How can I display only "text type" questions of a given survey in LimeSurvey? - yii

I am new to Limesurvey.
I want to display all the questions of a given survey , and only display the questions that are text type.
How can I do it?
Thank you in advance.

Is the display of either all question or only the text-type questions conditional?
If yes you could either put all text-type questions in one group or use relevance. There is really not enough information in your question.


SQL - User Stats table?

I am working on a multi-choice questions web-app. A user will have to answer 50 to 100 multiple-choice questions. The number of possible answers for each question can differ from 3 to 4 but there is only 1 correct answer.
I would like to create a page stats where the user can come back to the answered questions and see what answer he did select. I am not sure what would be the proper way to do that.
So far I have:
users table
questions table
answers table
I would organize the answers table like this:
In that way:
you will not have columns with null values,
you can have questions with more than 3-4 answers too without adding any extra column
you can have questions with multiple right answers too
Then, you will need a table, which holds the user's answers:
Now, you can easily construct a query, which shows the required data.

Circular relationship in DB design

I've some doubts about my database design. I've four tables that follow the following rules:
One form can have many questions (0..n).
One form can have many responses (0..n).
A question belongs to one form (1).
A response belongs to one form (1).
A response have many anwers to a question (Answer table) (0..n).
An Answer belongs to an specific question of a form(1).
The design has led to a circular looking dependency graph like the following:
Form <------------------------------- Question
^ ^
| |
| |
Response <---------------------------- Answer
Can anyone help me? Thanks for all.
The approach seems wrong. "One form can have many questions. One form can have many answer. An answer belongs to one form."
No, an answer should refer to a specific question. If a question belongs to a form, then the answers do belong to that form implicitly, but only indirectly, because they belong to a question.
It boils down to:
One form can have many questions.
One question can have many answers.
In the form of tables:
table form (form_id, ...)
table question (question_id, question_text, ..., form_id)
table answer (answer_id, answer_text, ..., question_id)
UPDATE according to latest request edit:
So you have forms, questions and aswers as shown above. Additionally you want to store the responses. A response contains several answers and some statistics.
table response (response_id, form_id, submit_time, ...)
table response_answer (response_id, answer_id)

convert row data into columns in sql server

I am working to create a report for our users which provides the data as to what questions and answers users answered for a certain conference. The questions for each conference are unique, so I don't know in advance the number of questions.
My data is currently showing up as follows
I want the data to be laid out this way
currently I'm using max case to accomplish this, but as mentioned before all conferences have varying degrees of sessions, so I have to change my query every time for each conference to ensure that the correct question_id and session_id is being used.
There's gotta be a better way...please help.
Thanks in advance.

MS Access & Queries

Looking for a bit of help for an Access/Query question pertaining to a homework assignment that has 6 separate questions. I have completed all but one. The assignment wants me to do the following query.
The name, unit price, and quantity ordered for all products purchased by a customer whose id is entered from the keyboard.
Is there a function I'm overlooking for the ID entity criteria? I've looked and searched but cannot find how to add that part into the query. Thanks in advance for any help.
You can accomplish this by making the ID criteria a parameter. Access will then pop up an input form that lets you enter the value of the parameter.
You can read more here and here.

what is the best way to record users searches and count how many times it has been queried?

I am not sure what SQL is exactly, databases I think, would SQL be the thing to use?
I want it so that when a user types into a search box it displays a "did-you-mean" box, that also shows how many other people used that term but I will do later ;)
currently I just want the text to be saved into database (?) and also how many times it's been done.
(new to stackoverflow so sorry if format/whatever is bad)
You just need a three table named something like search_queries which has columns for: id, search_text, and count. Everytime somebody searches just increment the count column where search_text is equal to what they searched for. This is a really broad question though and you need to start by learning the basics and report back here with more specific questions.