What is a ContactList in ActiveCampaign API v3 which is returned on a GET request?
GET api/3/contacts?include=contactLists.list,organization
I could not find any information on the contact list neither in the API nor the web application (https://User-Account.activehosted.com) itself. However, the lists are documented and are accessible via the web application.
Thank you for any help
ContactList is the list into which the contact is added which you can see here https://User-Account.activehosted.com/admin/main.php?action=list. By default, the contacts won't be added to any of the lists unless you have explicitly specified any list when adding the contact or you have to manually add the contact to a list from the contacts page (https://User-Account.activehosted.com/app/contacts).
Hope that answers your question. Please ask if you have any doubts.
It seems that API allows to assign users to a task (called an Item in the API) using the body field responsible_uid at the add an item endpoint. However I cannot find a way to list user uids or any other way to get user details anywhere in API documentation.
Official python library todoist-python doesn't provide any way to do this either. So for now it seems I can only create tasks without assigning them to anybody, which is a bummer.
Any advise grately appreciated!
Todoist Sync API
You should first share a project and then you can get all collaborators in the Sync request.
I see either link them directly or visual attribute them. Example: say my website provides a recommendation directly to a user based on their submitted interest, do I just make sure "powered by Foursquare" shows underneath?
Any help would be appreciated! I'm new to tech development
These policies are generally more vague on purpose. Rule of thumb: If you're showing any data to users that isn't your own, it should be clear to them where it's coming from. This is done so the data provider gets proper attribution but also can protect yourself against content being displayed on in your app/site.
For Foursquare specifically, it seems like you would need to include a "Powered by Foursquare" icon and optionally provide a link to the venue if the user may need more information about the place.
I want to be able to show product edit links on the product pages of a Shopify site.
But I only want the link to appear to users who are logged in as admins.
Is this possible in the Liquid syntax?
As far as I am aware, this is still not possible.
See here for more info:
Currently there isn't [a way to do this with liquid]. You could perhaps try inspecting cookies and stuff
to see if there's some identifying information that would let you know
if the user is an admin, but it would be fragile...
An alternative option is to use customer accounts with an 'admin' tag.
I have to get list of comment and rating of my goolge-plus page in json format form this url (test url)
I try in developer section of google-plus page. but i dont get appropriate method to find this. please any body can told me in which section of google developer i found this method. this is the first time i have to integrate any google api.
For your Google+ Page, you can make a call to activities.list using the Google+ Page ID to see all of the public posts that the Page has made, including +1s and comments and reshares on those posts. The documentation explains it well and also has an API explorer which you can try for yourself.
For additional information on a particular post, you can try comments.list--as you mentioned--or activities.get.
For the number of +1s for the Google+ Page specifically, you can try a people.get call using the Page ID.
The Google+ API does provide you with some information you ask for as Joanna states, but I believe what you really are looking for is the Place details within the Google Places API, which provides details about businesses, such as reviews. That API will return ratings and reviews. If you also needed +1s then you'd need to use both APIs.
I am trying to access my company pages in Google+ via its API. However, I can find an endpoint that would return my company page?
I've looked at this endpoint, but I don't see a way of listing all of my companies.
Any ideas?
Instead of the "me", you should be able to use the 21 digit code you'll find in the URL if you look at a page's profile.
You cannot currently determine what pages are owned or managed by a user. You may wish to star this bug to indicate your interest in having this implemented.