Can't add new item to array with value from prev array's item - postgresql-9.5

column data has type jsonb
"availability": [
"qty": 31,
"is_available": false,
"store": {
"name": "test_value
It's contain array availability with one item.
I want to add new item to this array. And get value of node qty from first item. And then add this value to second (new) array's item.
As result availability will contain 2 items. And nodes qty must be equals in both items.
I try this:
WITH subquery AS (
data #>>'{availability,0,qty}' as qty
from copy_product
UPDATE copy_product
data = (
jsonb_set(data, '{availability}', data -> 'availability' || '{
"qty": subquery.qty,
"is_available": false,
"store": {
"address": null
But I get error:
ERROR: invalid input syntax for type json
LINE 10: ...onb_set(data, '{availability}', data -> 'availability' || '{
DETAIL: Token "subquery" is invalid.
CONTEXT: JSON data, line 1: {
"qty": subquery...
SQL state: 22P02
Character: 190

No need for a sub-query (or even a CTE), you can reference the existing value directly as part of the expression passed to jsonb_set()
UPDATE copy_product
SET data = jsonb_set(data,
data -> 'availability'
|| ('{"qty": '||(data #>>'{availability,0,qty}')||', "is_available": false, "store": {"address": null}}')::jsonb)
Alternatively using jsonb_build_object()
UPDATE copy_product
SET data = jsonb_set(data,
data -> 'availability' ||
'qty', data #>>'{availability,0,qty}',
'is_available', false,
'store', jsonb_build_object('address', null)


Check if row contains a nested item in DynamoDB?

I am trying to use PartiQL with DynamoDB to perform SQL queries to check if a device is inactive and contains an error. Here's is the query I am using:
FROM "table"
WHERE "device"."active" = 0 AND "device"."error" IS NOT NULL
However I've noticed that even if a device doesn't have the error item, the query still returns a row. How can I query a device that only contains the error item?
With error item
"id": "value",
"name": "value,
"device": {
"active": 0,
"error": {
"reason": "value"
Without error item
"id": "value",
"name": "value,
"device": {
"active": 0
You're looking for IS NOT MISSING :) That's the partiql version of the filter expression operator function attribute_exists.
Given a table with a primary key PK, sort key SK, and the following data:
{"test": {}}
-- Returns both foo 1 and foo 2
FROM "my-table"
WHERE "PK" = 'foo' AND "myMap"."test" IS NOT NULL
-- Returns just foo 2
FROM "my-table"
WHERE "PK" = 'foo' AND "myMap"."test" IS NOT MISSING
Also made sure my example specifies the PK in the WHERE clause - otherwise, your query will be a full scan. Maybe that's what you want, though. Just something to be aware of.

How to update multiple nested keys in a json field in single update query?

I'm trying to write a function that updates a json (not jsonb) field (called settings) in a table (called user).
My json object looks like this (however it might not have some of the keys on any nesting level):
"audiences": ["val1", "val2"],
"inviteNumber": "123",
"workExperience": [
"company": {
"name": "Ace",
"industry": "Accounting",
"revenues": "1M-10M",
"size": "1-10"
"title": "Product",
"startDate": {
"month": 1,
"year": 2018
"notifications": {
"emailNotifications": true
"jobFunction": "Research & Development",
"phoneNumber": "2134447777",
"areasOfInterest": {
"Recruiting and Staffing": true
I need to be able to update the "title" and "name" fields of the 0th element inside "workExperience" array.
What I currently have is this:
create or replace function my_function()
returns trigger language plpgsql as $$
companyName character varying(255);
select into companyName from company where id = new.companyid;
update "user" set
email =,
"settings" = jsonb_set(
'{"company": {"name": %s}, "title": %s}',
'"' || companyName || '"', '"' || new.title || '"'
where id = new.userid;
return new;
end $$;
However the above implementation rewrites the while workExperience object removing the keys other than company and title.
I've tried looking through this answer on SO, but still wasn't able to implement the updating correctly.
I see that the problem is with how the jsonb_set works and it does just what I tell it to do: set 0th element of "workExperience" array to the object I define inside format function.
Seems like I need to use multiple jsonb_set one inside another, but I can't figure out the way to do it correctly.
How can I update my json field correctly without removing other keys from the object?
jsonb_set() returns the modified JSON value.
You could nest the calls and change the company name first, and use the result of that as the input to another jsonb_set().
"settings" = jsonb_set(jsonb_set("settings"::jsonb, '{workExperience,0,company,name}', to_jsonb(companyname)),
'{workExperience,0,title}', to_jsonb(new.title)

