I have problems visualising tables created with Numpy on VS code:
As you can see the contrast is very poor. Any suggestion on how to tune its appearance?
This should accomplish what you're looking for, but might not be the most elegant solution:
File > Preferences > Settings (or use shortcut Ctrl+, on Windows)
Paste #ext:ms-python.python data science ignore vscode theme into the search box
Toggle Ignore Vscode Theme checkbox to ON
Restart VS Code
The contrast issue will hopefully be fixed by VS Code now using a light theme for all Jupyter Notebooks.
Why does VSC (Intellisense?) not recognize certain functions/variables in the Python environment? (see the underlined text in the attached photo). It's working fine for C (using C/C++ extension), otherwise. I am using the Atom One theme and for the C environment every word/command seems to have some color. I tried reinstalling the extensions and going through the settings the best I could, but I can't figure it out.
As a side question, why do I get colored paths in Terminal on my Windows machine (see bottom part of the attached picture), but not on my Mac? Is there some default setting for this that's activated only on Windows? I am a fan of it and I'd like to get my Mac showing some colors too.
Regarding the terminal text colors, I found the solution here: Color theme for VS Code integrated terminal.
And here, for more detailed info: https://code.visualstudio.com/api/references/theme-color
As far as variable colors changes for Python, this was useful: Make VSCode Variables have Colour
I created a new project in PyCharm, however, color coding is not carrying over. Intellisense seems to not work either.
I have already tried switching themes and messing with the source directory, but nothing changes.
I would expect the above screenshot to be color coded based on the theme I am using, darcula in this case. Also, boto3 is not installed, so I would expect an error outside of a typo.
Solution was main.py was seen as a text file even though *.py is seens as python. Weird, don't know how that happened, but I went to File -> Settings -> Editor -> File Types, deleted that association and it worked.
I wanted to make Intellij IDEA on windows look like the one on OS X Because in
my opinion it looks much better, so I installed MacType, I was able to get the
editor font render correctly, but when I change the UI font to match OS X's UI
font, The text gets cut off in some places. The font I am trying to use is
Lucida Grande size 15. You can see it for yourself in the picture
Intellij UI Text getting cut: https://i.stack.imgur.com/4jnda.png
But if I remove disable MacType rendering, everything works fine, but it looks bad.
Intellij UI Text without MacType rendering: https://i.stack.imgur.com/AJEUl.png
I've tried changing MacType's settings, but nothing works!
I am on Windows 10 Creators Update with Intellij IDEA 2017.2
Any help would be appreciated.
I found the answer myself! Apparently if you open the mactype profile you are using with notepad, and paste the following text at the end of the file:
Then all the fonts will render correctly. Note, this does not only work for Intellij IDEA, but also all other java applications and a few others. To achieve this, all you have to do is replace "idea64.exe" with the name of the app executable. An example is for the 32-bit version of Intellij, you would replace "idea64.exe" with "idea.exe".
More information can be found here: https://github.com/snowie2000/mactype/wiki/ClipBoxFix
I've been trying to find if there is a way to make the PowerShell integrated console commands code the same color as the color theme in VS Code.
So far everything I've found has only been about the theme colors for code inside files but nothing about changing the integrated console code colors. I'm not even sure if this is possible inside the integrated PowerShell console.
I would have expected that you could change the colours using the Set-PSReadLineOption command as you can in the terminal but whilst Get-ReadLineOption returns results Set-PsReadLineOption does not change the colours so I expect that it is not possible
Also you won't be able to match the formatting exactly anyway as the colours available in Set-PsReadlineOption and the options are not compatible
I'm trying to compare different learning-rate-decays using Tensorflow. Therefore I visualize the cost functions in Tensorboard ('EVENTS'-tab). My problem is that the different plots of the functions are in very similar colors making it hard to compare them. Is there any possibility to change those colors?
Just create different summary writes with different log files for each learning rate. Then launch the tensorboard tool using:
tensorboard --logdir=tag1:/path/to/summary/one,tag2:/path/to/summary/two
There's currently no way to change those colors, but a recent release has made the colors more differentiated. Try updating and seeing if that helps.
This is very far from an actual solution, but in case someone only wants to change the colors for a screenshot in a paper or presentation its a quick workaround:
Open your browser dev tools (F12)
Search for the color code you want to change (the default orange is #ff7043) and replace it with the color you want
As suggested here, creating (and pointing tensorboard to) a symlink of a run's logdir is one workaround to change the color used to plot that run.