Mule 3 Import | The selected folder does not contain a valid Studio project (missing mule-project.xml file) - anypoint-studio

As the error indicates, when I am trying to import a Mule project, I am getting error saying "Missing mule-project.xml" but the source I received does not contain it. Is there any workaround for this please?

Would it be possible to create a new project in the development environment, copy the mule-project.xml file from that to your old project and then, if needed, make manual modifications to the mule-project.xml in the old project?

The doppelganger for this in Mule 4 is the Missing pom.xml.
Same solution suggested by Ivan can be followed in Mule 4 as well.
Just to add more value for this question to help newbies.
Never import an previously exported jar unless it's a mule deployable archive. The pom.xml file needs to be present on the top level of the directory.
If your pom.xml is not present in the root upper most level of the directory, then there is a possible folder manipulation occurred.
To make sure you indeed are using the correct code.
Always check your project structure.
Jar archives tends to manipulate your folder structure as per its needs to properly execute ; Just making them useful for deployments but useless for code rework.


IntelliJ error when package name different than the folder name

I was writing a simple class It's in directory src/two. Now IntelliJ is giving me an error, saying Package name 'three' does not correspond to the file path 'two'. But it also compiles and runs fine.
I already know that a package name should not necessarily be the folder name. But what I am confused is the error. It cannot be the java error as the file would not have run. But then is it IntelliJ error? How can I differentiate between these two errors while writing code? Thanks in advance.
This IDE inspection detects package statements that do not correspond to the project directory structure. Also, reports classes without package statements if the class is not located directly in source root directory.
While it's not strictly mandated by Java language, it's good to keep classes from package com.example.myapp inside the com/example/myapp directory under the source root. Failure to do this may confuse code readers and make some tools working incorrectly.
You can point the cursor at package three and press Alt + Enter to see which fixes the IDE suggest:
Also, you can disable this inspection in the IDE settings if needed:

MSBuild: How can you find out where a specific file is added to _CopyFilesMarkedCopyLocal?

When I build a specific project there is an undesired file being copied into the output from a nuget package during the _CopyFilesMarkedCopyLocal task. I can't determine from the logs or a search of project references why the file is marked CopyLocal. Is there anything logged that could help? Or is there a property or item group that I can start printing out debug messages to track it down?
More details:
The file is part of a Nuget package, but it isn't directly referenced in the project where the copy happens.
The project where the copy happens is part of a large complex .NET Framework application. The project has 5 PackageReference , and 1 ProjectReferences. The ProjectReference project has an additional 17 PackageReferences and 7 ProjectReferences and the tree keeps going.
NuGet will generate obj\...nuget.g.props/.targets file that contains the reference.
This can be controlled via Dependency asset attributes - e.g. setting ExcludeAssets="contentfiles" on the PackageReference.
Using a binary log (adding -bl to msbuild/dotnet build invocations) and opening it in the structured log viewer gives you good search options in the logical build tree and the files / log output which can help find these files.

SpecFlow error on build server

I am getting a strange error on the build server, this does NOT happen locally.
Error during file generation. The target file 'C:...\AcceptanceTest\Features\HelloWorld.feature.cs'
is read-only, but different from the transformation result. This
problem can be a sign of an inconsistent source code package. Compile
and check-in the current version of the file from the development
environment or remove the read-only flag from the generation result.
To compile a solution that contains messaging project on a build
server, you can also exclude the messaging project from the
build-server solution or set the msbuild
project parameter to 'true' in the messaging project file.
I'm not sure what to do to fix this, I don't have a "messaging" project (or know what is being referred too). And the code is the latest
This is the full message (some folder names have been obfuscated):
error : Error during file generation. The target file
is read-only, but different from the transformation result. This
problem can be a sign of an inconsistent source code package. Compile
and check-in the current version of the file from the development
environment or remove the read-only flag from the generation result.
To compile a solution that contains messaging project on a build
server, you can also exclude the messaging project from the
build-server solution or set the msbuild
project parameter to 'true' in the messaging project file.
error : Could not find file
: error : Generation error: Could not find file
Delete HelloWorld.feature.cs from source control.
TFS will checkout files as read-only during a build and so SpecFlow fails to re-generate the file because it already exists and SpecFlow doesn't overwrite read-only files.
I created a new request for SpecFlow to not automatically add the file to source control here:
I'm not sure what the messaging project refers to, that's something I haven't seen before.
However the error reads as if the problem is due to an issue with the generation of the *.feature.cs from the *.feature file, but I am confused as to why this should be happening on the build server. Normally the generation of *.feature.cs occurs in the IDE when you save the *.feature file. This gets checked in and with some version control systems (VCS) you may end up with a read-only file status.
Your error reads as the build server is trying to re-generate the *.feature.cs file and cannot overwrite it.
Some things to check;
What VCS are you running? Does it leave checked-in files as read-only?
How are you building the files on the build server? Is there a custom step involved, or is it just a simple compile?
Can you replicate this error on your machine by setting the *.feature.cs to read-only and running the same build script on your local machine?
Good luck.

