How do I get going with Bokeh? Seeing errors in running simple code - error-handling

I am trying to get started on bokeh via pycharm. I have installed Bokeh by entering "pip install bokeh" in the cmd prompt and get a message saying it has been installed successfully. After this, I have also gone onto setting and installed "bokeh" as a new package under 'project interpreter'.
After this I am trying to run the simple code in the bokeh quick start guide, using bokeh.plotting and output_file expecting a browser to open up with the output. However, this is where I get into a pickle, and see a few error messages. Not exactly sure where I am going wrong.
I am very new to this and would appreciate any help possible!


OSError: WinError 193 %1 is not a valid Win32 application

I have been working on a project in Visual Studio Code with Python 3.8.5, and I have a windows 64 bit operating system. I decided to upgrade to Python 3.11.1, and downloaded the official 64 bit installer and followed the instructions. All the packages I import at the beginning of my project that were previously working now give this error "[WinError 193] %1 is not a valid Win32 application" when I run the import statements for them.
For some of the packages (pandas, numpy, matploblib) this was solved by using an approach I saw on a few similar questions to this, by opening the command prompt and typing "pip uninstall pandas" etc and then doing "pip install pandas".
However, for the other packages (sklearn, umap, nltk), this isn't working even after trying that process a few times. I've also tried updating pip. Does anybody have any ideas on what could be causing this to work for some packages but not for others? It allows me to install all of the packages via the command prompt, the issue only arises when I actually try and import them via VSCode, and it's the same error for every package. I've seen some suggestions saying to ensure the environment path is clean, but I'm still quite a beginner so I'm a bit unsure as to what that means.
Any help would be really appreciated.

Import "[module]" could not be resolved Pylance (reportMissingImports) in my Jupyter notebook while trying to run code on VS Code

I am trying to do an END-to-END project for BostonHousing on VS Code. I have installed the requirements already from requirements.txt and also chose the Python interpreter as that of my virtual environment version still the error pops like below for Jupyter notebook. The flask file is fine. Please guide me on what's wrong here.
enter link description here
you may got your answer here.check and read carefully.
Import "[module]" could not be resolvedPylance (reportMissingImports)

How do i fix the input issue reporter error in Spyder 3.9 [duplicate]

I am completely new to coding. However, when i try to run some code as shown, this problem shows up. I tried reinstalling but it doesn't work.
(Spyder maintainer here) Sorry for the inconvenience. This is an error in Anaconda, which we already reported to them but it hasn't been fixed yet.
If you only need to use create Python programs, please consider to download and install our Windows installer, which you can find here and doesn't have this problem.

GNUradio installation, failed to initialise gtk

I was trying to install gnuRadio on my windows 10 laptop, with GNURadio Companion-m
All the necessary files are copied correctly in the file path.
When I run the shortcut of the companion, the cmd disappear without opening up anything.
I run some checks and found the error message in the picture.
Could anyone please help. Thank you

nltk installation on my work computer

I am trying to install nltk on my work computer. I have admin access, but I keep getting the following error. Clearly I am doing something wrong or there is a permission issue I need to resolve, but I am not sure what. I would be grateful for any tips/advice.
error message screenshot
you can download the nltk library files from this link - and unzip them.
Open CMD and navigate to that folder.
Execute "python install" command to install the nltk library.