How to test FCM push notification to a device via a token ID - firebase-cloud-messaging

According to the documentation, I need to do the following:
Open the Notifications composer and select New notification.
Enter the message text.
Select Send test message.
In the field labeled Add an FCM registration token, enter the registration token you obtained in a previous section of this guide.
Click Test
But when I compose a notification, the pop-up looks like this and there is nowhere to add the token ID of the device; not to mention that there is no "Test" button. Am I missing something?

The pop-up you shared appears when you click on the "Review" button at the bottom of the page. You can find the "Send test message" button on the right side of the page under "Device preview" section. After you click on "Send test message", a pop-up will be shown where you can add an FCM registration token and click on the "Test" button.


Telegrambot Deep Linking

I am using deep linking ({botname}/start=foo) in my text so that I can interact with my bot by clicking on the link, unfortunately when I click on the link the START button pops up and I can't exchange data with my bot without clicking on the START button, how can I do this without clicking on the START button?

Handle Choose Account PopUp in Appium

Hey there is an app called Raaga when i open the app it shows me an popup
that says
choose an account For Raaga in which i want to just ignore that popup
can you tell me how can i do that
More about that pop: That is the similar type of the popup that is shown us when we open the playstore and get a popup to select the username

An error occurs in the setting in BigQuery's DataTransferService

Click on "ttransfer" in BQ's WebUI, enter customerID etc and press "add", the user's selection will appear.
If you press "next" on the next screen, you will return to BQ's webUI and the following error message will be displayed:
Error when creating new transfer
How can I fix this?
Most likely, there was an OAuth popup that was popup blocked. Please check.
Here are instructions if you are on Chrome:

how to add start button in telegram bot with python-telegran-bot sdk?

I want to write a simple bot for telegram with python-telegram-bot SDK. I want to show a "START" keyboard button instead of typing "/start" command to work with my bot. How to do this with python-telegram-bot?
As I know when you start using a bot for the first time telegram shows that start button itself but after the first message is sent you won't see that keyboard button anymore all you need to do is clearing the bot's history to see that again.
On the other hand if you want to have a keyboard button that can be shown anytime you want, all you should do is implementing a custom keyboard. You can find useful information about keyboards here.

selenium webdriver to identify the google play store popup

I was trying to identify the element in the google play store using firebug the element was identified by the firebug successfully but when I execute the selenium code it throws Invalid selector exception.
1. Login to playstore with the gmail account.
2. In the search box, type whatsapp and click on install button
3. It opens popup, I wanted to click on dropdown values and then click on install or just click on cancel button
For the cancel button, I wrote the following code:
which is not working.
Try with below cssSelectors
By.cssSelector("div.modal-dialog button[id='purchase-cancel-button']");
This item is currently invisible so you have to make a delay for a couple of seconds, f.e.