Which is the first hook executed on Serverless? - serverless-framework

There is a predefined hook how to default on Serverless? I want to know if the framework execute any hook before and with are these ordered by execution. Looking at the official docs, I can't found any explanation of this in details.
Thanks in advance.

There are also plugins:
where you may trigger scripts depends on the lifecycle events from the serverless framework.
The most complete serverless lifecycle events list.


what is alternative for AuthActions.LOAD_USER_TOKEN_FAIL in sparatcus v3.x

I am using AuthActions.LOAD_USER_TOKEN_FAIL
action for 2.0 but when I migrate to 3.3.0 I am getting error on this as this has been removed.
can you please let me know what is the alternative for this one if I have to track the HTTP error code like v2.0
thanks in advance.
If you are using the standard "credentials" authentication.
You could extend the OOTB AuthService and overirde the loginWithCredentials, keep the same logic but add some additional logic in the catch which is called if the login failed.
I you don't want to add the logic there directly you could create your own LOAD_USER_TOKEN_FAIL and dispatch it from there. Alternatively, you can use the built in Event mechanism to create a new event an observe it elsewhere in the code.

Mobx state tree getting started part 2

Does anyone know if there's a second part of the getting started available?
I can see there is an annotation about the second part but actually there is no link nor any further information about it. At least I can't find it. Anyone knows?
Next up
In part 2 of this tutorial, we will discover how to use MST life cycle hooks and local state to fetch user data from an XHR endpoint, and see how environments will help dealing with dependency injection of the parameters needed to fetch our endpoint. We will implement auto-save using MobX helpers and learn more about patches and actions event streams.
Looks like it's not yet available: https://github.com/mobxjs/mobx-state-tree/commit/877b71c202f5d78b9aff0a5f00173b3634dbb4f6#diff-a39c9f7aa728d5fa3b973bc6ba49228aR596

Integration AutobahnJS with Vue.js

I'm looking for an easy way to integrate Vue.js with AutobahnJS.
I've already checked this repo for guidance/template, but my main problem is that Autobahn has two layers of "wait":
First you create a Connection/Session instance
You wait for it to connect (maybe even retry N times)
Only after this can you access the session methods (subscribe/call/etc..)
With my limited JS knowledge (i'm a backend dev), i have two ideas:
Create a global variable which will be assigned to the autobahn session after connection. This will surely cause cases where the var is not yet set, so I'd have to check it's existence every time I want to subscribe from a vue instance.
Place the Vue init code into the Session connected callback, but then that would delay the whole application, which is obviously bad too.
I'm looking for a simple and efficient solution, not necessarily a full-fledged plugin (which I haven't found anywhere).
Any help/advice is appreciated!
I've been looking for a plugin like this: https://github.com/lajosbencz/vue-wamp
Plugin calls are deferred until autobahn Session is ready, unsubscribe and unregister are automatically called component-wise.

CRM 2013 Custom Action Plugin not firing

Wondering if someone could give me a bit of help.
I am trying to use custom actions from CRM 2013, what I have is a custom action "Clone" defined as below.
I have a very simple clone record plugin that clones the passed in target entity and returns the new entity as an output parameter.
The plugin is registered to fire on the Custom action, my plan was to fire this from JavaScript but the plugin never fired so for the time being to test I have been firing this from another plugin. Using the below code.
The other plugin fires and hits the call to the execute method but the other plugin never seems to fire and the response is always null.
If anyone has any ideas what I am missing that would be great.
Thanks in advance chaps
What just get in my mind is that you have to write your OrganizationRequest("name_of_CustomAction") exactly the same way as you have written named your CA ("..._CLONE")
Have you already tried debugging your PLUGIN ? Do that with the Plugin Registration Tool from Microsoft.
If you've already got this tool just try doing it exactly like this(Step-By-Step Guide how to debug your plugin.

Is it possible to check CloudKit reachability?

Which way do you recommend to check whether CloudKit is reachable but before any operation would start on it?
execute the requestApplicationPermission on the container.
see the documentation at: xcdoc://?url=developer.apple.com/library/prerelease/ios/documentation/CloudKit/Reference/CKContainer_class/index.html
For a working sample you can have a look at: https://github.com/evermeer/EVCloudKitDao