I need to develop a tron node and tron cli in local server. I have followed java tron documentation but in java tron there is no cli. Then I moved to tron cli GitHub and I install all packages. I ran tron cli. Then how to run node and deploy contract in tron cli?
Have a look at https://github.com/andelf/rust-tron, it is a powerful cli tool for tron.
Contract dev Doc.
how to setup basic environment for react and smart contract deployment
I am not able to setup environment for below tech stack
basic environment for truffle , solidity ,react app on vs code
Truffle is old now.
The stack for setting up a basic environment for react and smart contract deployment would be:
Web3.js - for interacting with the Ethereum blockchain from within a React application
Test ethers on goreli
Node prodiver - Alchemy
Web3 modal for connect wallet
I created an app using Admin UI then created a fresh Vue JS application.
When I run amplify pull --appId d2v01y74i7xjqk --envName staging on the CLI, I am getting the following error:
Invalid feature flag configuration
These feature flags are defined in the "amplify/cli.json" configuration file and are unknown to the currently running Amplify CLI:
This issue likely happens when the project has been pushed with a newer version of Amplify CLI, try updating to a newer version.
I have upgraded amplify to the latest 4.45.0 version.
Does anyone know how this can be resolved?
I finally got this working, and it was frustrating to say the least.
curl -sL https://aws-amplify.github.io/amplify-cli/install | zsh && $SHELL
Once i ran this, it worked for me aftewards.
I would like to try PWA with create react app version 4.0, i did manage to generate new project as below
npx create-react-app my-app --template cra-template-pwa-typescript
When i try to run npm start i don't see any service-worker.js registered in chrome browser but if i build and serve then it works fine. I would like to register service-worker.js in dev mode, so i followed this article Easy Workbox Integration with create-react-app I have removed the production environment check in serviceWorkerRegistration.ts but no luck.
if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production' && 'serviceWorker' in navigator)
Please advise ?
The service worker is only enabled in the production environment, e.g. the output of npm run build. It's recommended that you do not enable an offline-first service worker in a development environment, as it can lead to frustration when previously cached assets are used and do not include the latest changes you've made locally.
from here: https://create-react-app.dev/docs/making-a-progressive-web-app/
I cannot able to add android platform in package.json file after installing firebase cloud messaging.
"platforms": [
This is not very clear what you're saying but the way to add the android platform is to use the Ionic CLI.
You have options to use Cordova or Capacitor.
If you are just starting out it's probably best to use Cordova.
You type this into the command line:
ionic cordova platform add android
The documentation for this command is here:
ionic cordova platform - Ionic Documentation
This will update the json files for you and add all the required configuration.
You should review the documentation though if this is your first time as there are many steps before this to configure your machine:
In theory, it seems you should be able to use Ignite and its boilerplates with create-react-native-app by executing:
ignite attach
ignite add ir-boilerplate
And then copying the boilerplate application code into the project directory.
Now that create-react-native-app is tightly coupled with Expo, this doesn't work as expected. The Ignite code causes all kinds of errors within the Expo framework. From my reading, it seems the Ignite dependencies conflict with what is provided by Expo.
One lone soldier hacked together a solution to the Expo conflicts, but this was done just for Expo and not create-react-native-app. Also I'd obviously prefer a more supported solution.
So... has anyone gotten the Ignite boilerplate running within the new create-react-native-app which integrates with Expo?
If that isn't feasible, what would you recommend? I think it's safe to assume that Ignite will have to be updated to support Expo, especially now that it is ingrained in create-react-native-app. If I develop using Ignite today, will I be able to migrate my work into the create-react-native-app framework when Ignite supports it?
$ ignite new MyLatestCreation -b ignite-expo
(according to GitHub thread: https://github.com/infinitered/ignite/issues/1008)
Hi, mate!
I'd recommend you this boilerplate to integrate expo with ignite: https://github.com/skellock/expo-with-ignite
For easy reference: this command will get you a ignite-expo boiler template
ignite new MyLatestCreation -b ignite-expo
report any issues here
yes ignite it works with expo for react native apps you should use this command line
npx ignite-cli new PizzaApp -b bowser --expo to run new project using ignite browser
for more information and how to work with it you can check my github readme for my first project using ignite [ignite]https://github.com/HAFDIAHMED/Ignite_first_app