Globally Accessible Component Instance - vue.js

In our production applications with Vue 2.x, we have a toast component. This toast component is mounted once via a plugin (code below) and is then added to the Vue prototype making it accessible in every component instance.
This makes life a lot easier instead of having to add the toast to everywhere we use.
Vue 2.x plugin
export default {
install(vue: any, _: any) {
const root = new Vue({ render: (createElement) => createElement(Toast) });
const toastInstance: Toast = root.$children[0] as Toast;
vue.prototype.$toast = {
show: (state: ToastState, text: string) => {, text); },
hide: () => { toastInstance.hide(); }
Which can then be called in any component like:
this.$, "Some success message");
I have recently started another project and would like to do something similar, except using Vue 3. Because we don't have access to this in the setup function, I can't use the same approach as before.
I have been looking into a few things, and have found a few ways of doing it, but none as a definitive best practice.
Provide / Inject:
This seems the most promising, where I can use
export const appInstance = createApp(App);
appInstance.provide("toast", toastComponentInstance)
which I can then inject in any components. The problem with this, is that to get it available in every component, it needs to be attached to the initial app instance, where it hasn't been created yet. Maybe I could manually mount it and pass it in (but that seems like a hack).
I have also looked at this issue here: How to access root context from a composition function in Vue Composition API / Vue 3.0 + TypeScript? but didn't find that very useful and I had to do all types of hacks to actually gain access to the plugin. Gross code below..
export function useToast() {
const root = getCurrentInstance();
const openToast: (options: ToastOptions) => void = (options: ToastOptions) => {
const closeToast: () => void = () => {
return {
I have other ideas but they seem far fetched an hacky. Keen to hear peoples thoughts on other solutions. I just want a simple way to have 1 instance of a toast, that I can call two functions on to open / close it when and where I want.

This is roughly how I'd do it...
I'd use Composition API, because it makes passing around internals easy
(I'm using popup instead of toast for simplicity)
// internal
const popupMessage = Vue.ref('');
const popupVisible = Vue.ref(true);
// external
export const popUpShow = function(message) {
popupMessage.value = message
popupVisible.value = true
export const popupHide = function () {
popupVisible.value = false
export default {
return {
popupMessage, popupVisible, popupHide
Some component, anywhere, composition or class based...
import { popUpShow } from "./myPopup";
export default {
methods: {
myTriggeredEvent() {
popUpShow("I am your Liter")
By exposing popUpShow, which acts as a singleton, you can import that from anywhere, and not have to worry about context.
There the drawback in using this kind of setup/architecture is that it doesn't scale well. The problem happens if your architecture reaches a certain size, and you have multiple triggers coming from various sources that the component needs to have complex logic to handle its state (not likely for this example though). In that case, a managed global store, ie. Vuex, might be a better choice.


Nuxt3 "Never define ref() outside of <script setup>", then how?

from nuxt 3 documentation,
I'm told that I should never define ref outside script setup
since it will "be shared across all users visiting your website and can lead to memory leaks!"
I want to use vueuse's useBreakpoints,
I simply put them in composable and export,
and happily use them all across components.
but I see their type is globalThis.Ref
is it safe to use them as is,
or am I in big trouble as nuxt doc says?
// file: composables/useMedia.ts
import { breakpointsTailwind, useBreakpoints } from '#vueuse/core'
const breakpoints = useBreakpoints(breakpointsTailwind)
export const isDesktop = breakpoints.greaterOrEqual('lg')
export const isTablet = breakpoints.greaterOrEqual('sm') && breakpoints.smaller('lg')
export const isMobile = breakpoints.smaller('sm')
this is closely related to vue's response system
you don't need to worry about memory leaks when using compiler tools like nuxi
however here another problem is that react system cannot determine the dependencies and when to unmount. if you want to declare once and use globally use pinia otherwise use this code:
import { breakpointsTailwind, useBreakpoints } from '#vueuse/core'
export function useMedia() {
const breakpoints = useBreakpoints(breakpointsTailwind)
const isDesktop = breakpoints.greaterOrEqual('lg')
const isTablet = breakpoints.greaterOrEqual('sm') && breakpoints.smaller('lg')
const isMobile = breakpoints.smaller('sm')
return { isDesktop, isTable, isMobile }
and use
const { isDesktop } = useMedia()
note: your code doesn't react when changing the values. if you need response use computed

