How to get a uniform line width in PDF regardless of the device space aspect ratio? - pdf

The width of a line in PDF is defined in terms of distances in the user space. In my use case, the aspect ratio of the device space (e.g. 4:3) is different from the aspect ratio of the user space (e.g. 1:1), which causes the line widths in the device space to be different in vertical and horizontal directions.
For example, in this picture the horizontal and vertical lines should be of the same width, but they're not:
I would like to perform scaling that only results in line width uniformity and does not affect anything else.
I asked a similar question regarding PostScript here: How to ensure line widths are the same vertically and horizontally in PostScript?. A solution based in part on the answer to this question works for PostScript, but does not work in PDF after what seems to be an almost one-to-one translation.
I tried changing the stroke command S to q 1 0 0 1.5 0 0 cm S Q h, where q saves the graphics state, 1 0 0 1.5 0 0 cm scales the current transformation matrix, Q restores the graphics state, and h closes the current subpath. However, in addition to correctly scaling the line widths, this also scales the y-coordinates of the line endpoints by 1.5.
This is what I need to get:
But with q 1 0 0 1.5 0 0 cm S Q h, I get this instead:
How to make the line width uniform in the device space in PDF without affecting anything else?


Images rotated when added to PDF in itext7

I'm using the following extension method I built on top of itext7's com.itextpdf.layout.Document type to apply images to PDF documents in my application:
fun Document.writeImage(imageStream: InputStream, page: Int, x: Float, y: Float, width: Float, height: Float) {
val imageData = ImageDataFactory.create(imageStream.readBytes())
val image = Image(imageData)
val pageHeight = pdfDocument.getPage(page).pageSize.height
image.scaleAbsolute(width, height)
val lowerLeftX = x
val lowerLeftY = pageHeight - y - image.imageScaledHeight
image.setFixedPosition(page, lowerLeftX, lowerLeftY)
Overall, this works -- but with one exception! I've encountered a subset of documents where the images are placed as if the document origin is rotated 90 degrees. Even though the content of the document is presented properly oriented underneath.
Here is a redacted copy of one of the PDFs I'm experiencing this issue with. I'm wondering if anyone would be able to tell me why itext7 is having difficulties writing to this document, and what I can do to fix it -- or alternatively, if it's a potential bug in the higher level functionality of com.itextpdf.layout in itext7?
Some Additional Notes
I'm aware that drawing on a PDF works via a series of instructions concatenated to the PDF. The code above works on other PDFs we've had issues with in the past, so com.itextpdf.layout.Document does appear to be normalizing the coordinate space prior to drawing. Thus, the issue I describe above seems to be going undetected by itext?
The rotation metadata in the PDF that itext7 reports from a "good" PDF without this issue seems to be the same as the rotation metadata in PDFs like the one I've linked above. This means I can't perform some kind of brute-force fix through detection.
I would love any solution to not require me to flatten the PDF through any form of broad operation.
I can talk only about the document you`ve shared.
It contains 4 pages.
/Rotate property of the first page is 0, for other pages is 270 (defines 90 rotation counterclockwise).
IText indeed tries to normalize the coordinate space for each page.
That`s why when you add an image to pages 2-4 of the document it is rotated on 270 (90 counterclockwise) degrees.
... Even though the content of the document is presented properly oriented underneath.
Content of pages 2-4 looks like
0 -612 792 0 0 612 cm
/Im0 Do
This is an image with applied transformation.
0 -612 792 0 0 612 cm represents the composite transformation matrix.
From ISO 32000
A transformation matrix in PDF shall be specified by six numbers,
usually in the form of an array containing six elements. In its most
general form, this array is denoted [a b c d e f]; it can represent
any linear transformation from one coordinate system to another.
We can extract a rotation from that matrix.
How to decompose the matrix you can find there.
The rotation is defined by the next matrix
0 -1
1 0
This is a rotation on -90 (270) degrees.
Important note: in this case positive angle means counterclockwise rotation.
ISO 32000
Rotations shall be produced by [rc rs -rs rc 0 0], where rc = cos(q)
and rs = sin(q) which has the effect of rotating the coordinate system
axes by an angle q counter clockwise.
So the image has been rotated on the same angle in the counter direction comparing to the page.

