Nested condition word problem on boolean values and inequalities - conditional-statements

(This code is written in Dr. Racket) I have to come up with a function which produces true for even numbers less than 4 or true for even numbers greater than 30 and false otherwise. This is my code:
(define (special-number n)
[(even?) n])
cond [(< n 4) n]
[(> n 30) n]
[else false]))
For some reason, my code isn't working. Some help would be greatly appreciated.

The first condition is incorrect, if the number is even you're returning it immediately. And the second cond isn't working, you forgot to put it inside brackets. The problem is straightforward, we just need to write the statement in code, word by word:
(define (special-number n)
; true for even numbers less than 4
((and (even? n) (< n 4)) true)
; true for even numbers greater than 30
((and (even? n) (> n 30)) true)
; false otherwise
(else false)))


How to rewrite recursive procedure (repeated f n) as an iterative process using Racket?

This is what I have for recursive procedure (repeated f n) that applies the function f n times to an argument:
(define (repeated f count)
(if (= count 1)
(lambda (x)
(f ((repeated f (- count 1)) x)))))
E.g. ((repeated sqr 3) 2) returns 256, i.e. (sqr(sqr(sqr 2))).
But I have no idea how to implement repeated as an iterative process using Racket. Any advice is much obliged.
A typical solution for converting a recursive process to an iterative process is to enlist the aid of an accumulator.
Any way you slice it, repeated will have to return a procedure. One solution would use a named let inside the returned procedure that iterates n times, keeping track of the results in an accumulator. Here is a version of repeated that returns a unary procedure; note that there is no input validation here, so calls like ((repeated f 0) 'arg) will lead to trouble.
(define (repeated f n)
(lambda (x)
(let iter ((n n)
(acc x))
(if (= n 1) (f acc)
(iter (- n 1)
(f acc))))))
Named let expressions are very handy for things like this, but you could also define a helper procedure to do the same thing. I will leave that solution as an exercise for OP.
scratch.rkt> ((repeated sqr 3) 2)
scratch.rkt> ((repeated add1 8) 6)
I think using for/fold makes a cleaner solution
(define ((repeated f n) x)
(for/fold ([acc x]) ([i (in-range n)]) (f acc)))
Using it:
> ((repeated sqr 3) 2)
> ((repeated add1 8) 6)