Redux Toolkit: Async Dispatch won't work in react-native

I'm trying to make some async actions with redux toolkit in react-native. The project runs on redux without any issues, beside the implementation issues for createAsyncThunk.
I used the same logic as described in the docs
Within my Slice, I'm creating the createAsyncThunk Object as follows:
export const fetchAddressList = createAsyncThunk('/users/fetchAddresses', async(thunkAPI) => {
const state = thunkAPI.getState();
console.log("THUNK state.loggedIn: "+state.loggedIn);
return apiHelper.getAddressDataAsync();
It only differs in the export tag before const tag compared to the docs. I had to make it in order to access the fetchAddressList from outside. The apiHelper.getAddressDataAsync() is an async method, that returns the result of a fetch.
Than I added the extraReducers attribute to my slice object.
export const appDataSlice = createSlice({
name: "appDataReducer",
//Some initial variables.
reducers: {
extraReducers: (builder) => {
builder.addCase(fetchAddressList.fulfilled, (state, action) => {
console.log("FULLFILLED::: ",action.payload);
state.addressList = action.payload.addressList;
state.defaultAddressId = action.payload.defaultAddressId;
export const { /*REDUCER_METHOD_NAMES*/ } = appDataSlice.actions;
This slice is stored in the store using configureStore, among other slices, that are definitely working fine.
Calling the fetchAddressList() method using dispatch doesn't do anything:
What exactly am I doing wrong here? Would appreciate any hints.
Are there configurations required within the configureStore()-method when creating the store object?
This is how I create the store object:
export const store = configureStore({
reducer: {
/*Other reducer objects....,*/
appDataReducer: appDataSlice.reducer
Maybe something is missing here...
It was due to wrong usage of the createAsyncThunk()-method. I'd passed the thunkAPI to be as the first (and only) parameter to the inner method, which was linked to user arguments passed through parameters into the initial dispatch method (like dispatch(fetchAddressList("ARG_PASSED_TO_FIRST_PARAMETER_OF_ASNYCTHUNK"));). However thunkAPI is being injected into the second parameter of createAsyncThunk()-method and as a result thunkAPI was undefined, since I hadn't passed any parameters by calling dispatch(fetchAddressList());
It was odd, to not have any errors / exceptions
calling a method of an undefined object though => thunkAPI.getState().
The solution is to use the second parameter for thunkAPI.
You do have two options by doing so.
1 - Either load the whole thunkAPI into the second parameter and use it as so:
export const fetchAddressList = createAsyncThunk('/users/fetchAddresses', async(args, thunkAPI) => {
console.log("TEST: ", thunkAPI.getState());
2 - Or load exported methods by the thunkAPI:
export const fetchAddressList = createAsyncThunk('/users/fetchAddresses', async(args,{getState, dispatch}) => {
console.log("TEST: ", getState());
Both ways will work. Happy coding :)

Vuejs setting the data is not reactive

am completely new to Vuejs, sorry if this is a stupid question.
This is a nuxt app and am using an IntersectionObserver and depends on the element visibility am trying to change the internal state (data). but its not reactive unless i hit the refresh in vue dev tools.
so this is my approach
async mounted(){
let options = {
root: document.querySelector('#scroll-root'),
rootMargin: '0px',
threshold: 1.0
const testimonialStart:any = document.querySelector('#testimonial-start')
let startObserver = new IntersectionObserver(((entries,observer)=>{
}), options);
in the methods
this.testiPrev = st
in the data
return {
there is no issues in the intersection observer, in the console.log am getting the boolean value as expected.
what should i need to do to get reactivity here?
temporary solution:
I found that if I add testiPrev like below inside watch am getting the reactivity.
watch: {
testiPrev: function(){
this made me to ask one more question, do we need to explicitly include all the properties inside watch to achieve reactivity, if any better way please let me know.

