How to run a SQL query in Cloud Formation template to enable Delayed_Durability in AWS RDS - sql

I have a Cloud Formation template to create a SQL DB in the RDS and want to enable Delayed_Durability feature by default in it by running this query:
Is there a way to run this query right after db instance is created through CF template?
My CF template looks like this:
"DBParameterGroupName": {
"Ref": "MyDBParameterGroup"
"MasterUserPassword":{ "Ref" : "dbpass" },
"MonitoringRoleArn": {
"Fn::GetAtt": [
"PubliclyAccessible": false,
"StorageEncrypted": true,

Is there a way to run this query right after db instance is created through CF template?
Depends. If you want to do it from within CloudFormation (CFN) then sadly, you can't do this using plain CFN. To do it from CFN, you would have to develop a custom resource. The resource would be in the form of lambda function. You would pass the DB details to the function in your CFN, and it could run and execute your query. It could also return any results you want to your CFN for further use.
In contrast, if you create your CFN stack using AWS CLI or SDK, then once create-stack call is completed, you can run your query from bash or any programming language you use do deploy your stack.


AWS credentials missing when running userdata in a new EC2

Using terraform scripts, I create a new EC2, add policy to access an S3 bucket, and supply a userdata script that runs aws s3 cp s3://bucket-name/file-name . to copy a file from that S3 bucket, among other commands.
In /var/log/cloud-init-output.log I see fatal error: Unable to locate credentials, presumably caused by executing aws s3 cp ... line. When I execute the same command manually on the EC2 after it's been created, it works fine (which means the EC2 policy for bucket access is correct).
Any ideas why the aws s3 cp command doesn't work during userdata execution but works when the EC2 is already created? Could it be that the S3 access policy is only applied to the EC2 after the EC2 has been fully created (and after userdata has been run)? What should be the correct workaround?
data "aws_iam_policy_document" "ec2_assume_role" {
statement {
effect = "Allow"
actions = [
principals {
type = "Service"
identifiers = [
resource "aws_iam_role" "broker" {
name = "${var.env}-broker-role"
assume_role_policy = data.aws_iam_policy_document.ec2_assume_role.json
force_detach_policies = true
resource "aws_iam_instance_profile" "broker_instance_profile" {
name = "${var.env}-broker-instance-profile"
role =
resource "aws_iam_role_policy" "rabbitmq_ec2_access_to_s3_distro" {
name = "${env}-rabbitmq_ec2_access_to_s3_distro"
role =
policy = data.aws_iam_policy_document.rabbitmq_ec2_access_to_s3_distro.json
data "aws_iam_policy_document" "rabbitmq_ec2_access_to_s3_distro" {
statement {
effect = "Allow"
actions = [
resources = ["arn:aws:s3:::${var.distro_bucket}", "arn:aws:s3:::${var.distro_bucket}/*"]
resource "aws_instance" "rabbitmq_instance" {
iam_instance_profile = ${}
This sounds like a timing issue where cloud-init is executed before the EC2 profile is set/ready to use. In your cloud-init script, I would make a loop to run a particular AWS cli command or even use the metadata server to retrieve information about the IAM credentials of the EC2 instance.
As the documentation states, you receive the following response when querying the endpoint
"Code" : "Success",
"LastUpdated" : "2012-04-26T16:39:16Z",
"Type" : "AWS-HMAC",
"SecretAccessKey" : "wJalrXUtnFEMI/K7MDENG/bPxRfiCYEXAMPLEKEY",
"Token" : "token",
"Expiration" : "2017-05-17T15:09:54Z"
So your cloud-init/user-data script could wait until the Code attribute equals to Success and then proceed with the other operations.

Update BigQuery scheduled query with notificationPubsubTopic fails

I am using the DataServiceTransferClient API/SDK for Node to create scheduled queries in BigQuery with a notificationPubsubTopic. Creating them works fine, no issues. Updating them results in an error:
INVALID_ARGUMENT: notificationPubsubTopic cannot be updated.
How I'm calling it:
const config = {
transferConfig: {
/* other config options */
notificationPubsubTopic: "projects/engineering/topics/test"
updateMask: {
paths: [
Some other info:
The topics I've tested with do exist. I can update the scheduled query in the UI to these other topic with no issue.
Fails even when re-using the already associated topic.
Updates without notificationPubsubTopic succeed. By this I specifically mean I am not passing the notificationPubsubTopic property and have removed it from the updateMask.
The updateMask property needed to be turned into snakecase.
updateMask: {
paths: [
"notification_pubsub_topic" // <--- here
The documentation even shows an example of using camelCasing

