Property expression of ExpressionStatement expected node to be of a type ["Expression"] but instead got "TSModuleBlock" - react-native

I am upgrading the dependencies of my react-native application from 0.53 to 0.59.
But I am facing the below error while trying to build it using ./gradlew assembleRelease.
#babel/template placeholder "$1": Property expression of ExpressionStatement expected node to be of a type ["Expression"] but instead got "TSModuleBlock".
#babel/template placeholder "$1": Property expression of ExpressionStatement expected node to be of a type ["Expression"] but instead got "TSModuleBlock"
at Object.validate (C:\vs-code-upgraded\node_modules#babel\types\lib\definitions\utils.js:132:11)
at validateField (C:\vs-code-upgraded\node_modules#babel\types\lib\validators\validate.js:24:9)
at validate (C:\vs-code-upgraded\node_modules#babel\types\lib\validators\validate.js:17:3)
at builder (C:\vs-code-upgraded\node_modules#babel\types\lib\builders\builder.js:38:27)
at Object.expressionStatement (C:\vs-code-upgraded\node_modules#babel\types\lib\builders\generated\index.js:316:31)
at applyReplacement (C:\vs-code-upgraded\node_modules#babel\template\lib\populate.js:86:27)
I would like to know if there is possiblity to solve this build error.
thank you in advance.

This might probably due to a namespace being exported which only contain interfaces/types (Not actual classes/functions/objects but type declarations).
A quick fix is to add declare to the exported namespace.
export declare namespace SomeNameSpace
instead of
export namespace SomeNameSpace


Missing Template Arguments for pcl::gpu::EuclideanClusterExtraction in PCL-1.12

I am trying this example to use PCL with GPU and get the error
~/gpu-pcl/main.cpp:85: error: missing template arguments before ‘gec’
pcl::gpu::EuclideanClusterExtraction gec;
I have tried that example with pcl-1.11.1 and it worked well .But when updated to pcl-1.12.1, I get that error.
My work environment:
Ubuntu 18.04,
with Cmake version 3.20,
Is there anything that I have missed out??
In the documentation of pcl1.12:
class pcl::gpu::EuclideanClusterExtraction< PointT >
EuclideanClusterExtraction is a template class, thus the type of point of the point cloud is needed in the position of PointT, for example, PointXYZ.[]

go get wails is not installing properly

Trying to use... golang and wails... but after this...
go get
I am getting this.
../../ cannot use semverVersion (type semver.Version) as type *semver.Version in field value
../../ cannot use s.Version (type *semver.Version) as type semver.Version in argument to constraint.Validate
../../ cannot use s.Version (type *semver.Version) as type semver.Version in argument to constraint.Validate
../../ cannot use c[j].Version (type *semver.Version) as type semver.Version in argument to c[i].Version.LessThan
wails init also not working.
The latest versions of get and golang installed.
any sugestions?
Make sure your shell file has:
export GO111MODULE=on
export PATH=$PATH:~/go/bin
go get was indeed broken by a change in Masterminds/semver, however the official way to install Wails is to ensure you have GO111MODULE=on before installing. This generally will safeguard you from this issue.

XAML UWP Windows Store : error CS0266/warning CS1697 when deploying solution

I've some warning/error when trying to "create App Packages" from a XAML UWP project.
Firstly a warning :
2017\Projects\MyProjectName\MyProjectName\obj\x86\Release\MyPageName.g.cs(1,1,1,194): warning CS1697: Different checksum values given for C:\Users\administrateur\Documents\Visual Studio 2017\Projects\MyProjectName\MyProjectName\MyPageName.xaml
It seem there is a problem with space (the second path is beginning after the last space -before "2017"-). I'm on Win 10.
Ive an cast error too :
1>C:\Users\administrateur\Documents\Visual Studio 2017\Projects\MyProjectName\MyProjectName\obj\x86\Release\MyPageName.g.cs(39,36,39,85): error CS0266: Cannot implicitly convert type 'Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.Button' to 'MyProjectName.MyButtonReturn'. An explicit conversion exists (are you missing a cast?)
MyButtonReturn is a button coded in a class extending Button, the definition of "MyButtonReturn" is :
public sealed class MyButtonReturn : Button
Any help ?
Found the solution, cleaning the solution + building the project on release worked.

'RoutePrefixAttribute' is an ambiguous reference between 'System.Web.Http.RoutePrefixAttribute' and 'System.Web.Mvc.RoutePrefixAttribute'

My MVC WebAPI project has been working fine, but suddenly it doesn't compile and I am getting the following error. I am using Attribute routing. I need both the assemblies reference. I've tried
\packages\Microsoft.AspNet.Mvc.4.0.30506.0 and
Does anyone know how to fix this?
'RoutePrefixAttribute' is an ambiguous reference between 'System.Web.Http.RoutePrefixAttribute' and 'System.Web.Mvc.RoutePrefixAttribute'
'RouteAttribute' is an ambiguous reference between 'System.Web.Http.RouteAttribute'
and 'System.Web.Mvc.RouteAttribute'
Use full name [System.Web.Mvc.RoutePrefix("smt")]or make alias for reference
using a =System.Web.Http;
using b = System.Web.Mvc;

Trying to use MAX(): "Fatal error: Undefined class constant"

$c = new Criteria();
But i get this error:
Fatal error: Undefined class constant
'matricula' in /opt/lampp/htdocs/
prueba/lib/model/MotoPeer.php on line
Any idea?
I'm using symfony 1.4 and propel 1.4.
It means that the class "Moto" doesn't have a variable "matricula" in it. This does not seem to have anything to do with (my)sql, but more with the (php?) class you are using.
Check out the source of that Moto class, and look if you have made a typo in the constant name?