Clipping path seems to be outside of text

recently I wanted to construct a PDF document which should have text clipping: With 4 Tr I tried to define the text as clipping area. But when I wanted to fill the lower part of the text with red color, the result was reversed.
Do anyone knows, why?
Thanks for any answer!
4 8 Td
0.8 0.2 0.7 rg % Writing lila.
4 Tr % Fill & Use text as clipping area.
/TR 32 Tf
(Hallo Welt) Tj
1 0 0 rg % Fill in red.
0 0 200 20 re F % <- Mistake?
What I wanted to have:
What I got:
Have a look at the specification ISO 32000-1:
The behaviour of the clipping modes requires further explanation. Glyph outlines shall begin accumulating if a BT operator is executed while the text rendering mode is set to a clipping mode or if it is set to a clipping mode within a text object. Glyphs shall accumulate until the text object is ended by an ET operator; the text rendering mode shall not be changed back to a nonclipping mode before that point.
(section 9.3.6 Text Rendering Mode )
In your sample you don't wait until the ET for the clipping path to take effect. So, when you are painting the red rectangle, your special clipping path is not yet in effect.
Furthermore your operation sequence actually is invalid! Neither path construction nor path painting operators (i.e. neither your 0 0 200 20 re nor your F) are allowed inside a text object, cf. Figure 9 – Graphics Objects in the specification:
Thus, strictly speaking your PDF viewer had better refuse to draw your content stream at all.

PDF Low-Level: Drawing a line in the content object?

I have searched extensively online and I have the PDF specification in which I have looked, yet I still can't figure out how to draw a simple black line on a PDF page from the content object's instructions (stream).
Let's say I just want to draw a 1-pixel thickness (assuming 72 dpi) black line at x 400, y 100-300.
This should in theory be a very simple operation, but the PDF spec goes on and on about all kinds of fancy things and appears to forget to explain how I would go about performing this simple operation.
Please can someone point me in the right direction?
In the PDF specification, have a look at chapter 8 (Graphics) and in there section 8.5, Path Construction and Painting.
To draw a simple straight path, you need a "move to" operation followed by a "line to" operation:
400 100 m
400 300 l
You can then stroke the path using the S operator so your code becomes
400 100 m
400 300 l
By default the color is black so you've already gotten a black line :-) But if you want to make sure you have to set some parameters in the graphics state.
0 G
1 w
400 100 m
400 300 l
The first line now sets the color space to "gray" and puts the shade of grey to 0 (black). The following line sets the line width of your stroked line to 1 user unit (what this comes out as is dependent on your current transformation matrix.
You can apply a neat trick if you really want 1 pixel (please don't for production files though!) and that is to set the width to zero:
0 w
This gives you "the thinnest line that can be rendered at device resolution: 1 device pixel wide".

How does PDF line width interact with the CTM in both horizontal and vertical dimensions?

