I have an oracle table which has date in dd-mm-yyyy and dd/mm/yyyy format in same field. Now i have to convert into one common format - sql

I have an oracle table which has date in dd-mm-yyyy and dd/mm/yyyy format in same field. Now i have to convert into one common format.
Please suggest how to approach this?
I did tried but it is failing as it is failing due to invalid month.
Is there a way i can first identify what format the date is and then based on case statement i might convert.
or something easy way? Please

I trust you've learnt your lesson and you're now going to store these dates in the date data type.
Your two different date formats actually aren't important, Oracle already is a little over accepting when it comes to separating characters.
Does not error
I did tried but it is failing as it is failing due to invalid month.
Your error is coming because you've allowed a value that doesn't match either of those formats into your string column.
If you are on version 12.2 at least (which you should be in 2020) then you can use the validate_conversion function to identify rows that don't convert to a date with your format (https://docs.oracle.com/en/database/oracle/oracle-database/12.2/sqlrf/VALIDATE_CONVERSION.html#GUID-DC485EEB-CB6D-42EF-97AA-4487884CB2CD)
select string_column
from my_table
where validate_conversion(string_column AS DATE,'dd/mm/yyyy') = 0
The other additional helper we got in 12.2 was the on conversion error clause of to_date. So you can do.
alter table my_table add my_date date;
update my_table set my_date = to_date(my_string default null on conversion error,'dd/mm/yyyy');

If you are confident that there is no other format than those two, a simple approach is replace():
update mytable set mystring = replace(mystring, '/', '-');
This turns all dates to format dd-mm-yyyy.
I would suggest taking a step forward and convert these strings to a date column.
alter table mytable add mydate date;
update mytable set mydate = to_date(replace(mystring, '/', '-'), 'dd-mm-yyyy');
This will fail if invalid date strings are met. I tend to consider that a good thing, since it clearly signals that this a problem with the data. If you want to avoid that, you can use on conversion error, available starting Oracle 12:
replace(mystring, '/', '-') default null on conversion error,
Then you can remove the string column, which is no longer needed.


How to insert date in SQL date type column?

I have a table with date type column.
I am trying to insert date in it:
But I get an error:
Please give me to make the correct query to put the date
Easy fix::
INSERT INTO t(dob) VALUES(DATE '2015-12-17');
Assuming this is an Oracle question based on the ORA-01843 error message, the problem appears to be in the date formatting as the error suggests.
In the provided example does the date '6-3-2012' mean '3 March 2012' or 'June 6, 2012?' The answer lies within the NLS_DATE_FORMAT parameter.
Out of the box, the Oracle date format is DD-MON-RR. So your corrected date format is either '03-MAR-12' or '06-JUN-12.' If the NLS_DATE_FORMAT has not been changed.
Never try to insert a string into a date column! If you have a string, use the to_date function with an explicit date format (and use 4 digit dates).
Relying on nls_date_format to implicitly convert your strings is just asking for trouble (like you just did), it can very easily change, even some apps will change it themselves.
The date literal (date '2015-12-17' https://docs.oracle.com/cd/B19306_01/server.102/b14200/sql_elements003.htm#BABGIGCJ) always uses the same date format so that might be okay for ad hoc statements but you need to be aware that it is literal by name and literal by nature. They don't support bind variables so you will end up writing unshareable SQL to chew up your shared pool.

Convert YYYYMMDD to MM/DD/YYYY in Snowflake

I need help in figuring out the date conversion logic in Snowflake. The documentation isn't clear enough on this.
In SQL Server, I would try
SELECT CONVERT(DATE, '20200730', 101)
and it gives me '07/30/2020'.
If I try the following in Snowflake,
to_varchar('20200730'::date, 'mm/dd/yyyy')
it gives me '08/22/1970'. Why would it give an entire different date? Need help in getting the logic with the correct date.
The issue with what you are doing is that you are assuming that Snowflake is converting your string of '20200730'::DATE to 2020-07-03. It's not. You need to specify your input format of a date. So, 2 options based on your question being a bit vague:
If you have a string in a table and you wish to transform that into a date and then present it back as a formatted string:
If the field in the table is already a date, then you just need to apply the TO_VARCHAR() piece directly against that field.
Unlike SQL Server, Snowflake stores date fields in the same format regardless of what you provide it. You need to use the TO_VARCHAR in order to format that date in a different way...or ALTER SESSION SET DATE_OUTPUT_FORMAT will also work.
Try select to_varchar(TO_DATE( '20200730', 'YYYYMMDD' ), 'MM/DD/YYYY'); which produces 2020-07-30
You may need to refer to https://docs.snowflake.com/en/user-guide/date-time-input-output.html#timestamp-formats