How to create a AWS Cognito user with Terraform

I'd like to use Terraform to create AWS Cognito User Pool with one test user. Creating a user pool is quite straightforward:
resource "aws_cognito_user_pool" "users" {
name = "${var.cognito_user_pool_name}"
admin_create_user_config {
allow_admin_create_user_only = true
unused_account_validity_days = 7
However, I cannot find a resource that creates AWS Cognito user. It is doable with AWS Cli
aws cognito-idp admin-create-user --user-pool-id <value> --username <value>
Any idea on how to do it with Terraform?
In order to automate things, it can be done in terraform using a null_resource and local_exec provisioner to execute your aws cli command
resource "aws_cognito_user_pool" "pool" {
name = "mypool"
resource "null_resource" "cognito_user" {
triggers = {
user_pool_id =
provisioner "local-exec" {
command = "aws cognito-idp admin-create-user --user-pool-id ${} --username myuser"
This isn't currently possible directly in Terraform as there isn't a resource that creates users in a user pool.
There is an open issue requesting the feature but no work has yet started on it.
As it is not possible to do that directly through Terraform in opposite to matusko solution I would recommend to use CloudFormation template.
In my opinion it is more elegant because:
it does not require additional applications installed locally
it can be managed by terraform as CF stack can be destroyed by terraform
Simple solution with template could look like below. Have in mind that I skipped not directly related files and resources like provider. Example also contains joining users with groups.
variable "COGITO_USERS_MAIL" {
type = string
description = "On this mail passwords for example users will be sent. It is only method I know for receiving password after automatic user creation."
"Resources" : {
"userFoo": {
"Type" : "AWS::Cognito::UserPoolUser",
"Properties" : {
"UserAttributes" : [
{ "Name": "email", "Value": "${users_mail}"}
"Username" : "foo",
"UserPoolId" : "${user_pool_id}"
"groupFooAdmin": {
"Type" : "AWS::Cognito::UserPoolUserToGroupAttachment",
"Properties" : {
"GroupName" : "${user_pool_group_admin}",
"Username" : "foo",
"UserPoolId" : "${user_pool_id}"
"DependsOn" : "userFoo"
resource "aws_cognito_user_pool" "user_pool" {
name = "cogito-user-pool-name"
resource "aws_cognito_user_pool_domain" "user_pool_domain" {
domain = "somedomain"
user_pool_id =
resource "aws_cognito_user_group" "admin" {
name = "admin"
user_pool_id =
data "template_file" "application_bootstrap" {
template = file("${path.module}/cf_template.json")
vars = {
user_pool_id =
users_mail = var.COGNITO_USERS_MAIL
user_pool_group_admin =
resource "aws_cloudformation_stack" "test_users" {
name = "${var.TAG_PROJECT}-test-users"
template_body = data.template_file.application_bootstrap.rendered
Simple project based on:
Elastic Load Balancer,
Auto Scaling Group,
Spring Boot application
PostgreSQL DB.
Security check is made on ELB and Spring Boot.
This means that ELB can not pass not authorized users to application. And application can do further security check based on PostgreSQL roleswhich are mapped to Cognito roles.
Terraform Project and simple application:
Docker image made out of application code:
More information how to run it in terraform git repository's README.MD.
It should be noted that the aws_cognito_user resource is now supported in the AWS Terraform provider, as documented here:
Version 4.3.0 at time of writing.

How to use a MarkLogic DataHub importFlow from inside another database

I have a usecase that needs to query some data in one database and then use this data as a new input into the MarkLogic DataHub pipeline.
I created a working import and harmonization flow.
Now I want to run the import flow from another database to insert data into th staging database in the dhf.
'use strict';
let id= "/ClueyTest/track/cluey/a2c5c32c-6e99-47c9-8b4d-5b97897509f7.json";
let options = {"dhf.projectName":"ClueyTest", "entity":"Track", "flow":"ImportClueyTracks", "flowType":"input", "dataFormat":"json"};
let rawContent = {
"trackId": "a2c5c32c-6e99-47c9-8b4d-5b97897509f7",
"type": "Feature",
"geometry": {
"type": "LineString",
"coordinates": [
[5.4701967, 51.8190698],
[5.470028, 51.8193624],
[5.470038, 51.8193624],
[5.470048, 51.8193624],
[5.470028, 51.8193634]]
"properties": {
"timestamps": [
"tracktype": "on",
"endTimestamp": "2019-02-14T16:51:07+0100",
"startTimestamp": "2019-02-14T14:46:50+0100"
const clt = require('/entities/clueyTrack/input/ImportClueyTracks/main.sjs');
// the main in the import flow
Obviously you need a working importflow inside your datahub to run this code but the question is about the general usecase how to run an import flow not from gradle but from inside a marklogic database.
All dhf code is sjs.
I think using the Server-Side Library would be most elegant, but I think it does require DataHub v4+:

Google BigQuery connector (Connect Data Studio to BigQuery tables) - I would like to modify this connector to customize for my special requirements

I need to modify the Google Data Studio - Google BigQuery Connector for the customized requirements.
First Question: How could I find the source code for this data connector?
Second question:
According to the guide,, getData(),
Returns the tabular data for the given request.
And the response is in this format
"Spring Sale",
But BigQuery could have 100 millions records in the table. We don't care that it could be 100 millions records, we just give the response in this format anyway?
The existing DS-BQ connector is not open source, hence you won't be able to modify its behavior.
With that said:
The DS-BQ connector has a "smarter" API contract than the open one - queries and filters will be passed down.
Feel free to create your own DS-BQ connector with whatever logic you might require! Community connectors would love your contributions.