Vue component not showing updated Vuex data

I realise this is a common issue with people new to vue and vuex, but I've been using it for two years now and thought I understood the ins and outs. Yet I'm stumped. There must be something I'm overlooking.
We've got a couple of complex models that used to have layouts hard-coded in the front end, and now some of those come from the backend instead, so I added a store module to handle that:
import { ActionTree } from 'vuex';
import { RootState } from '#/store';
import request from '../../services/request';
import layouts from '../../layouts';
export const types = {
const initialState = {
layout: layouts,
const actions: ActionTree<LayoutState, RootState> = {
async [FETCH_LAYOUT]({ commit, state }, id) {
if (!state[id]) {
const layout = await request.get(`layout/${id}`);
commit(types.FETCH_LAYOUT, { layout, id });
const mutations = {
[types.FETCH_LAYOUT](state: any, { layout, id }) {
state.layout[id] = layout;
export default {
namespaced: true,
state: initialState,
getters: {},
Everything here seems to work fine: the request goes out, response comes back, state is updated. I've verified that that works. I've got two components using this, one of them the parent of the other (and there's a lot of instances of the child). They're far to big to copy them here, but the import part is simply this:
computed: {
layout: (state: any) => {
console.log('mapState: ', state.layout, state.layout.layout[state.modelName]);
return state.layout.layout[state.modelName];
This console.log doesn't trigger. Or actually it looks like it does trigger in the parent, but not in the children. If I change anything in the front-end code and it automatically loads those changes, the child components do have the correct layout, which makes sense because it's already in the store when the components are rerendered. But doing a reload of the page, they lose it again, because the components render before the layout returns, and they somehow don't update.
I'm baffled why this doesn't work, especially since it does seem to work in the parent. Both use mapState in the same way. Both instantiate the component with Vue.component(name, definition). I suppose I could pass the layout down as a parameter, but I'd rather not because it's global data, and I want to understand how this can fail. I've considered if maybe the state.layout[id] = layout might not trigger an automatic update, but it looks like it should, and the parent component does receive the update. I originally had state[id] = layout, which also didn't work.
Using Vue 2.6.11 and Vuex 3.3.0