I'm trying to figure out exactly how line width affects a stroked line in PDF, given the current transformation matrix (CTM). Two questions...
First: how do I convert the line width to device space using the CTM? Page 208 in the PDF 1.7 Reference, which describes how to convert points using the CTM, assumes the input data is an (x, y) point. Line width is just a single value, so how do I convert it? Do I create a "dummy" point from it like (lineWidth, lineWidth)?
Second: once I make that calculation, I'll get another (x, y) point. If the CTM has different scaling factors for horizontal vs. vertical, that gives me two different line widths. How are these line widths actually applied? Does the first one (x) get applied only when drawing horizontal lines?
A concrete example for the second question: if I draw/stroke a horizontal line from (0, 0) to (4, 4) with line width (2, 1), what are the coordinates of the bounding box of the resulting rectangle (i.e., the rectangle that contains the line width)?
This is from Page 215 in the Reference, but it doesn't actually explain how the thickness of stroked lines will vary:
The effect produced in device space depends on the current transformation matrix
(CTM) in effect at the time the path is stroked. If the CTM specifies scaling by
different factors in the horizontal and vertical dimensions, the thickness of
stroked lines in device space will vary according to their orientation.
how do I convert the line width to device space using the CTM?
The line width essentially is the line size perpendicular to its direction. Thus, to calculate the width after transformation using the CTM, you choose a planar vector perpendicular to the original line whose length is the line width from the current graphics state, apply the CTM (without translation, i.e. setting e and f to 0) to that vector (embedded in the three dimensional space by setting the third coordinate to 1) and calculate the length of the resulting 2D vector (projecting on the first two coordinates).
E.g. you have a line from (0,0) to (1,4) in current user space coordinates with a width of 1. You have to find a vector perpendicular to it, e.g. (-4,1) by rotating 90° counter clockwise, and scale it to a length of 1, i.e. ( -4/sqrt(17), 1/sqrt(17) ) in that case.
If the CTM is the one from #Tikitu's answer
CTM has a horizontal scaling factor of 2 and a vertical scaling factor of 1
it would be
2 0 0
0 1 0
0 0 1
This matrix would make the line from the example above go from (0,0) to (2,4) and the "width vector" ( -4/sqrt(17), 1/sqrt(17) ) would be transformed to ( -8/sqrt(17), 1/sqrt(17) ) (the CTM already has no translation part) with a length of sqrt(65/17) which is about 1.955. I.e. the width of the resulting line (its size perpendicular to its direction) is nearly 2.
If the original line would instead have been (0,0) to (4,1) with width 1, a width vector choice would have been ( -1/sqrt(17), 4/sqrt(17) ). In that case the transformed line would go from (0,0) to (8,1) and the width vector would be transformed to ( -2/sqrt(17), 4/sqrt(17) ) with a length of sqrt(20/17) which is about 1.085. I.e. the width of the resulting line (perpendicular to its direction) is slightly more than 1.
You seem to be interested in the "corners" of the line. For this you have to take start and end of the transformed line and add or subtract half the transformed width vector. In the samples above:
(original line from (0,0) to (1,4)): ( -4/sqrt(17), 1/(2*sqrt(17)) ), ( 4/sqrt(17), -1/(2*sqrt(17)) ), ( 2-4/sqrt(17), 4+1/(2*sqrt(17)) ), ( 2+4/sqrt(17), 4-1/(2*sqrt(17)) );
(original line from (0,0) to (4,1)): ( -1/sqrt(17), 2/sqrt(17) ), ( 1/sqrt(17), -2/sqrt(17) ), ( 8-1/sqrt(17), 1+2/sqrt(17) ), ( 8+1/sqrt(17), 1-2/sqrt(17) ).
Don't forget, though, that PDF lines often are not cut off at the end but instead have some cap. And furthermore remember the special meaning of line width 0.
I don't know anything about PDF internals, but I can make a guess at what that passage might mean, based on knowing a bit about using matrices to represent linear transformations.
If you imagine your stroked line as a rectangle (long and thin, but with a definite width) and apply the CTM to the four corner points, you'll see how the orientation of the line changes its width when the CTM has different horizontal and vertical scaling factors.
If your CTM has a horizontal scaling factor of 2 and a vertical scaling factor of 1, think about lines at various angles:
a horizontal line (a short-but-wide rectangle) gets its length doubled, and it's "height" (the width of the line) stays the same;
a vertical line (a tall-and-thin rectangle) gets it's width doubled (i.e., the line gets twice as thick), and it's length stays the same;
lines at various angles get thicker by different degrees, depending on the angle, because they get stretched horizontally but not verticallye.g.
the thickness of a line at 45 degrees is measured diagonally (45 degrees the other way), so it gets somewhat thicker (some horizontal stretching), but not twice as thick (the vertical component of the diagonal didn't get bigger). (You can figure out the thickness with two applications of the Pythagorean theorem; it's about 1.58 times greater, or sqrt(5)/sqrt(2).)
If this story is correct, you can't convert line width using the CTM: it is simply different case-by-case, depending on the orientation of the line. What you can convert is the width of a particular line, with a particular orientation, via the trick of thinking of the line as a solid area and running its corners individually through the CTM. (This also means that "the same" line, with the same thickness, will look different as you vary its orientation, if your CTM has different horizontal and vertical scaling factors.)