Flash builder project import error

I am trying to import a project in Flash builder. I am using the option, import existing project. I get the error "path of the project must have only one segment".
Can some one help me resolve this?
This problem can also occur if the eclipse workspace is of the same folder as the root of the project. The problem can be resolved by setting the workspace one folder level higher.
I believe this refers to the project name being invalid, which can occur when 3rd party tools generate Eclipse projects.
Within the project you are attempting to import, open the ".project" file located at the root of the project.
Assure the name of the project is a simple identifier without path.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
If this does not resolve you issue, please post the contents of your .project file.

MSBuild overwriting dependencies

Ok, so I've got a somewhat complicated problem with my build environment that I'm trying to deal with.
I have a solution file that contains multiple C# projects which is built by a NAnt script calling MSBuild - passing MSBuild the name of the solution file and a path to copy the binaries to. This is because I want my automated build environment (CruiseControl.Net) to create a folder named after the revision of each build - this way I can easily go back to previous binaries for any reason.
So idealy I have a folder layout like this
The problem that's arisen is I recently added the latest version of the Unity IoC container to my project, checking it directly out of MS's online SVN repository. What's happening is I have a Silverlight 3 project that references the Silverlight version of Unity but I also have other projects (namely my Unit testing project) that reference the standard (non-Silverlight) version of Unity.
So what happens is since MSBuild is dumping everything into one single folder the Silverlight version of the Unity assembly is overwriting the non-Silverlight version because they have the exact same assembly file name.
Then when CruistControl runs my unit tests they fail because they don't have the proper dependencies available anymore (they try to load the Silverlight specific Unity assembly which obviously doesn't work).
So what I want to do is:
keep my desired output directory
structure (folder\revision)
I don't want to have to manually edit
every single proj file I have as this
is error prone when adding new
projects to the solution
Idealy I would like MSBuild to put everything into a folder structure similar to this:
I can't modify the Unity project to give it a different file name because it comes from another SVN repository I cannot commit changes to. I found a similar question posted here and the suggested solution was to use a "master" MSBuild file that used a custom task to extract all the project file names out of the solution then loop over each one building them. I tried that but it doesn't build them in the order of their dependencies, so it fails for my project.
Firstly I would always have the build server delete the old working copy and check out a fresh copy to avoid any problems with stale artifacts from the previous build.
Next I would have nant or msbuild build the solutions as before with the artifacts from each build going to their local working output folders.
After that I'd move the artifacts from their working paths to their output paths, this shouldn't require digging through the project files since you can just tell msbuild/nant to copy working\project1\bin\release\**\*.* to artifacts\project1\.
The script that does this should ideally be stored along with the source with the main file, e.g. build.nant or build.proj in top level of the trunk.
For third party libraries I would simple include the DLLs directory in your repository. Nothing worse than writing some code and having a third party dependency break your build because of changes on their end.
Simply document the versions of the libraries you are using, and if you must update them, you'll have a better sense of what breaks the build before you even check it in.
Also, doesn't CC.Net automatically handle the providing of releases based on revision? I'm using TeamCity and it keeps a copy of the artifacts of every build.
I highly recommend reading JP Boodhoo's Automating Builds with NAnt blog series. That's been my starting point and have made lots of changes for my own taste. I also highly recommend checking out the builds of many open sources projects for examples. I've learned a lot from the builds of the Castle/Nhibernate/Rhino-Tools stack.