DB2 Convert Number to Date

For some reason (I have no control over this) dates are stored as Integers in an iSeries AS400 DB2 system that I need to query. E.g. today will be stored as:
Being in the UK I need it to be like the below in Date format:
This is from my query: (OAORDT = date field)
Date(SUBSTR( CHAR( OAORDT ),7,2) ||'/' || SUBSTR(CHAR ( OAORDT ),5,2) || '/' || SUBSTR(CHAR (OAORDT ),1,4)) AS "Order Date"
from some.table
However, all I get is Nulls. If I remove the Date function, then it does work but its now a string, which I don't want:
SUBSTR( CHAR( OAORDT ),7,2) ||'/' || SUBSTR(CHAR ( OAORDT ),5,2) || '/' || SUBSTR(CHAR (OAORDT ),1,4) AS "Order Date"
from some.table
How do I convert the OAORDT field to Date?
Just to update - I will be querying this from MS SQL Server using an OpenQuery
1) How do I convert the OAORDT field to Date?
Simplest is to use TIMESTAMP_FORMAT :
2) Being in the UK I need it to be [...] in Date format 21/12/2017 :
Note, you didn't specify where you are doing this, but since you tagged as ibm-midrange, I am answering for embedded SQL. If you want JDBC, or ODBC, or interactive SQL, the concept is similar, just the means of achieving it is different.
Make sure SQL is using dates in the correct format, it defaults to *ISO. For you it should be *EUR. In RPG, you can do it this way:
exec sql set option *datfmt = *EUR;
Make sure that set option is the first SQL statement in your program, I generally put it immediately between D and C specs.
Note that this is not an optimal solution for a program. Best practice is to set the RPG and SQL date formats both to *ISO. I like to do that explicitly. RPG date format is set by
ctl-opt DatFmt(*ISO);
SQL date format is set by
exec sql set option *datfmt = *ISO;
Now all internal dates are processed in *ISO format, and have no year range limitation (year can be 0001 - 9999). And you can display or print in any format you please. Likewise, you can receive input in any format you please.
Edit Dates are a unique beast. Not every language, nor OS knows how to handle them. If you are looking for a Date value, the only format you need to specify is the format of the string you are converting to a Date. You don't need to (can't) specify the internal format of the Date field, and the external format of a Date field can be mostly anything you want, and different each time you use it. So when you use TIMESTAMP_FORMAT() as #Stavr00 mentioned:
The format provided is not the format of the Date field, but the format of the data being converted to a Timestamp. Then the Date() function converts the Timestamp value into a Date value. At this point format doesn't matter because regardless of which external format you have specified by *DATFMT, the timestamp is in the internal timestamp format, and the date value is in the internal date format. The next time the format matters is when you present the Date value to a user as a string or number. At that point the format can be set to *ISO, *EUR, *USA, *JIS, *YMD, *MDY, *DMY, or *JUL, and in some cases *LONGJUL and the *Cxxx formats are available.
Since none of variants suited my needs I've came out with my own.
It is as simple as:
select * from yourschema.yourtable where yourdate = int(CURRENT DATE - 1 days) - 19000000;
This days thing is leap year-aware and suits most needs fine.
Same way days can be turned to months or years.
No need for heavy artillery like VARCHAR_FORMAT/TIMESTAMP_FORMAT.
Below worked for me:
select date(substring(trim(DateCharCol), 1, 2)||'/'||substring(trim(DateCharCol), 3, 2)||'/'||'20'||substring(trim(DateCharCol), 5, 2)) from yourTable where TableCol =?;

