SQL - Finding Percent Of a Total and subtracting to get two new totals - sql

In my SQL course I'm trying to answer a problem in which i'm being asked to find X% of a Total then subtracting that result from the original total to produce another result. Then putting these results (the X% of the total and the total-X% of total) in two new columns.
Example: We need to know how much money we owe Tom and Ted. We have total up sales to $1,000,000.00. We owe Tom 75% of that total. The remainder goes to Ted.
I can't seem to find anything in my readings/videos about this nor a google search that isn't an answers that produces ratios or comparing to other records in the table. Also, not sure about how to get the results into their own columns. Thanks for any advice!
Example of what I got so far:
SELECT SUM(Sale_Amount) From Order_Table
Now I have to find the % of that SUM then subtract it from the SUM and push both results to two new columns, one for the percent of the SUM(Sale_Amount) and one for the remainder.

Given it's an SQL course (and it's not 100% clear what's being asked), I'm not going to give you the total answer, but I'll give you components but you'll need to understand them to put them together.
In SQL, you can
Get totals using SUM and GROUP BY
Do normal maths e.g., SELECT 10000 * 60/100 to get percentages of totals
'Save' results by a) having columns/fields to save them in, and b) UPDATE those fields with relevant data
Note if you're not saving data, and simply reporting them, you can just add those to a SELECT statement e.g., SELECT 100000 AS Total, 100000 * 0.75 AS Toms_Share, 100000 * 0.25 AS Teds_Share.


DATEIME_DIFF throwing error when using safe divide

I've created a query that I'm hoping to use to fill a table with daily budgets at the end of every day. To do this, I just need some simple maths:
monthly budget / number of days left in the month.
Then, at the end of the month, I can SUM all of the rows to calculate an accurate budget.
The query is as follows:
FROM `mm-demo-project.marketing_hub.budget_manager`
When executing the query, my results present as negative numbers, which according to the documentation for this function, is likely caused by the result overflowing the result type.
View the results of the query.
I've made a fools guess at rounding the calculation. Needless to say that it did not work at all.
How can I stop my query from returning negative number?
use below
FROM `mm-demo-project.marketing_hub.budget_manager`

Average 3 rows that contain mm:hh:ss

In my table I have 3 colmuns
T1 T2 T3
I want to average the time in all 3.
My query in design view is set as follows:
Score: Avg([swim]+[bike]+[run])
In total, I have it done as an expression.
When I run the query an example result shows as: 8.81406810035843E-02
Any ideas how I can get it to show the average time over all 3 correctly?
I have also changed the format to hh:nn:ss - The results looks better but not correct
I hope you are looking for this
Score: Avg(([swim]+[bike]+[run])/3)
Using the Avg() funciton, you are making average of every time in column. Adding them together, the resulting time is too huge to show for access. When you average something in one row, you have to add it up and then divide by number of each member.

SQL GROUPING SETS averages with multiple many-to-many dimensions

I have a table of data with the following:
I want to do a GROUPING SETS (Platform,Dt,(Platform,Dt),()) aggregation to be able to find for each combination of Platform and Dt the following:
Total Purchases
Total Unique Users
Average Purchases per User per Day
The first two are simple as these can be achieved via a sum(Total_Purchases) and count(distinct user) respectively.
The problem I have is with the last metric. The result set should look like this but I don't know how to get the last column to be calculated correctly:
For the first ten rows we see that getting the Average purchase per user per day is a simple division of the first two columns as the dimension in these rows represent a single date only. But when we look at the final 3 rows we see that the division is not the way to achieve the desired result. This is because it needs to take an average for each day in turn to get the overall per day amount.
If this isn't clear please let me know and I'll be happy to explain better. This is my first post on this site!

Need to perform some not so straight forward data processing in Access 2010

I have a table in Access that is setup like the one in the photo. What I need to do is this:
For each part no, I want to sum the total Qty for each month and type (Ordered and Demand). Then I need to cap the qty in the rows where the type is = to Orders to the value of the Qty where the type is = to Orders, when the sum of the Qty for Ordered is greater than Demand. Let me try to explain it another way.
I want to look at a subset of the master data, in this case the subset is by part no (rows with identical part numbers). For this subset I want to have two sets of sums. 1. The sum of qty with type = Ordered AND 2. a sum of qty with type = Demand. If the sum for Ordered is greater than demand, I want to change the Qty for Ordered to be the value of the Qty for Demand.
Essentially, the business reason is that for reporting purposes the total Qty for Ordered shouldn't be more than Demand in a given month, for a part number.
Looking at the photo, the rows in red will need to change because the sum of the qty is 30, which is greater than the sum of qty for the green rows (25). The red rows qty should be changed to 20 and 5 to match the green rows.
Whew, hope this made sense because it is hard to explain. I have tried many things for a couple weeks now, and I am a bit fuzzy on the details so I will just give a high level. Ok so what have I tried:
I have tried to join the table to iself, using part no (and date I believe) to join on, but that doesn't work because the sum would somehow be incorrect sometimes.
Pivot the table, using the transform and pivot functions in Access but it's important for me to keep the individual dates in tact and when I pivoted it I had to roll it up on a month basis. This gives me the row structure I need to make the changes but I don't know how to get back the original date format after I am done.
I am guessing I need some VBA code that loops through each part no, but I am not big on VBA code and I don't have much time to learn it. Any suggestions? I know this is long winded but its a complicated problem (at least for me). Thanks in advance.

Calculating a percentage of two "Counts" in SQL in Microsoft Access 2010

I have a Microsoft Access 2010 database of thyroid surgeries. I have a query that counts the number of surgeries in the entire database. I have a second query that counts the number of surgeries performed between certain dates. I created a new query using SQL to calculate the percentage of surgeries in that date range (a percentage of the total surgery number). Here is the code:
((select count(ThyroidSurgeryType)
from [Thyroid Surgeries]
HAVING ([Thyroid Surgeries].SurgeryDate) Between #1/1/2011# And #12/31/2012#)/(select count(ThyroidSurgeryType)
from [Thyroid Surgeries])) AS Percentage
FROM [Thyroid Surgeries];
I get .33 (I then set the row format to percentage to get 33%), but I get 6 rows of 33% as opposed to just one. Why is it displaying this way? Thanks
The way you're using inline queries, you're executing the same query per row of the outer query. So if your table has six rows, you'd be executing it six time (and getting the same result for each query, naturally). You can simplify things by removing the outer query and using an iif expression:
SELECT SUM (IIF (SurgeryDate Between #1/1/2011# And #12/31/2012#, 1, 0)) /
COUNT(ThyroidSurgeryType) AS Percentage
FROM [Thyroid Surgeries];