Pass no value to function with default parameters - kotlin

I have this Kotlin function:
fun doSomething(user: User = defaultUser) {
//do something
and I call it from another place:
val user: User? = getUser()
if (user == null) {
} else {
Is it possible to improve this code? I think this "if/else" is a little bit messy. Is possible to do something like this?
doSomething(user ?: NoValue)

You can cut it down to user?.run(::doSomething) ?: doSomething() (if doSomething doesn't return null) but I don't know why you'd want to!
Honestly the if/else reads nice to me, stick it on one line without the braces and it's nice and compact. Unfortunately I don't think you can conditionally add parameters into a function call (and handling default parameters can get unnwieldy when you have a few).
I agree with #benjiii, it might be better to have a nullable parameter and handle the default internally, if you don't need to use null as a legit value

You could do something like this:
getUser()?.let { // user is not null
} ?: run { // user is null here
(cf: Swift 'if let' statement equivalent in Kotlin)
I don't think you could do something shorter without making the code hard to understand Edit 2: Actually you can, see the comment
Edit: I would personally handle the nullable variable inside the function like this:
fun doSomething(user: User?) {
val correctUser = user ?: defaultUser
//do something
so you can use the function like this:

I agree with cactustictacs, just putting it on one line is clear and simple. However, if you use it often and it's bothering you, it's easy enough to wrap it in a function without the default parameter:
fun doSomethingSensibly(user: User?) =
if (user == null)
Which can be used as:


Kotlin: mark function argument after sanitizing it into a new variable as "do not use this anymore"

To start: this question is already kind of resolved for me. But the discussion might be interesting.
I like code so let's look at this function:
fun foo(path: Path) {
val absPath = path.normalize().absolute() // sanitizing
doSomethingWith(path) // this is unsafe use because path is not sanitized
doSomethingWith(absPath) // this is safe because we are using the sanitized absPath value
Kotlin function parameters are always val, therefore we are required to create a new variable if we want to derive from it's value.
We can choose between using a new name or using an old name and annotating it with #Suppress("NAME_SHADOWING") to not get the Name shadowed: ... warning.
I'm looking for something like
fun foo(path: Path) {
val absPath = path.normalize().absolute()
#DoNotUseAnymore path
doSomethingWith(path) // should give a warning/error
doSomethingWith(absPath) // is fine
Do you know something like that? Or do you think I'm fiddling around at the wrong end of the equation and should just learn to not feel like doing bad stuff when using the #Suppress-annotation? Since I like to code, this is what I mean:
fun foo(path: Path) {
val path = path.normalize().absolute() // sanitizing
doSomethingWith(path) // there is only one sanitized variable so we are safe
In some way this method is the cleanest one... I probably stick to that... Should I publish this question now? Well... maybe :)