loop function is taking too long

I'm trying to do a function who implements a sum of n cubes:
1^3 + 2^3 + 3^3 + ... + n^3 = sum
My function should receive a sum and return a n or -1 if n doesn't exists.
Some examples:
(find-n 9) ; should return 2 because 1^3 + 2^3 = 9
(find-n 100) ; should return 4 because 1^3 + 2^3 + 3^3 + 4^3 = 100
(find-n 10) ; should return -1
After some work I made these two functions:
; aux function
(defn exp-3 [base] (apply *' (take 3 (repeat base))))
; main function
(defn find-n [m]
(loop [sum 0
actual-base 0]
(if (= sum m)
(if (> sum m)
(recur (+' sum (exp-3 (inc actual-base))) (inc actual-base))))))
These functions are working properly but is taking too long to evaluate operations with BigNumbers, as example:
(def sum 1025247423603083074023000250000N)
(time (find-n sum))
; => "Elapsed time: 42655.138544 msecs"
; => 45001000
I'm asking this question to raise some advices of how can I make this function faster.
This is all about algebra, and little to do with Clojure or programming. Since this site does not support mathematical typography, let's express it in Clojure.
(defn sigma [coll] (reduce + coll))
(defn sigma-1-to-n [f n]
(sigma (map f (rest (range (inc n))))))
(defn sigma-1-to-n [f n]
(->> n inc range rest (map f) sigma))
Then the question is, given n, to find i such that (= (sigma-1-to-n #(* % % %) i) n).
The key to doing this quickly is Faulhaber's formula for cubes. It tells us that the following are equal, for any natural number i:
(#(*' % %) (sigma-1-to-n identity i))
(sigma-1-to-n #(* % % %) i)
(#(*' % %) (/ (*' i (inc i)) 2))
So, to be the sum of cubes, the number
must be a perfect square
whose square root is the sum of the first so many numbers.
To find out whether a whole number is a perfect square, we take its approximate floating-point square root, and see whether squaring the nearest integer recovers our whole number:
(defn perfect-square-root [n]
(let [candidate (-> n double Math/sqrt Math/round)]
(when (= (*' candidate candidate) n)
This returns nil if the argument is not a perfect square.
Now that we have the square root, we have to determine whether it is the sum of a range of natural numbers: in ordinary algebra, is it (j (j + 1)) / 2, for some natural number j.
We can use a similar trick to answer this question directly.
j (j + 1) = (j + 1/2)^2 + 1/4
So the following function returns the number of successive numbers that add up to the argument, if there is one:
(defn perfect-sum-of [n]
(let [j (-> n (*' 2)
(- 1/4)
(- 0.5)
(when (= (/ (*' j (inc j)) 2) n)
We can combine these to do what you want:
(defn find-n [big-i]
{:pre [(integer? big-i) ((complement neg?) big-i)]}
(let [sqrt (perfect-square-root big-i)]
(and sqrt (perfect-sum-of sqrt))))
(def sum 1025247423603083074023000250000N)
(time (find-n sum))
"Elapsed time: 0.043095 msecs"
=> 45001000
(Notice that the time is about twenty times faster than before, probably because HotSpot has got to work on find-n, which has been thoroughly exercised by the appended testing)
This is obviously a lot faster than the original.
I was concerned that the above procedure might produce false negatives (it will never produce a false positive) on account of the finite precision of floating point. However, testing suggests that the procedure is unbreakable for the sort of number the question uses.
A Java double has 52 bits of precision, roughly 15.6 decimal places. The concern is that with numbers much bigger than this, the procedure may miss the exact integer solution, as the rounding can only be as accurate as the floating point number that it starts with.
However, the procedure solves the example of a 31 digit integer correctly. And testing with many (ten million!) similar numbers produces not one failure.
To test the solution, we generate a (lazy) sequence of [limit cube-sum] pairs:
(defn generator [limit cube-sum]
(fn [[l cs]]
(let [l (inc l)
cs (+' cs (*' l l l))]
[limit cs]))
[limit cube-sum]))
For example,
(take 10 (generator 0 0))
=> ([0 0] [1 1] [2 9] [3 36] [4 100] [5 225] [6 441] [7 784] [8 1296] [9 2025])
Now we
start with the given example,
try the next ten million cases and
remove the ones that work.
(remove (fn [[l cs]] (= (find-n cs) l)) (take 10000000 (generator 45001000 1025247423603083074023000250000N)))
=> ()
They all work. No failures. Just to make sure our test is valid:
(remove (fn [[l cs]] (= (find-n cs) l)) (take 10 (generator 45001001 1025247423603083074023000250000N)))
([45001001 1025247423603083074023000250000N]
[45001002 1025247514734170359564546262008N]
[45001003 1025247605865263720376770289035N]
[45001004 1025247696996363156459942337099N]
[45001005 1025247788127468667814332412224N]
[45001006 1025247879258580254440210520440N]
[45001007 1025247970389697916337846667783N]
[45001008 1025248061520821653507510860295N]
[45001009 1025248152651951465949473104024N]
[45001010 1025248243783087353664003405024N])
All ought to fail, and they do.
Just avoiding the apply (not really all that fast in CLJ) gives you a 4x speedup:
(defn exp-3 [base]
(*' base base base))
And another 10%:
(defn find-n [m]
(loop [sum 0
actual-base 0]
(if (>= sum m)
(if (= sum m) actual-base -1)
(let [nb (inc actual-base)]
(recur (+' sum (*' nb nb nb)) nb)))))
The following algorithmic-based approach relies on one simple formula which says that the sum of the cubes of the first N natural numbers is: (N*(N+1)/2)^2
(defn sum-of-cube
(let [n' (/ (*' n (inc n)) 2)]
(*' n' n')))
(defn find-nth-cube
((fn [start end prev]
(let [avg (bigint (/ (+' start end) 2))
cube (sum-of-cube avg)]
(cond (== cube n) avg
(== cube prev) -1
(> cube n) (recur start avg cube)
(< cube n) (recur avg end cube))))
1 n -1))
(time (find-nth-cube 1025247423603083074023000250000N))
"Elapsed time: 0.355177 msecs"
=> 45001000N
We want to find the number N such that the sum of 1..N cubes is some number X. To find if such a number exists, we can perform a binary search over some range for it by applying the above formula to see whether the result of the formula equals X. This approach works because the function at the top is increasing, and thus any value f(n) which is too large means that we must look for a lower number n, and any value f(n) which is too small means that we must look for a larger number n.
We choose a (larger than necessary, but easy and safe) range of 0 to X. We will know that the number exists if our formula applied to a given candidate number yields X. If it does not, we continue the binary search until either we find the number, or until we have tried the same number twice, which indicates that the number does not exist.
With an upper bound of logN, only takes 1 millisecond to compute 1E100 (1 googol), so it's very efficient for an algorithmic approach.
You may want to use some mathematical tricks.
(a-k)^3 + (a+k)^3 = 2a^3+(6k^2)a
So, a sum like:
= 9a^3+180a
(please confirm correctness of the calculation).
Using this equation, instead of incrementing by 1 every time, you can jump by 9 (or by any 2 k+1 you like). You can check for the exact number whenever you hit a bigger number than n.
Other way to improve is to have a table of ns and sums, by making a batch of computations once and use this table later in function find-n.

