How do you query 3 different models in Rails w/ PostgreSQL? - sql

I need to write a query in Rails that involves 3 different models. I need to know which Subscriptions are delivereable. But delivereable is not a column in Subscription but in BasePlan.
class BasePlan
has_many :plans
class Plan
has_many :subscriptions
class Subscription
belongs_to :plan
I've tried joining all three models together to no success:
Subscription.joins(:plans).joins(:base_plans).where(queried_column: true)
What would be the right way to write the query?

Subscription needs to know about it's relationship to :base_plans for your code to work.
class Subscription
belongs_to :plan
has_one :base_plan, through: :plan

Using #SteveTurczyn 's answer, you could query like this:
Subscription.joins(:base_plan).where(base_plans: { queried_column: true }). You need to first define the through relationship as Steve suggests, then you can traverse the relationship to get the column you need to check on BasePlan.


Reverse merge for an active record

I'm facing an Rails (and finally a pur SQL) issue.
I have 3 tables (models). Event / User / Invitation
class Event < ApplicationRecord
has_many :invitations
class User < ApplicationRecord
has_many :invitations
has_many :events, through: :invitations
class Invitation < ApplicationRecord
belongs_to :event
belongs_to :user
I want to list all events where a specific user does not have invitation.
Contraints (very important in my case):
I'm starting my request by Event.
Basically, I would say it's the opposite of a merge, like a merge.not(
The only solution I found is:
But obviously, I don't like it. 2 queries that might be somehow merge into a single one.
Any idea?
use select instead of pluck, it will create sub-query instead pulling records from database. Rails ActiveRecord Subqueries

Rails4 query help, find unique records with has_many though and a joining model

I have the following table structure
manufacturers --> products ---> available_sizes_products <-- sizes
and the following models
class Manufacturer < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :products
class Product < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :sizes, :through => :available_sizes_products
has_many :available_sizes_products
class AvailableProductSize < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :sizes
belongs_to :products
class Size < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :products, :through => :available_sizes_products
has_many :available_sizes_products
I need to get a unique list of manufacturers, that have products in size "XL" or "L" for example.I'm getting lost in the chaining of joins etc.
class Manufacturer < ActiveRecord::Base
def self.with_sizes(sizes=[])
#sizes = Sizes.find(sizes)
Can someone help me with that ? Trying to do the Rails 4 way rather than drop down to SQL, since I need the query to run on several DBS
First of all you have to use single form of noun in belongs_to expression.
And for the query try this one:
Manufacturer.includes(:products).where(products: (size: "XL"))
I use "includes" to avoid N+1 query. Otherwise it will send two queries: one for Manufacturers and one for products. Write back, if this one doesn't fit your need.
BTW, if you want to use exactly joining, write joins instead of includes.
Everything is here:
and here:
After going through the docs for joins
this is what worked :
Manufacturer.joins(products: :sizes).where(sizes: {id:ids}).distinct
This Rails way returns the model correctly.

Rails 3 has_many :through accessing attributes

I am working with a has_many through for the first time, and despite a lot of reading here and in the guide I am not understanding the correct way to access attributes on the through table. My tables are the same as this example from another post.
class Product < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :collaborators
has_many :users, :through => :collaborators
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :collaborators
has_many :products, :through => :collaborators
class Collaborator < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :product
belongs_to :user
Assuming that the collaborators table has additional attributes, say hours_spent, what is the correct way to find the hours_spent from the collaborator table for a particular user and product?
When I have found my users via the product, and am iterating over them as in
#product.users.each do |user|
This seems to work
I get the correct value, but since there should only be one collaborator record for each User/Product pair, the index is throwing me off, making me think I’m doing something wrong.
Thank you for reading!
Perhaps I am not getting the has_many through concept. Maybe a MySQL example would help.
What I was thinking is that if I did
SELECT * FROM collaborators where user_id = 1;
I would expect a set (zero or more) as the result. Similarly
SELECT * FROM collaborators where product_id = 1;
would also give me a set, but
SELECT * FROM collaborators where user_id = 1 and product_id = 1;
would give at most 1 row.
If I am understanding properly, all 3 queries return a set. So I guess I need some kind of uniqueness constraint, but that would have to be a compound key of sorts, on both of the belongs to keys. Is that even possible? Is there a structure that better models this?
Thanks so much for the quick and helpful responses!
There may be a single database row per pair, but when considering a single user, that user can be associated to many products, so a user can have many rows in the collaborators table. Similarly, when considering a single product, that product can be associated to many users, so a product can have many rows in the collaborators table.
Also, instead of using user.collaborators[0].hours_spent, use user.collaborators.first.try(:hours_spent) (which may return null), if you only want the first collaborator's hours spent.
If a single user can only have one single product and a single product can only have a single user, then switch the has_many's to has_one's for everything.
Update: The preceding is the answer to the original question which has since been clarified via comments. See comments for detail and see comments on other answer by Peter.
Perhaps you should use has_and_belongs_to_many. If your Collaborator is used only to make link between User and Product without having more fields.
class Product < ActiveRecord::Base
has_and_belongs_to_many :users
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
has_and_belongs_to_many :products
The beetween migration would be:
class CreateUsersProducts < ActiveRecord::Migration
def change
create_table "users_products", :id => false do |t|
t.integer :user_id
t.integer :product_id
After implementing this, what I found was that I think I had the correct relationships setup, I had to use the has_many :though as users could have many products, and it needed to be :through because there are additional attributes on the collaborator table. The sticking point was how to get there to only be a single Collaborator record for each user/product pair, and then how do I guarantee I got it. And to this point the answer I've found is it has to be done in code.
To make sure there is only a single record for each pair, I used
class Collaborator < ActiveRecord::Base
validates :product_id, :presence => true, :uniqueness => {:scope => [:user_id], :message => "This is a duplicate join"}
And then to make doubly sure I'm finding the right record, I have a scope
scope :collaboration_instance, lambda {|p_id, u_id| where("collaborations.product_id = ? && collaborations.user_id = ?", p_id, u_id)}
If someone has a more elegant solution, or just wants to improve this one, please post and I will change yours to the selected answer.