Postgresql search if exists in nested jsonb

I'm new with jsonb request and i got a problem. Inside an 'Items' table, I have 'id' and 'data' jsonb. Here is what can look like a data:
"paramId": 3,
"value": "dog"
"paramId": 4,
"value": "cat"
"paramId": 5,
"value": "fish"
"paramId": 6,
"value": "",
"fields": [
"paramId": 3,
"value": "cat"
"paramId": 4,
"value": "dog"
"paramId": 6,
"value": "",
"fields": [
"paramId": 5,
"value": "cat"
"paramId": 3,
"value": "dog"
The value in data is always an array with object inside but sometimes the object can have a 'fields' value with objects inside. It is maximum one level deep.
How can I select the id of the items which as for example an object containing "paramId": 3 and "value": "cat" and also have an object with "paramId": 5 and "value" LIKE '%ish%'.
I already have found a way to do that when the object is on level 0
FROM items i
JOIN LATERAL jsonb_array_elements( obj3(val) ON obj.val->>'paramId' = '3'
JOIN LATERAL jsonb_array_elements( obj5(val) ON obj2.val->>'paramId' = '5'
WHERE obj3.val->>'valeur' = 'cat'
AND obj5.val->>'valeur' LIKE '%ish%';
but I don't know how to search inside the fields array if fields exists.
Thank you in advance for you help.
It looks like my question is not clear. I will try to make it better.
What I want to do is to find all the 'item' having in the 'data' column objects who match my search criteria. This without looking if the objects are at first level or inside a 'fields' key of an object.
Again for example. This record should be selected if I search:
'paramId': 3 AND 'value': 'cat
'paramId': 4 AND 'value': LIKE '%og%'
the matching ones are in the 'fields' key of the object with 'paramId': 6 and I don't know how to do that.
This can be expressed using a JSON/Path expression without the need for unnesting everything
To search for paramId = 3 and value = 'cat'
select *
from items
where data #? '$[*] ? ( (#.paramId == 3 && #.value == "cat") || exists( #.fields[*] ? (#.paramId == 3 && #.value == "cat")) )'
The $[*] part iterates over all elements of the first level array. To check the elements in the fields array, the exists() operator is used to nest the expression. #.fields[*] iterates over all elements in the fields array and applies the same expression again. I don't see a way how repeating the values could be avoided though.
For a "like" condition, you can use like_regex:
select *
from items
where data #? '$[*] ? ( (#.paramId == 4 && #.value like_regex ".*og.*") || exists( #.fields[*] ? (#.paramId == 4 && #.value like_regex ".*og.*")) )'
For now I have found a solution but it is not really clean and I don't know how it will perform in production with 10M records.
FROM ( -- A;
select,, i as value
from items it,
jsonb_array_elements( i
select,, f as value
from items it,
jsonb_array_elements( i,
jsonb_array_elements(i -> 'fields') f
) as i
WHERE (i.value ->> 'paramId' = '5' -- B1;
AND i.value ->> 'value' LIKE '%ish%')
OR (i.value ->> 'paramId' = '3' -- B2;
AND i.value ->> 'value' = 'cat')
group by,
having COUNT(*) >= 2; -- C;
A: I "flatten" the first and second level (second level is in 'fields' key)
B1, B2: These are my search criteria
C: I make sure the fields have all the criteria matching. If 3 criteria --> COUNT(*) >=3
It really doesn't look clean to me. It is working for dev purpose but I think there is a better way to do it.
If somebody have an idea Big thanks to him/her!