Find Prime Factor Too Slow or Crashes

I am currently learning LISP by going through some of the problems on ProjectEuler site. One of the problems asks this:
The prime factors of 13195 are 5, 7, 13 and 29.
What is the largest prime factor of the number 600851475143 ?
I have scrapped together Lisp code that does this. However, for numbers with 9+ digits, it is very slow. Most of the time I never get a solution, whereas for 8 digits, it takes about 4-5 seconds. What's more, sometimes I get "HEAP exceeded" error.
My question is am I doing something wrong in terms of running the code (use Aquamacs)? What are some ways this code can be optimized to be better suited for the task at hand? More importantly, how can "exceeded HEAP" crashes be avoided?
(defun potential-factors (number)
(loop for x from 1 to (ceiling (/ number 2))
for y = x
collect y))
(defun factors (number)
(let (prime-factors '())
(loop for x in (potential-factors number)
do (if (= (mod number x) 0)
(setq prime-factors (cons x prime-factors))))
(defun is-prime (n &optional (d (- n 1)))
(if (/= n 1)
(or (= d 1)
(and (/= (rem n d) 0)
(is-prime n (- d 1)))) ()))
(defun problem-3 (number)
(last (sort (remove-if-not #'is-prime (factors number) :from-end t) #'<)))
The problem is that you are creating a list in potential-factors of all the numbers between 1 and n/2. That list takes a huge amount of memory and causes the program to crash. The good news is that you don't need to accumulate these numbers in a list, but simply use one number at a time. In factors replace the line (loop for x in (potential-factors number) with (loop for x from 1 to (ceiling (/ number 2))
That should do the trick.
I'm no mathematician, but another thought: The insight about dividing n by 2 seems to be that factors come in pairs. A is a factor of N only if A times B is N, so B has to be at least 2. But that logic can be extended, right? What about dividing by 3? Once you've checked to see if 3 is a factor, then there is no point in checking all numbers greater than 1/3 N. The same for 4, etc. The observation would seem to be that you really only need to check the numbers such that A is less than or equal to B -- so then what would the limit of that be? Well, if A = B, then A times B = A times A, which means that that in that case, A is the square root of N. So I would think you only need to check up as high as the square root N, instead of all the way up to N / 2.
But I'm no mathematician.
What do you think the result of (potential-factors 600851475143) is? How long would it take to compute a result and how much memory would the result need?

What's wrong with my tail-recursive sum procedure?