SQL Date Format Conversion

I have a question regarding SQL dates.
The table I am working with has a date field in the following format: "22-SEP-08". The field is a date column.
I am trying to figure out how to output records from 1/1/2000 to present day.
The code below is not filtering the date field:
Select distinct entity.lt_date
from feed.entitytable entity
where entity.lt_date >= '2000-01-01'
Any help regarding this issue is much appreciated. Thanks!
Edit: I am using Oracle SQL Developer to write my code.
DATEs do not have "a format". Any format you see is applied by the application displaying the date value.
You can either change the configuration of SQL Developer to display dates in a different format, or you can use to_char() to format the date the way you want.
The reason your statement does not work, is most probably because of the implicit data type conversion that you are relying on.
'2000-01-01' is a string value, not a date. And the string is converted using the NLS settings of your session. Given the fact that you see dates displayed as DD-MON-YY means that that is the format that is used by the evil implicit data type conversion. You should supply date values always as real date literals.
There are two ways of specifying a real date literal. The first is ANSI SQL and simple uses the keyword DATE in front of an ISO formatted string:
where entity.lt_date >= DATE '2000-01-01'
Note the DATE keyword in front of the string, wich makes it a real date literal not a string expression.
The other option is to use to_date() to convert a character value into a date:
where entity.lt_date >= to_date('2000-01-01', 'yyyy-mm-dd');
More details about specifying date literals can be found in the manual:
Date literals
to_date function
My guess is the data type isn't a Date. Just in case its a char type, try to convert it using the Oracle TO_DATE() function. The Oracle documentation below should help you with parameters.
An implicit datatype conversion bites once again.
You're right. The predicate is not doing the comparison you are expecting,
Oracle is performing an implicit datatype conversion, from DATE to VARCHAR, so that it can do a comparison to the string literal.
If lt_date column is DATE datatype, then Oracle is seeing your where clause:
where entity.lt_date >= '2000-01-01'
Oracle is actually seeing it as if it's written like this:
where TO_CHAR(entity.lt_date) >= '2000-01-01'
And that's where the "format" problem comes in. The column itself does not have a "format". Because the second argument to the TO_CHAR function is not supplied, Oracle is using the value of the NLS_DATE_FORMAT parameter (from your session). And that's probably set to DD-MON-YY. Which is why that's the "format" you're seeing when you a run a SELECT statement in SQL*Plus. Because the DATE value is (again) being run through a TO_CHAR function to get a string that can be displayed.
To get the "filtering" you want, don't do a comparison to a string literal. Instead, do the comparison to an expression that has DATE datatype.
You can use the Oracle TO_DATE function. And you don't want to rely on setting of NLS_DATE_FORMAT, explicitly specify the format model as the second argument to the function. For example:
where entity.lt_date >= TO_DATE('2000-01-01','YYYY-MM-DD')
It's also possible to specify the format model as the second argument to the TO_CHAR function.
where TO_CHAR(entity.lt_date,'YYYY-MM-DD') >= '2001-01-01'
But you don't want to do that because that's going to force Oracle to evaluate that expression on the left side for every flipping row in the table, so it has a string value to do the comparison. (That's true unless someone created a function-based index for you.) If you do the comparison on the bare column, using the TO_DATE on the literal side, Oracle can make effective use of an appropriate index (with lt_date as the leading column) to satisfy the predicate.

creating table in Oracle with Date

I want to create a table in Oracle 10g and I want to specify the date format for my date column. If I use the below syntax:
create table datetest(
startdate date);
Then the date column will accept the date format DD-MON-YY which I dont want.
I want the syntax for my date column to be MM-DD-YYYY
Please let me know how to proceed with this.
A DATE has no inherent format. It is not simply a string that happens to represent a date. Oracle has its own internal format for storing date values.
Formats come into play when actual date values need to be converted into strings or vice versa, which of course happens a lot since interactively we write dates out as strings.
The default date format for your database is determined by the settings NLS_DATE_FORMAT, which you probably have set to DD-MON-YYYY (which I believe is the default setting for American English locales). You can change this at the database level or for a single session for convenience, but in general it is safer programming practice to be explicit so that you don't get errors or, worse, wrong results if your code is run in a different environment.
The simplest way to specify a date value unambiguously is a date literal, which is the word 'date' followed by a string representing the date in YYYY-MM-DD format, e.g. date '2012-11-13'. The Oracle parser directly translates this into the corresponding internal date value.
If you want to use a different format, then I recommend explicitly using TO_CHAR/TO_DATE with your desired format model in your code. Examples:
INSERT INTO my_table (my_date) VALUES ( TO_DATE( '11-13-2012', 'MM-DD-YYYY' ) );
SELECT TO_CHAR( my_date, 'MM-DD-YYYY' ) FROM my_table;
dates rdo not have a format like you're suggesting. they are stored internally as a 7 byte number. to format the date when selecting, please use TO_CHAR(yourdatefield, 'format')
where formats are all shown here: http://docs.oracle.com/cd/B19306_01/server.102/b14200/sql_elements004.htm#i34924
eg to_char(startdate, 'mm-dd-yyyy')