Vulkan spec says:
Resolve Attachment
A subpass attachment point, or image view, that is the target of a multisample resolve operation
from the corresponding color attachment at the end of the subpass.
Can I get a more noob-friendly description of what a Resolve Attachment is?
Resolving Multisample Images
During the resolve the samples corresponding to each pixel location in the source are converted to a single sample before being written to the destination. If the source formats are floating-point or normalized types, the sample values for each pixel are resolved in an implementation-dependent manner. If the source formats are integer types, a single sample’s value is selected for each pixel.
docs link
Using a Resolve Attachment you can "downsample" an image. I assume this can be more efficient than issuing a vkCmdResolveImage after the renderpass.
I get this validation message
If a VkSampler created with magFilter or minFilter equal to VK_FILTER_LINEAR and compareEnable equal to VK_FALSE is used to sample a VkImageView as a result of this command, then the image view's format features must contain VK_FORMAT_FEATURE_SAMPLED_IMAGE_FILTER_LINEAR_BIT
But I can't see how to set the image view format features. Any ideas?
The message is telling you that you're using a linear sampler (magFilter or minFilter is VK_FILTER_LINEAR) to sample from an image view whose format doesn't have the VK_FORMAT_FEATURE_SAMPLED_IMAGE_FILTER_LINEAR_BIT feature.
There are two ways to fix this:
Use a different sampler. If you don't need linear filtering, you can use a point sampler instead.
Use a different image view format. If you need linear filtering, you can use a format that supports it.
In a C++/winrt project I have a large number of small svg resources to be loaded from file. Since it would be slow to reload them all from disk at each CreateResources event from the CanvasVirtualControl I have loaded them in advance and stored the data for each in an array. When CreateResources happens my intent is to load a CanvasSvgDocument for each of these by using the CanvasSvgDocument method LoadFromXml(System.string). However, If I create an svgDocument using the resourcecreator, I get an invalid argument crash when calling LoadFromXml(). The resourceCreator argument looks right (VS preview 6 now allows me to see local variables!) and the xml data string argument looks like the valid svg data, so my best guess about the crash is that the data string is the wrong format. The file data is UTF-8. If I convert that to a std::wstring as I must for the LoadFromXml argument can it still be understood as byte data?
For example, I create the std::wstring this way, given a pointer to unsigned char file data and its length in bytes:
m_data_string = std::wstring(data, data + dataLength);
When CreateResources is triggered that datastring is referenced this way:
m_svg = CanvasSvgDocument(resourceCreator);
m_svg.LoadFromXml(resourceCreator, m_data_string);
But LoadFromXml crashes with that invalid parameter error. I see that the length of the data string is correct, but of course that is the number of characters, not the actual size of the data. Could there be a conflict between the UTF-8 attribute in the svg and the fact that it is now recorded as 16-bit characters? If so, how would one load an xml document from such data?
[Update] with the suggestion that I use winrt::to_hstring. I read the unsigned char data into a std::string,
std::string cstring = std::string("");
cstring.assign(data, data + dataLength);
Then I convert that:
m_data_string = winrt::to_hstring(cstring);
And finally try to load an svg as before:
m_svg.LoadFromXml(resourceCreator, m_data_string);
And it crashes as before. I notice that in the debugger that converted string in neither case appeared to be gibberish - in both cases it read in the debugger as the expected svg data. But if this hstring is wide chars wouldn't that be a conflict with the attribute in the svg that identifies it as UTF-8?
[Update] I'm starting to wonder if anyone has ever used CanvasSvgDocument.Draw() to draw an svg loaded from a file. The files are now loading without crashing without any change to their internal encoding reference. But - they won't draw. These files - 239 of them - are UTF-8, svg 1.1, and they display nicely if opened in Edge or any browser. But if I load the file data to an hstring, create a CanvasSvgDocument and then use CanvasSvgDocument.LoadFromXml to load them, they do not draw when called by CanvasSvgDocument's draw method. Other drawing of shapes, etc. works fine during the drawing session. Here is what could be a hint: If I call GetXML() on one of these svgs after it is loaded, what is returned is just this:
<svg xmlns="" xmlns:xlink=""></svg>
That is, the drawing information is not there. Or is this the full extent of what GetXml() is meant to return? That wouldn't seem useful. So perhaps CanvasSvgDocument.LoadFromXml(ResourceCreator, String) doesn't actually work yet?
So I'm back to asking again: is there a way to load a functional CanvasSvgDocument from file data?
My first answer here was wrong: the fault in my code above is that LoadFromXml() is a static method, and someone pointed out to me elsewhere, I was discarding the returned result. It should be theSvg = CanvasSvgDocument::LoadFromXml(string).