VueJS reactive binding to module export

I'm new to Vue and I'm trying to bind a component value to a property of an exported object. The initial value is set correctly but it's not reactive. I'm not sure I'm using the right terminology, but the relevant sections are
// Settings.js
export const settings = { showOverlay: true }
// Overlay.vue
<div v-show="enabled"> Some stuff </div>
import { settings } from "../js/Settings.js";
export default {
data() {
return {
enabled: settings.showOverlay
Now, I know that the exported object (settings) is a read-only view onto the object, because that's how modules work, so probably Vue can't put its hooks into it. The thing is, I want the setting to be "owned" by this Settings service, which is responsible for persisting the values between page loads, but I don't feel like the service should have to be aware that the component wants to watch a value and take care of manually triggering updates on the component when the value changes -- I probably just misunderstand the pattern I'm supposed to use for cases like this.
This is being built with Webpack / babel, if that makes any difference.
I'm feeling a little bit sheepish at the moment. I went down a little rabbit hole based on some syntax I saw in your question and that let to a whole bunch of unnecessary gyrations. The syntax was this:
data() {
return {
enabled: settings.showOverlay
Which, for some reason, I interpreted as "well sure, whenever enabled changes, settings.showOverlay is going to change because Vue is reactive".
Yeah, no.
In that code, settings.showOverlay is just the initial value for the enabled property. The enabled property will be reactive, but in no way is it going to pass values to the settings object. Basically the data function returns an object with an enabled property that has an initial value of whatever settings.showOverlay is and then that object is turned into a reactive object.
If you want the changes made in Vue to be passed along to your settings object then all you need to do is expose the settings object on Vue's data object.
data() {
return {
Now if you have code like
<div v-show="settings.showOverlay"> Some stuff </div>
<button #click="settings.showOverlay= !settings.showOverlay"></button>
settings.showOverlay will not only be reactive in the Vue, but in the settings object. No need for any of the hoops I jumped through below (/facepalm).
FWIW I believe some of the links I mentioned in the comments are referring to the data object itself. The data object needs to be a plain javascript object, not necessarily all the properties on it.
In other words, in
data() {
return something
something must be a plain javascript object.
Original Answer
I've done this in a couple ways in my Vue apps. In my first app I wanted to do the same thing, store the settings in an external module that could manage persisting the settings and expose those settings on my Vue. I ended up writing a class that looks like this.
class Settings {
// read settings from persisted solution
// return "key" from settings
// set "key" in settings
// save settings to persisted solution
export default Settings
And then used that in my Vue like this.
import Settings from "./settings"
new Vue({
someSetting: Settings.get("someSetting")
And then some point later, trigger set() and save(). That point for me was whenever a route change was triggered, I'd just set all the settings back to the Settings object and then save.
It sounds like what you have is you're exporting an object that has getter/setter properties possibly something like this.
export const settings = {
overlay: stored.showOverlay,
get showOverlay(){
return this.overlay
set showOverlay(v){
this.overlay = v
Where you maybe trigger a save when set is triggered. I like that idea better than the solution I described above. But getting it to work is a little more work. First I tried using a computed.
new Vue({
showOverlay: {
get(){ return settings.showOverlay }
set(v) { settings.showOverlay = v }
But that doesn't quite work because it doesn't reflect changes to the Vue. That makes sense because Vue doesn't really know the value changed. Adding a $forceUpdate to the setter doesn't work either, I expect because of the caching nature of computed values. Using a computed in combination with a data property, however, does work.
new Vue({
return {
showOverlay_internal: settings.showOverlay
showOverlay: {
get(){ return this.showOverlay_internal }
set(v) {
settings.showOverlay = v
this.showOverlayInternal = v
That changes both the state of the Vue and triggers the change in the settings object (which in turn can trigger persisting it).
But, damn, that's a lot of work.
It's important to remember sometimes, though, that the objects we use to instantiate Vue are just plain old javascript objects and we can manipulate them. I wondered if I could write some code that creates the data property and the computed value for us. Taking a cue from Vuex, yes we can.
What I ended up with was this.
import {settings, mapSetting} from "./settings"
const definition = {
mapSetting(definition, "showOverlay"
export default definition
mapSetting does all the work we did above for us. showOverlay is now a computed property that reacts to changes in Vue and updates our settings object. The only drawback at the moment is that it exposes a showOverlay_internal data property. I'm not sure how much that matters. It could be improved to map multiple properties at a time.
Here is the complete code I wrote that uses localStorage as a persistence medium.
function saveData(s){
localStorage.setItem("settings", JSON.stringify(s))
let stored = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("settings"))
if (null == stored) {
stored = {}
export const settings = {
overlay: stored.showOverlay,
get showOverlay(){
return this.overlay
set showOverlay(v){
this.overlay = v
function generateDataFn(definition, setting, internalName){
let originalDataFn =
return function(){
let data = originalDataFn ? originalDataFn() : {}
data[internalName] = settings[setting]
return data
function generateComputed(internalName, setting){
return {
return this[internalName]
settings[setting] = v
this[internalName] = v
export function mapSetting(definition, setting){
let internalName = `${setting}_internal` = generateDataFn(definition, setting, internalName)
if (!definition.computed)
definition.computed = {}
definition.computed[setting] = generateComputed(internalName, setting)