Do webservers service all requests using one port? - apache

If a webserver is handling traffic on port 80, each client must establish a connection between itself and the server on that port. Assuming a client maintains the connection, how is the server able to service other clients in parallel?
Does the server immediately kill the connection with a client after a request? Or do webservers dynamically generate new ports for clients to use such that port 80 is free for new connections?

A port is one end of a communication channel.
The server initials sets up a LISTENing port (80 in the case of an HTTPS server). A client creates a port (the operating system will assign a random, available port number to this) and CONNECTs to the listening port. At that point the communications channel is uniquely described by the IP address of the server, port 80 at the server, and the IP address of the client along with port number of the client. If you look at the output of netstat you'll see lots of sockets/ports in various stages of connection:
symcbean#skynet ~ $ netstat -t
Active Internet connections (w/o servers)
Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address Foreign Address State
tcp 0 1 aba1c1ff9d2ec5376.:smtp SYN_SENT
tcp 0 0 ec2-34-213-90-136:https ESTABLISHED
tcp 0 0 lhr25s14-in-f10.1:https ESTABLISHED
tcp 0 0 172-155-250-212.s:https ESTABLISHED
Exactly how the server handles communicating concurrently on multiple channels varies. I've never come across a server which only handles a single connection at a time.
On the (prefork) Apache webserver, the process which opened the listening socket hands off the connection to a pre-existing child process to deal with. Some servers run as a single process but with multiple threads of execution. Some (such as nginx and lighthttpd) run as a single thread and give their attention to the channel sending data first.


How is it that Apache and Firefox can use port 80 (or sometimes port 8080) simultaneously?

The Apache webserver uses port 80 to listen for incoming requests and replies over port 80. Firefox uses port 80 to send requests to webservers and then listens on port 80 for the response from the webserver. I have run Apache and Firefox simultaneously before and am just wondering how two different programs can share the same port.
Each side of a TCP network connection is defined by a touple of (ipaddress, port #). When a packet leaves your system all it knows is that it needs to find ip address and go the whoever has a socket bound to port 80.
A server socket is going to be defined by the address on which Apache is listening and port 80. The client socket open by Firefox will have the same ip address but a different randomly assign port number which you normally do not see.
You can see it using netstat or tcpview (Windows)
For example when I run netstat right now I see:
tcp4 0 0 x.x.x.x.62993 ESTABLISHED
where x.x.x.x is my laptops ip address and 62993 is the random port number assigned to my web browser.
Firefox isn't listening to port 80. It's making a request to a server port and handling the response.

Are SSH destination and source ports identical (symmetric ports)?

When I connect to SSH I use port 22 as destination, but when the reply comes back, does it come in on port 22 as well? Or is the client source port randomly assigned as in other TCP communication?
If set up a firewall allowing outbound traffic to port 22 - Do I also need to allow incoming traffic on port 22?
The client SSH port is randomly assigned, as in most client/server systems over TCP/IP.
Were the client port fixed, you would not be able to open multiple SSH connections from the same client IP address, as the connections would be indistinguishable on an IP protocol level. The client port number is the only piece that makes the connection unique (client IP, server IP and server port being the same).
You do not need to allow the incoming traffic though. There is only one outgoing connection in SSH (the responses from the server come over an existing connection).

Sniff remote IP port for outgoing data VB

I am trying to monitor a remote IP port for outgoing data.
At the minute I have a TCP port connected which is stuck in a deliberate (almost) infinite loop.
This works, until the tcp connection is broken for any reason.
It just feels better to monitor the remote port for outgoing data, but all the classes/functions I find are for receiving data on a particular port.
Any ideas?

Client server program - how to communicate over internet

Right now I have a client-server program that works over LAN. I have managed to ensure that traffic sent to my server gets past the firewall of my company. However, problems occur when the client is communicating from within a LAN - how can I make sure that traffic gets past the firewall/router of the client and to the machine?
Once the client has sent a packet of data the server analyzes this and is meant to send a response; however the server program seems to freeze after the following lines
Dim ip As String = (IPAddress.Parse(CType(ClientToManage.Client.RemoteEndPoint, IPEndPoint).Address.ToString())).ToString SendResponse = New TcpClient(ip, 8000)
Possible issues are:
- The server's firewall is blocking outgoing TCP traffic at port 8000.
- The client's firewall is blocking incoming TCP traffic at port 8000.
Adjusting your client's and/or server's firewall settings to allow incoming, respectively outgoing TCP traffic at port 8000 might fix the issue.

UDP reverse tunnel over ssh (using socat)

I want to setup a reverse udp tunnel, because I need to connect to my openvpn server from remote and the openvpn server is behind a NAT. For this I use socat and ssh. The tcp tunnel command:
socat exec:"ssh removeserver \"socat tcp-listen:10000,fork -\"" tcp-connect:localhost:22
does work correctly and I'm then able to buildup a ssh connection to remoteserver:10000.
But when I want to do the same with udp:
socat exec:"ssh removeserver \"socat udp-listen:10000,fork -\"" udp-connect:localhost:1194
and then try to buildup the openvpn connection, I get the following error:
2011/12/23 13:27:43 socat[28241] E read(3, 0x80c3b08, 8192): Connection refused
The tunnel at first seems to work, becaues both logfiles (server and client) have entries for the connection attempt. But the connection can't be established.
I have just tried this and I believe the reason it fails is because the ssh part of the tunnel doesn't preserve the UDP datagram sizes. Ie. a 14 byte datagram and a 22 byte datagram get combined on the other end into a 26 byte datagram. Openvpn doesn't work in this scenario.
I have had proof-of-concept success with a similar construct as this, but where there is a program which reads the UDP datagrams and turns them into tcp stream with 16-bit length prefixes (i.e. a stream of length,bytes,length,bytes etc) and obviously does the reverse as well.
With this I was able to tunnel openvpn .