Sitefinity: How to use ExpandableObjectConverter with new interface - sitefinity

I have created an expandable follow the document below:
It's working, but when I switch to the new interface(new UI) it is not working.
Could you help me to fix it?
new interface
old interface
expected with new interface

If you want to have the UI looks like the one in point 3 of your screenshots, then you should not use a class property and the ExpandableObjectConverter.
Instead in your controller create the individual properties, maybe add a Category attribute to them.
Update: Documentation:


Overriding one property for a hierarchy of classes

I have a hieraarchy of classes. Root class is abstract, and is called Contact, and it has a property DisplayName. On GUI I have a dropdown where various contacts are listed, using their DisplayName property.
I have no acess to source code of those classes.
I want to somehow override Contact.DisplayName property, to make it display something else in my particular scenario. I can not just create subclass of Contact and override property there, because there is whole hierarchy under Contact class. Is there a way to alter a property for whole hierarchy of classes ? Maybe using delegates ?
I am using exotic programming language called Gosu, but the solution based on some common object oriented language could help me a lot too.
I haven't tried but maybe with Enhancements. I'm not sure that it works because DisplayName it's a property of entities.
There is a folder in Guidewire Studio, configuration/config/Entity Names. Open Contact.en and there is you can customize the DisplayName.
Can you type cast the Contact entity to its subtype and try to display it in GUI. Something like (Contact as Person).DisplayName

How to use GWTP for a ListView (Widget)?

I started to use GWTP for my project and I'm currently re-writing all my code to let it work with this library.
However, I struggle to understand how I use GWTP if I want e.g. a ListView with ListItemView items.
public ToolsPresenter(PlaceManager placeManager, EventBus eventBus, MyView view, MyProxy proxy) {
super(eventBus, view, proxy, AdminToolPresenter.SLOT_AdminToolMainContent);
this.placeManager = placeManager;
ToolListView toolListView = new ToolListView(...)
ToolListPresenter toolListPresenter = new ToolListPresenter(....);
this.setInSlot(SLOT_ToolList, toolListPresenter);
What I want is to place my ListView inside a slot. I am very certain that I can't do what is shown up there but I just don't get how I use just simple Widgets with GWTP.
Or am I doing this completely wrong and I should just extend a Composite for ListView and not use GWTP stuff here at all?
There is a lot of information missing from your question so this is a difficult one to answer.
Assumption 1 - Your GWTP artifacts (ToolListView, ToolListPresenter, ToolListView.ui.xml, and ToolListModule) are setup correctly and ToolListModule is installed in a parent module.
Assumption 2 - You are using GWTP version 1.5+ which has typed slots.
You should not be instantiating your ToolListView or ToolListPresenter.
Simply add:
#Inject ToolListPresenter toolListPresenter;
If you are trying to call the setInSlot method then
Make sure ToolListPresenter is a PresenterWidget
Make sure your slot is not a NestedSlot.
Finally try moving the call to setInSlot outside of your constructor and into the overridden onBind() method.