refactor if to takeIf and return "return" without label kotlin

I am trying to write more idiomatic Kotlin code and I am stuck with the best way to refactor this if condition. Basically when the condition if true (fragment is GenericActionsBottomSheetDialog instance in a list of Fragments) I return the funcion itself.
Here is what I had and how I refactored it. Is there better way to achieve it? After my refactoring it get worse:
Before refactor:
supportFragmentManager.fragments.iterator().forEach {
if (it is GenericActionsBottomSheetDialog)
After refactor:
supportFragmentManager.fragments.iterator().forEach { it ->
it.apply {
takeIf { it is GenericActionsBottomSheetDialog }?.apply { return }}}
If this forEach is the only thing in your current function (which it should IMO), you could get rid of the non-local return by using takeWhile instead:
.takeWhile { it !is GenericActionsBottomSheetDialog }
.forEach {
// do stuff
/!\ be careful that this changes semantics if there is other stuff after the forEach in the same function declared with fun.
If you expect many fragments in the list, you could also use asSequence() before takeWhile so you don't create an intermediate list.
Here's one possibility, which separates the decision from the action:
if (supportFragmentManager.fragments.any{ it is GenericActionsBottomSheetDialog })
I think this approach makes the intent clearest. (It's also about the most efficient.)
any() simply checks each item in turn, stopping when it finds a match (or when it reaches the end of the list). Kotlin has many functions like this (inspired by functional programming languages) that use lambdas to operate on lists and other structures. They tend to be named for what they do, rather than how they do it — which makes code using them both short and easy to read. (You should be writing code for people to read, as much as for computers to execute!)
For completeness, here's another approach, which uses filterIsInstance():
if (supportFragmentManager.fragments
There are bound to be many other ways. But I agree with the commenter that your ‘refactored’ approach, while using many more Kotlin functions, has little else to recommend it!
This is an opinion based question, and answers cannot be any different.
That being said: there is nothing wrong with if clauses. From what I can see from your current question, I'd leave it with an if.
Now, if you really do not want to use it, filter elements that are not of type GenericActionsBottomSheetDialog and apply whatever function you want on them (the part that is in your else clause, which we do not see).
In case you only want to check if the object of the GenericActionsBottomSheetDialog exists in the collection, you can perhaps do it like this:
val dialogExists = supportFragmentManager.fragments
.firstOrNull { it is GenericActionsBottomSheetDialog} != null
if (dialogExists) {
#gidds solution is IMO the most idiomatic one:
if (supportFragmentManager.fragments
.any { it is GenericActionsBottomSheetDialog }) return
I would like to add this solution eliminating the if:
.firstOrNull { it is GenericActionsBottomSheetDialog }
?.run { return }
It's a matter of taste which one you pick, I prefer the first one.
I was wondering why you use the iterator? You could simply do:
supportFragmentManager.fragments.forEach {

Is it considered bad convention when in iterating through two maps, I don't check if key exists in one of them?

I have two maps, let's call them oneMap and twoMap.
I am iterating through all the keys in oneMap, and if the key exists in twoMap I do something
fun exampleFunc(oneMap: Map<String, Any>, twoMap: Map<String, Any>) {
for((oneMapKey, oneMapVal) in oneMap) {
if (twoMap.containsKey(oneMapKey)) {
val twoMapVal = twoMap[oneMapKey]
if (twoMapVal == oneMapVal) {
//do more stuff
//do more stuff, I have more if statements
To avoid having more nested if statements, I was wondering if instead I could get rid of the
if (twoMap.containsKey(oneMapKey)) check. if twoMap doesn't contain the oneMapKey, we get a null object, and my code still works fine. I was wondering if this is considered bad convention though
fun exampleFunc(oneMap: Map<String, Any>, twoMap: Map<String, Any>) {
for((oneMapKey, oneMapVal) in oneMap) {
val twoMapVal = twoMap[oneMapKey]
if (twoMapVal == oneMapVal) {
//do more stuff
//do more stuff, I have more if statements
It depends. Do you wanna execute the "more stuff" or not?
If you do not wanna execute it you should keep the if condition. Though, if you are concerned about indentation (and deep if hierarchies) you can consider breaking out of the loop:
for((oneMapKey, oneMapVal) in oneMap) {
if (!twoMap.contains(oneMapKey)) continue // continue with next iteration
// do more stuff
If your map does not contain null values you can also get the value and check if the result was null (which means the key was not present in the map):
for((oneMapKey, oneMapVal) in oneMap) {
val twoMapVal: Any = twoMap[oneMapKey] ?: continue // continue with next iteration
// do more stuff
So its always good practice the remove useless code and (in my opinion) to have less if-hierarchies, as you can easily loose focus when you have lots of nested conditions.
As Tenfour04 says, omitting the containsKey() check is only an option if the map values aren't nullable; if they are, then []/get() gives no way to distinguish between a missing mapping and a mapping to a null value.
But if not (or if you want to ignore null values anyway), then I'd certainly consider omitting the check; the resulting code would be slightly shorter and slightly more efficient, without losing clarity or maintainability.  It could also avoid a potential race condition.  (Though in a multi-threaded situation, I'd be considering more robust protection!)
One variation is to use let() along with the safe-call ?. operator to restrict it to non-null cases:
for ((oneMapKey, oneMapVal) in oneMap) {
twoMap[oneMapKey]?.let { twoMapVal ->
if (twoMapVal == oneMapVal) {
// Do more stuff
// Do more stuff
Using ?.let() this way seems to be a fairly common idiom in Kotlin, so it should be fairly transparent.