Postgres - query JSON column value of nested object

I'm using following schema for the JSONB column of my table (named fields). There are several of these field entries.
"value" : "FIELD_VALUE",
"meta": {
"indexable": true
I need to find all the fields that contain this object
"meta": {
"indexable": true
Here is a naive attempt at having json_object_keys in where clause, which doesn't work, but illustrates what I'm trying to do.
with entry(fields) as (values('{
"login": {
"value": "fred",
"meta": {
"indexable": true
"password_hash": {
"value": "88a3d1c7463d428f0c44fb22e2d9dc06732d1a4517abb57e2b8f734ce4ef2010",
"meta": {
"indexable": false
select * from entry where fields->jsonb_object_keys(fields) #> '{"meta": {"indexable": "true"}}'::jsonb;
How can I query on the value of nested object? Can I somehow join the result of json_object_keys with the table iself?
First way: using jsonb_each()
jsonb_build_object(elem.key, elem.value) -- 3
jsonb_each(fields) as elem -- 1
elem.value #> '{"meta": {"indexable": true}}' -- 2
Expand all subobjects into one row per "field". This creates 2 columns: the key and the value (in your case login and {"meta": {"indexable": true}, "value": "fred"})
Filter the records by checking the value column for containing the meta object using the #> as you already mentioned
Recreate the JSON object (combining the key/value columns)
Second way: Using jsonb_object_keys()
jsonb_build_object(keys, fields -> keys) -- 3
jsonb_object_keys(fields) as keys -- 1
fields -> keys #> '{"meta": {"indexable": true}}' -- 2
Finding all keys as you did
and 3. are very similar to the first way

How to query on multiple attributes in the same json object array?

I have a json array similar to this structure in a column of my database -
"id": "123abc",
"Y/N": "Y",
"Color": "Purple",
"arr": [ {
"time": 1210.55
"person": "Sean"
"action": "yes" //The values for this field can only be 'yes', 'no, 'maybe'
"time": 1230.19
"person": "Linda"
"action": "no"
} ],
I need to pull all the corresponding attributes based on 2 criteria of an object in the "arr" array. I want to get the latest "arr" object based on the "time" (highest value) but only pull this index if the "action" is equal to 'no' or 'yes', so exclude all the objects when "action" = "maybe".
I have tried using a WHERE statement to have a "time" range set and ORDER BY DESC to pull the latest entry and return the entire "arr". This just returns the highest value of "time" but returns all the attributes when "action" = "maybe" but I want to return the objects with only "yes" or "no".
Here is the current query I have -
SELECT jsonb_build_object('ID', t.col -> '_id',
'Yes or No', t.col -> 'Y/N',
'arr', x.elem)
FROM tbl t
FROM jsonb_array_elements(t.col -> 'arr') a(elem)
WHERE a.elem -> 'time' between '1110.23' and '1514.12'
AND t.col ->> 'Color' = 'Purple'
ORDER BY a.elem -> 'time' DESC NULLS LAST
) x;
The query is returning the latest object in the array with the highest time but it is also returning objects when "action" = "maybe". I have tried adding AND a.elem -> 'action' = 'yes' after the WHERE statement but receive an error saying the Token "yes" is invalid.
Is it possible to return an object with the largest "time" that has the "action" attribute equal to "yes" or "no" only?
Your code is alternatively using -> and ->>, but it isn't using them correctly.
Lots of good details here: What is the difference between `->>` and `->` in Postgres SQL?.
Everywhere in the code using -> should be ->> if you try that in the where clause with AND a.elem ->> 'action' = 'yes' it should work.