MVVM - Summary/Detail

So I'm trying to wrap my head around MVVM and I'm finding that I have more questions than answers. The tutorials don't go far enough for me when it comes to the next step...
Basically I want a list of items and then a way to get the detail of each item.
Below is the examples that I've found online and they work great for displaying the list, but I need to know how I can use my VM to get the detail of this item.
private IList<item> m_items;
private IList<item> m_Item;
private IList<item> getItemDetail(Int32 iId)
var myItem =
from i in items
where i.iId == iId
select i;
m_Item = new List<item>();
foreach (var item in myItem)
return m_Item;
public myViewModel()
m_items = new List<item>
new item(1, "test,),
new item(2, "test2"),
new item(3, "test1")
m_Item = new List<item>();
m_Item = getItemDetail(iId);
I updated my View Model code above. I think what I've done is I have added another List where when the user navigates to a detail page the view model gets called with the specific ID which then populates the detail List. I probably don't need a list here but I wanted to try to keep it consistent with the main page code.
In my detail page I'm setting up the VM this way:
itemViewModel VM = new itemViewModel((Int32)navigationParameter);
DataContext = VM;
When I break on the VM variable I see my 2 lists. However, my binding doesn't work on the XAML. If I need to post some sample XAML let me know. I can do that but I'm hoping there is something I'm missing here.
I'm trying to learn MVVM and I want to do things right. So instead of continuing down a wrong path I would really like to know the "right" way of doing things. So if you see errors, please let me know.
right, i'd suggest you go back to basics first and watch Laurent's Mix sessions about MVVM, you find links to then from the mvvmlight site on codeplex.
but to break it down you've hit a few of the hurdles I did when I first started.
1: (the biggest gotcha) for databinding to work, you must expose data using a property (get and set pattern), just a list variable won't work. this goes for everything you want to bind to. The alternative is to set item sources directly in code but you will loose all the features of databinding, including updates.
2: to understand databinding you need to understand the INotifyProperty changed pattern, this is the underlying gubbins (technical term ;-D) to enable binding to work properly. as suggested start a new "master/details" project template and walk through it, from the viewmodels holding the data to the views (pages) looking at the data in the view model
3: use observablecollections for lists, they are just better for binding and are basically just lists with extras
4: remember you can also bind the "selecteditem" or "selectedindex" of a listbox to capture what the user has selected, just be sure to set the binding to "twoway" so the view can push data to the viewmodel and not just read, like this: {binding myselecteditem, mode="twoway"}
hope this helps but if your still stuck Laurents videos are the best, just watch them a few times and follow what he does line by line
I believe you want to use what Microsoft calls the "master-detail binding scenario", where several controls bind to a single collection or to its selected item. To do so, you need to bind to a so called collection view, which is just a layer on top of the collection used by WPF. For instance, you can bind a ListBox's ItemSource and a ContentControl's Content to the same collection view, and the ContentControl will display the details of the the ListBox's selected item.
P.S. you may want to use an ObservableCollection instead of a List, and make sure your view model implements INotifyPropertyChanged.

JavaFX 2 define onChange listener in FXML

I am busy teaching myself FXML.
I'm doing this by following this example.
It's a simple text editor.
However, in the tutorial everything is Java code.
I myself am using FXML to seperate the view of the logic.
I currently face the following challenge:
I have defined an TextArea in my FXML like so:
<TextArea id="taTextArea" fx:id="taContent" wrapText="true" />
Usually you add action listeners using onAction="#actionName"
What I want to know is, how can I do something similar for text changes. So I can detect wether a save is needed, modify the status bar label etc.
I want to avoid having to attach the TextArea to a change listener in the init method of the controller(implementing Initializable).
Also.. when I complete this application, I will write a blog about it.
With the lacking FXML documentation, I think itll be helpfull to other newbies.
So I want my code to be as clean as possible.
No progress yet. I need to know if theres a thing such as code completion in FXML
So I can check what kind of properties I can use in FXMl. There should be a textLength property. In the provided link the author uses lengthProperty.addListener. I need an FXML equivilant
You could use the onKeyPressed property:
which calls the textChanged method in the specified controller.
For the second question: The best reference for FXML currently is the javadoc of JavaFX, since all properties are listed there.

Dynamically changing the ViewModel of a View in an MVVM, MEF implementation

I have a usercontrol that i want to use throughout my Silverlight MEF MVVM solution.
I want to be able to link it up with one of a number of ViewModels depending on which module i am in. What this control does is list the records of a given entity so i can Add, Edit or Delete. I realized i would be using this control in multiple locations - to update several lookup tables, so i decided to make it's ViewModel dynamic. As seen below, I am using the Galasoft MVVM plugin.
if (!GalaSoft.MvvmLight.ViewModelBase.IsInDesignModeStatic)
// set DataContext
DataContext = PluginCatalogService.Instance.FindSharedPlugin(ViewModelTypes.ViewModelMT, PluginType.ViewModel);
_viewModel = (ViewModelMT)DataContext;
My question is how can i dynamically change from ViewModelMT to ViewModelCT to allow me to independently display lookup tables e.g. Maintenance Types and Contract Types on an instance of this same usercontrol? I took a look at the Viewmodel locator, but I'm still not sure how to get this done.
Thank you
I don't think this is really a ViewModel thing. It's more of a Service problem.
Your ViewModel for the control will not change but you'll dynamically slot in the required service to maintain your list. ie. MaintenanceTypeService and ContractTypesService will implement IListMaintenanceService which exposes an list of items and Add,Delete and Edit commands.