Simplify testing of a null variable in an IF statement

In Kotlin I have this (which will not compile):
var list: MutableList<String>? = null
if (list.isNotEmpty()) {
This will compile:
var list: MutableList<String>? = null
if (list!!.isNotEmpty()) {
However, if list is null, a runtime exception will occur. I could do this:
var list: MutableList<String>? = null
if ((list != null) && list.isNotEmpty()) {
But this seems to be repetitive everywhere you need to test if something is null. Is there a more eloquent way of doing this in Kotlin?
In the specific case of checking if the list is not null or empty you can use:
if (!list.isNullOrEmpty())
For a list, it's better to avoid handling null state instead handle only empty and non-empty state. refer
Saying that, we don't need to explicitly check for null check and only empty check alone should do the trick.
var list : MutableList<String> = mutableListOf()
list.takeIf { it.isNotEmpty() }?.forEach { println(it) }
We can use
to check whether the list is empty or not.
The first way add this line
list = list?:MutableList<String>()
Second way
val isEmpty = list.isEmpty()?:false
Third way
if (!list.isNullOrEmpty())
as #AndroidDev suggested
Why are getting an error? Since !! require non-null. if the object is null then it will throw NPE
I think most can be done with the safe operator ?. itself. So if you just want to iterate over the list (or reduce, map, or whatever), you can just simply do so directly:
val sumExpression = list?.joinToString("+") { it.someValue } ?: throw exception? use default value?
list?.forEach { println("an entry in the list: $it") } // if there are entries, just iterate over them... if not, there is nothing to do
list?.also {
consume(it) // consume now is only called if the list is not null
Enhancing it then with a condition is also rather easy with takeIf or takeUnless (depending on what you require):
list?.takeIf { it.isNotEmpty() }
Now you still have a nullable list and can again call any of the desired functions as shown before:
list?.takeIf( it.isNotEmpty() }?.also {
Also a variant instead of list.isNullOrEmpty() (already shown by gpuntos answer) is to compare the possible null value to the expected outcome, e.g.:
if(list?.isNotEmpty() == true) {
// do something with the non-empty list
In case it is null the condition simplifies to basically null == true which is false. However I wouldn't overuse that too much as then you don't see the actual nullable types so easily anymore. Such a usage may make sense, if what you are trying to calculate isn't already supported in its own extension function (as is with isNullOrEmpty()), e.g. for entering the if only if the count is 4 it makes sense to use something like: if (list?.count() == 4)...

Option Chaining instead of if/else

Is there a more succint way to write the following code using option chaining and/or the elvis operator?
email.addSubject(if (creator != null) String.format( inviteDescription, creator) else String.format(inviteDescriptionNoCreator, group))
It feels like there should be.
Using the normal IF expression
val subject = if (creator != null) {
} else {
The Elvis Operator
val subject = creator?.let {
} ?: inviteDescriptionNoCreator.format(group)
If the goal is to write the shortest code possible then you could go with a single line Elvis operator. But if the goal is a readable code, I would choose the simple if expression or a multi line Elvis operator. I would even go one step ahead and move it to a separate method. But whatever you choose, please don't write everything in a single long line, rather put it in separate lines.
Just taking advantage of ?. and ?: gives us the following:
email.addSubject(creator?.let { String.format(inviteDescription, it) } ?: String.format(inviteDescriptionNoCreator, group))
Unfortunately, that's still quite long and is arguably not much easier to read. You could shave off a bit more by using the String.format extension function:
email.addSubject(creator?.let { inviteDescription.format(it) } ?: inviteDescriptionNoCreator.format(group))