Having corrected that, I'm back to the problem of loading UTF-8 data in a method whose argument is a wide-character string. Changing the internal reference to UTF-16 doesn't help after all. Loading the svg with CanvasSvgDocument::LoadAsync(filestream) works, but if I want to load these without re-accessing the disk I will need to find a way to make RandomAccessFileStream from a buffer of bytes and then use LoadAsync. I think. Unless there is some other way to make LoadFromXmL() work - at present it fails with an invalid argument error.
I'm using USQL for Azure data lake project and my input is in JSON format and I'm extracting each line and converting it back to JSON tuple. But the issue is some string lengths are bigger 102400 and Newtonsoft JSON extractor defaults to 102400 maximum length and this is causing failure on these records. Is it possible to change maxJsonLength property to bigger value to handle these large inputs? I found a property MaximumLength in Newtonsoft.Json.XML file inside assemblies, but it is also not working.
Any suggestion is highly appreciated.
Please note that U-SQL currently has a string data type size limit of 128kB (in UTF-8 encoded data). So even if you increase your Newtonsoft properties, you may run into that limit. Can you provide more information on what you are exactly doing and what the exact error message is to provide you more concrete answers?
I'm trying to visualize some data in vtr format. For this purposes I've created a couple npy files by this library, then I've converted this files by PyEVTK into the vtr format (like in the example). But when I'm trying to visualize this data by ParaView, an error appears:
ERROR: In /var/tmp/portage/sci-visualization/paraview-4.0.1-r1/work/ParaView-v4.0.1-source/VTK/IO/XML/vtkXMLDataReader.cxx, line 510
vtkXMLRectilinearGridReader (0x36bb080): Cannot read point data array "Pressure" from PointData in piece 0. The data array in the element may be too short.
Can anybody explain, what exactly means this error message, and what's wrong with the my visualization data?
I made a stupid mistake - data size in header was different from the actual data size, and this was the cause of error.
This error may be coming from the XML header declaration, that may not contain all data needed. You may miss the header_type that contains the size of each info written between each set of data.
<VTKFile type="UnstructuredGrid" version="0.1" byte_order="BigEndian" header_type="UInt64">
I am trying to render PDF content to a GDI device context (a 24bit bitmap to be exact). Parsing the PDF stream into PDF objects and rendering the PDF commands from the content dictionary works well, including font rendering.
Embedded fonts are decompressed from their FontFile streams and "loaded" using AddFontMemResourceEx. Now some embedded fonts remove some TrueType tables that are needed by GDI, like the 'name' table. Because of this, I tried to modify the font by parsing the TrueType subset font into it's tables and modify those tables that have data missing / missing tables are regenerated with as correct information as possible.
I use the Microsoft Font Validator tool to see how "correct" the generated font is. I still get a few errors, like for the maxp table the max values are usually too large (it is a subset) or the xAvgCharWidth field does not equal the calculated value of the 'OS/2' table is not correct but this does not stop other embedded fonts to be useable. The fonts embedded using PDFCreator are the ones that are problematic.
How can I determine what I need to
change to the font file in order for
GDI to be able to use it?
Are there any other font validation
tools that might give me insight
into what is still wrong with the
If needed: I can make an original fontfile and an altered fontfile available for download somewhere.
What modifications are made so far:
Make sure there is a 'head', 'hhea', 'maxp' and 'OS/2' section.
If we have a symbol font, clear out Panose and Unicode fields in the 'OS/2' section
Fill in correct values for WInAscent/Desc and TypoAsc/Desc if they we're zero.
Fill in acceptable values for super/subscript/underline positions and sizes.
Scan all glyphs that are left en fill in X/Y min/max values in head.
Rebuild the name section with information from the PDF file it came from.
Almost a year late, but I found the answer:
The font kind (symbol or not) should be the same for the 'cmap' table and the 'name' table. So if the cmap has a 3,0,4 cmap (MS, symbol, segment delta coding) and the name table contains 3,1,$0409 (MS, Unicode, enUS) entries, the font will not load.
It looks like the presence of a 'symbol cmap' determines if the font is considered a symbol font by Windows; flags in 'OS/2' don't seem to matter.
So if a font seems correct using 'Microsoft Font Validator', check if the symbol/unicode fields line up in the 'cmap' and 'name' tables.
With AddMemoryFont in GDI+ you can check it's Status for any errors in the memory font, like NotTrueTypeFont for example.
One option for GDI may be to try to load the embedded font into a document/form yourself with TTLoadEmbeddedFont and then check any errors returned from the error messages. The only functions that supply more information than this one are CreateFontPackage/MergeFontPackage, and their error codes, but I do fail to see how they can be used in your situation.
Barring all this, have you had a chance to review PDFCreator's source code (assuming you're using the open source one as opposed to the commercial one)?