Text rotation in PDF

So I have this situation:
using pdftoxml.exe from I got text tokens and their coordinates. If the pdf file was rotated (i.e. it has a /Rotate 90 written in its source) pdftoxml.exe swaps height and width of a given page and also x and y coordinates of any given object. That is what I understand.
I was happy with it, until I came across a pdf file which used re to draw thick lines. That is, for a thick line, 4 thin lines are drawn and the space is filled, like in this picture. On the left you see two thin lines (non colored), which are part of a bigger rectangle (highly zoomed in). I emptied the space inbetween which was actually filled with black, to see the lines:
Additionally, above pdf is rotated. So to get B upright in the end, this textmatrix was used: 0 1 -1 0 90.72 28.3705 Tm. The thin lines were drawn like this from 83.04 27.891 0.48 0.48 re (coordinates may vary here, but it was some re operation like that. The operation goes like x y width height re and re is for rectangle from adobe's pdf 1.7 page 133). What is relevant here is the calculation 27.891 + 0.48 = 28.371 which is not rounded or altered because of floating-point issues. It is the exact value for the line's x and unfortunately, it is bigger than the hard coded B's x which is 28.3705 :
83.52 27.891 m 92.39999999999999 27.891 l s
92.39999999999999 27.891 m 92.39999999999999 28.371 l s
92.39999999999999 28.371 m 83.52 28.371 l s
83.52 28.371 m 83.52 27.891 l s
The page's coordinates go like 842 x 595,2 according to PDFXChange viewer from upper left corner. Which seems natural since the page is rotated. Unrotated, it would be the lower left corner, so that ought to be ok.
When the text is altered with 1 0 0 1 90.72 28.3705 Tm into its original orientation, one can see the collapsing bottom line with the line on the left:
which is what I would expect, since B 's y is 28.3705 and and the line's horizontal position is 28.371 (as can be seen on the second line of above code lines). So probabyly B's bottom line falls beyond the 28.371 but I could not zoom that.
Now where does the gap between the line and the B come from in the first picture? This is important to me because I was trying to figure out which is the closest line on the left to B and was surprised by the two values, namely the suppsed x value of the text I get from pdftoxml.exe which is 28.3705 and the lines horizontal value 28.371. Since I knew the line is actually far beyond the left of the B that could not be correct, at least not in the sense of "take x position of line, take x position of B, compare, and if the line's x is less then than B's x, the line is on the left".
I can't locate the correct line with the x values. Instead I get the other line on the very as if the text was falling inbetween them two.
This is the text drawing code:
%0 7.5 -7.5 0 90.72 28.3705 Tm
0 1 -1 0 90.72 28.3705 Tm
%1 0 0 1 90.72 28.3705 Tm
/F1 1 Tf
1 Tr
0.01 w
(B) Tj
so, there is nothing fancy happening with the B's size or line thickness.
Can you help me figure out?
This is an updated picture with two I drawn on the same page, for the upper I using 0 1 -1 0 90.72 28.3705 Tm (rotated 90 degrees mathematically), for the lower one 1 0 0 1 90.72 28.3705 Tm. So I don't get it, how is the lower I rotated +90 and ends up being the upper one?
Here is the pdf code. It is rather big, but you should be able to copy it into your file and name it sth.pdf.
PDF Sample ( you have to actually zoom into the upper left corner real big to see the I )
I actually found some interesting information about finding the glyph bounding box, but I could not yet put the pieces together.
Please have a look at
The glyph origin is the point (0, 0) in the glyph coordinate system. Tj and other text-showing operators shall position the origin of the first glyph to be painted at the origin of text space.
(shamelessly copied from Figure 39, section 9.2.4 of ISO 32000-1).
As you can see, the coordinates where the glyph is positioned, the glyph origin, is not necessarily where the actual glyph bounding box starts. This may explain the gap in your first image.
Thus, when you are trying to figure out which is the closest line on the left to B optically, it does not suffice to take x position of line, take x position of B, compare, and if the line's x is less then than B's x, the line is on the left, instead you also have to take the font data themselves into account and factor in the gap between glyph origin and glyph bounding box of the glyph represented by B.
For a more in-depth analysis please supply the font data.
EDIT concerning your double-I question... in your comment above you say you actually expected to see a common point - the rotation point - in both I characters, so you can get hands on a reliable horizontal coordinate for the left bounding box side of a character.
Isn't the point where the red lines cross, your rotation point? It should be the glyph origin for both Tj operations, and the I-glyphs have their origins there. Now you can measure from there on.