Retrieving sublist 3 level deep in Rails

I have a datamodel that contains a Project, which contains a list of Suggestions, and each Suggestion is created by a User. Is there a way that I can create a list of all distinct Users that made Suggestions within a Project?
I'm using Mongoid 3. I was thinking something like this, but it doesn't work:
#project = Project.find(params[:id])
#users =
#users.push(#project.suggestions.user) <-- this doesn't work
Any ideas? Here's my model structure:
class Project
include Mongoid::Document
has_many :suggestions, :dependent => :destroy
class Suggestion
include Mongoid::Document
belongs_to :author, class_name: "User", :inverse_of => :suggestions
belongs_to :project
class User
include Mongoid::Document
has_many :suggestions, :inverse_of => :author
While Mongoid can give MongoDB the semblance of relationships, and MongoDB can hold foreign key fields, there's no underlying support for these relationships. Here are a few options that might help you get the solution you were looking for:
Option 1: Denormalize the data relevant to your patterns of access
In other words, duplicate some of the data to help you make your frequent types of queries efficient. You could do this in one of a few ways.
One way would be to add a new array field to User perhaps called suggested_project_ids. You could alternatively add a new array field to Project called suggesting_user_ids. In either case, you would have to make sure you update this array of ObjectIds whenever a Suggestion is made. MongoDB makes this easier with $addToSet. Querying from Mongoid then looks something like this:
User.where(suggested_project_ids: some_project_id)
Option 2: Denormalize the data (similar to Option 1), but let Mongoid manage the relationships
class Project
has_and_belongs_to_many :suggesting_users, class_name: "User", inverse_of: :suggested_projects
class User
has_and_belongs_to_many :suggested_projects, class_name: "Project", inverse_of: :suggesting_users
From here, you would still need to manage the addition of suggesting users to the projects when new suggestions are made, but you can do so with the objects themselves. Mongoid will handle the set logic under the hood. Afterwards, finding the unique set of users making suggestions on projects looks like this:
Option 3: Perform two queries to get your result
Depending on the number of users that make suggestions on each project, you might be able to get away without performing any denormalization, but instead just make two queries.
First, get the list of user ids that made suggestions on a project.
author_ids =
users = User.find(author_ids)
In your Project class add this :
has_many :users, :through => :suggestions
You'll then be able to do :
More info on :through here :
For mongoid, take a look at this answer :
How to implement has_many :through relationships with Mongoid and mongodb?

Filter based on model attribute has_many relationship through, rails 3?

I have a simple question, but can't seem to find any solution, though I have found things that are similar, but just not exactly what I am looking for.
I have an application where a User has many Assets through the class UserAsset. I want to be able to do current_user.user_assets , but I only want to return records that have an Asset with a specified field value of "active".
This post is similar but I need to use the main model not the join model as a filter.
class UserAsset < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :asset
belongs_to :user
class Asset < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :user_assets
has_many :users, :through => :user_assets
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :user_assets
has_many :assets, :through => :user_assets
I tried setting the default scope on Asset, and also some conditions on the has many (user_assets) relationship, but rails is failing to consider the join on the Assets table. ie Unknown column '' in 'where clause'. Trying to achieve the following:
#active_user_assets = current_user.user_assets #only where = true
So how do I use conditions or scopes to achieve this? I need the user_asset object because it contains info about the relationship that is relevant.
Thanks in advance!
You want current_user.assets, then your scopes should work.
Oh, but you want the user_assets. Hmm. I think you need the :include clause to find() but where to put it, I can't be arsed to think of right now.
current_user.user_assets.find(:all, :include => :assets).where('', true)
(I'm not on Rails 3 yet, so that's going to be mangled)
Are you using :through when you really want a HABTM?