Streamsets Jython evaluator - jython

I need a code on how to check all field of a record if it contains a certain string and write a header attribute if it has that character. Please see code below:
for record in records:
if record.value == "":
record.attributes["DATA"] = "BAD"
record.attributes["DATA"] = "GOOD"
If anyone know another way to do this that would be great!!! record.values['/*'] doesnt work for me to get all the column.

Here's another rather compact way of writing it.
for (key,val) in record.value.iteritems():
if val == "some_string_value":
record.attributes["DATA"] = "some_header_value"

For anyone facing the same problem, this might help!
for record in records:
for key in record.value:
if record.value[key] == "":
record.attributes["DATA"] = key


How to how to create a Dataframe based on a condition

I want to create a new DataFrame from another for rows that meet a condition such as:
uk_cities_df['location'] = cities_df['El Tarter'].where(cities_df['AD'] == 'GB')
but the resulting uk_cities_df is returning NaN.
The csv file that I am needing to extract from has no headers so it used the first row values for such. I need to only include rows in uk_cities_df include the ISO code "GB" so "El Tarter" denotes the values for location and "AD" for iso code.
Could you please provide a visual of what uk_cities_df and cities_df look like ?
From what I can gather, I think you might be looking for the .loc operator,
you could try for example :
uk_cities_df['location'] = cities_df.loc[cities_df['AD'] == 'GB']['location']
Also, I did not really get what role 'El Tarter' plays here, maybe you could give more details ?

Talend - Dynamic Column Name (Enterprise version)

Can anyone help me solve this case?
I have much file to process, two of them is like on below screenshot with my expected output.
I use this transformation on Talend: tFileList---tInputExcel---tUnpivotRow---tMap---tPostgresqlOutput
The output is different to my expected output. This is the screenshot of the output
Can anyone help me to reach my expected output which is like on my first picture above?
This will be pretty hard. You'd have to handle that as a text file. And whenever you found "store" value in the first column you'd update your type with the value.
Here's how I'd start:
Basically tJavaFlex begin piece would contain:
String col1Type
String colNType
main part:
if input_row.col0.equalsIgnoreCase("store") {
col1Type = input_row.col1;
col2Type = input_row.col2;
colNType = input_row.colN;
continue; /*(so this record will be Ignored for the rest of the components!)*/
output_row.col1Type = col1Type;
output_row.col1Value = Integer.valueOf(input_row.col1);
/*coz we have text and need numbers :( */
I think using propagate results will save you from writing down all the other fields.
And from here it would be very simple as you have key-type-value-type-value-type-value results.

Mule ESB: How to do Condition checking in Datamapper using Xpath

i'm facing issue in xpath-I need do a check two attribute values, if the condition satisfies need to do hard code my own value. Below is my xml.
I need to check the condition like inside subroot- if ItemType=Table1 and ItemCondition=Chair1 then i have to give a hard coded value 'Proceed'( this hard coded value i will map to target side of datamapper).
....Will have multiple subroot
I have tried to define rules as below, but it is throwing error
Type: String
Xpath: substring("Proceed", 1 div boolean(/SubRoot[ItemType="Table1" and ItemCondition="Chair1"]))
But it is throwing error like
net.sf.saxon.trans.XPathException: Arithmetic operator is not defined for arguments of types (xs:integer, xs:boolean)
Is there any other shortcut way to perform this.Could you please help me, i have given lot more effort. Not able to resolve it. Thanks in advance.
I am not sure where you are applying this but the XPath expression you are looking for is:
fn:contains(/Root/SubRoot[2]/ItemCondition, "chair") and fn:contains(/Root/SubRoot[2]/ItemType, "Table")
So here is an example returning "Proceed" or "Stop" as appropriate:
if (fn:contains(/Root/SubRoot[1]/ItemCondition, "Chair") and fn:contains(/Root/SubRoot[2]/ItemType, "Table")) then 'Proceed' else 'Stop'
To implement the above condition , i was initially tired to do in xpath, gave me lot of error. I have implemented by simple if else condition in script part of data mapper
if ( (input.ItemType == 'Table') and (input.ItemCondition == 'chair')) {
output.Item = 'Proceed'}
else {
output.Item = 'Stop '};
Make sure about your precedence. Example, Here in the xml structure( or converted POJO) ItemType has to be checked first then followed with ItemCondition.
&& not seems to be working for me, change to 'and' operator
If you were first time trying to implement the logic. It may help you.

ruby on rails store sql result on a variable

Newbie here. I am trying to store the result of my search onto a variable.
#answer = which runs
"SELECT name FROM "answers" WHERE "answers"."question_id" = 1;" and returns
"t" for true.
It runs fine on the command line and shows the right result. But I want to compare that result to another variable.
How do i extract that result? #answer[0], or #answer, or answer_var = #answer[0]
if #answer == some_other_variable OR
if #answer[0] == some_other_variable OR
if answer_var == some_other_variable
what value do #answer[0] and #answer[0] hold and how can I print the value to the log file? not the web page. I know it must be simple, but I can't get my head around it.
It's not really an answer to your question but...
If you want to follow "the rails way", you should better use Models and not deal with SQL at all.
E.g. :
#answer = q.answers.first # answers is an array, take the first
if == ...
For the logging, I suggest you that :

Why am I getting the Missing Operator error?

I keep getting the same error: Missing Operator. I have looked over this code three times and cannot find it. Can someone with a keen eye please help?
WHERE ([Letter Status].[Letter_Status] = “Agreed” AND [Research].[Site] = 9)
OR ([Telephone Status].[Details]= “Agreed” AND [Research].[Site] = 9)
I'm not sure about that “”
Maybe is from this post, but change them to "" :
WHERE ([Letter Status].[Letter_Status] = "Agreed" AND [Research].[Site] = 9)
OR ([Telephone Status].[Details]= "Agreed" AND [Research].[Site] = 9)
Usually it is a misspelled table or field name, two spaces instead of just one, a space instead of "_", any missing letter or something like that.
Create a new query in MS Access and put the whole query in, then run it. The Access GUI most probably tells you more detailed what exactly is missing here.