator. Close the notification window. Stop the debugger. Start it again. Debugging widget in iOS8 is very delicate. You need to do everything in a slow non-agressive way (for now).
Edit the extension scheme and make sure that under Run, the Executable option is set to Ask on Launch.
Run the extension scheme.
From the list, select the Today executable.
It should launch the Today app and your extension should be attached to the debugger now.
Close the notification window. It should start working.
I've been able to debug my Today view extensions in this way.
1) Make sure the notification center is dismissed.
2) Stop every process in Xcode with the stop button.
3) Run the extension scheme
4) Pull down the notification center and should hear the usual "app launched" sound from Xcode
5) Debugger will be attached automatically and you'll be able to debug the extension.
Let me know if this works for you.
This happened to me .... Looks like you were doing everything right .... try all the above.
The problem went away when I unplugged and re-plugged in my Phone.
Sometimes click on the widget will fire the running of extension.
Delete the app from your phone
Run the today widget scheme
It worked for me.