What's wrong with my tail-recursive sum procedure? My tail-recursive scheme procedure will not run.
(define (sum term a next b)
(define iter result i)
(if (> i b)
(iter (+ result (term i)) (next i))
(iter 0 a )))
(define (increment x)(+ x 1))
(define (sum-square a b)
(sum (lambda(x)(* x x)) a increment b))
(define (sum-int a b)
(define (identity a) a)
(sum identity a increment b))
(sum-int 5 10)
(sum-square 5 10)
Error: execute: unbound symbol: "result" [sum-int, (anon), sum, (anon), sum-square, sum, (anon)]
You have parentheses problems in sum. Try this:
(define (sum term a next b)
(define (iter result i)
(if (> i b)
(iter (+ result (term i)) (next i))))
(iter 0 a))
In particular, notice that this line was wrong, that's not how you define a procedure:
(define iter result i)
And the corresponding closing parentheses is wrong, too. A strict discipline of correctly indenting and formatting the code will make these kind of errors easier to catch, use a good IDE for this.

Using local variables in scheme

I have been asked to translate a couple of C functions to scheme for an assignment. My professor very briefly grazed over how Scheme works, and I am finding it difficult to understand. I want to create a function that checks to see which number is greater than the other, then keeps checking every time you input a new number. The issue I am having is with variable declaration. I don't understand how you assign a value to an id.
(define max 1)
(define (x x)
(let maxfinder [(max max)]
(if (= x 0)
(if (> max x)
((= max x) maxfinder(max))))))
The trouble I keep running into is that I want to initialize max as a constant, and modify x. In my mind this is set up as an infinite loops with an exit when x = 0. If max is > x, which it should not be for the first time through, then set max = to x, and return x. I don't know what to do with the constant max. I need it to be a local variable. Thanks
Parenthesis use is very strict. Besides special forms they are used to call procedures. eg (> max x) calls procedure > with arguments max and x. ((if (> x 3) - +) 6 x) is an example where the if form returns a procedure and the result is called.
((= max x) ...) evaluates (= max x) and since the result is not a procedure it will fail.
maxfinder without parenthesis is just a procedure object.
(max) won't work since max is a number, not a procedure.
As for you problem. You add the extra variables you need to change in the named let. Eg. a procedure that takes a number n and makes a list with number 0-n.
(define (make-numbered-list n)
(let loop ((n n) (acc '()))
(if (zero? n)
(loop (- n 1) (cons n acc)))))
Local variables are just locally bound symbols. This can be rewritten
(define (make-numbered-list n)
(define (loop n acc)
(if (zero? n)
(loop (- n 1) (cons n acc))))
(loop n '()))
Unlike Algol dialects like C you don't mutate variables in a loop, but use recusion to alter them.
Good luck
If i understand you correctly, you are looking for the equivalent of a C function's static variable. This is called a closure in Scheme.
Here's an example implementation of a function you feed numbers to, and which will always return the current maximum:
(define maxfinder
(let ((max #f)) ; "static" variable, initialized to False
(lambda (n) ; the function that is defined
(when (or (not max) (< max n)) ; if no max yet, or new value > max
(set! max n)) ; then set max to new value
max))) ; in any case, return the current max
> (maxfinder 1)
> (maxfinder 10)
> (maxfinder 5)
> (maxfinder 2)
> (maxfinder 100)
So this will work, but provides no mechanism to reuse the function in a different context. The following more generalised version instantiates a new function on every call:
(define (maxfinder)
(let ((max #f)) ; "static" variable, initialized to False
(lambda (n) ; the function that is returned
(when (or (not max) (< max n)) ; if no max yet, or new value > max
(set! max n)) ; then set max to new value
max))) ; in any case, return the current max
use like this:
> (define max1 (maxfinder)) ; instantiate a new maxfinder
> (max1 1)
> (max1 10)
> (max1 5)
> (max1 2)
> (max1 100)
> (define max2 (maxfinder)) ; instantiate a new maxfinder
> (max2 5)
Define a function to determine the maximum between two numbers:
(define (max x y)
(if (> x y) x y))
Define a function to 'end'
(define end? zero?)
Define a function to loop until end? computing max
(define (maximizing x)
(let ((input (begin (display "number> ") (read))))
(cond ((not (number? input)) (error "needed a number"))
((end? input) x)
(else (maximizing (max x input))))))
Kick it off:
> (maximizing 0)
number> 4
number> 1
number> 7
number> 2
number> 0