Kotlin: does it make sense a property with private get and public set? - kotlin

I am new to Kotlin, and I have been experimenting with the language. In Kotlin in Action, it says the following:
The accessor’s visibility by default is the same as the property’s. But you can change
this if you need to, by putting a visibility modifier before the get or set keyword.
I have tried to create a property that has a private getter and a public setter, as follows:
class BackingField {
var aProperty = 1
private get
set(value) {
field = value + 1
However, IntelliJ is suggesting me to remove the private modifier before get. Is is possible to have a public property with a private getter and a public setter? If so, what are some common applications of such entity? If not, could we conclude that what is stated in the book is partially wrong?

The book is not wrong per se. Because you can actually change the visibility on both the get and set but the set can't be more visible than the get according to this question:
Private getter and public setter for a Kotlin property

Remember that books and IDEs offer recomendations and not good design based on what you do.
The set can't be more visible than the get, as other said, but then remember that properties and backing fields is just an abstraction. You can have no backing field and declare your interface setter and getter methods with the access restrictions you wish for.
Given this use case, it's obvious that you have special requirements. I.e. the data is not just set, but also incremented by 1. So your external interface would probably have another name for it as well.
Having the syntac object.field = x invoke a setter function is suspect as well, cause the syntax implies no function invocation, as in java or C/C++ structs. it can bite you horribly and make you miss the fact that the assignment invokes a setter somewhere in your code - I would consider it bad design.
The feature of properties and getters/setters works mostly if you are working with data objects and pokos (plain old kotlin objects) only. It's very good for those cases, and can save you time, but once you stray off into more complex scenarios, as you are doing, it's weakness will begin to show.
In this case you don't need a setter, because the class will have access to it privately. The getter though, is something you have to define, and perhaps give a more apropriate name, like setAndIncrement.
class BackingField {
private var aProperty = 1
fun setAProperty(value:Int) { aProperty=value+1}
private fun getAProperty():Int { return aProperty }
fun print() {println(aProperty)}
fun main() {
var f = BackingField()
println(f.aProperty) // Won't compile


Kotlin constructor val vs private val

If I have something like the following:
interface IRecordService {
fun doSomething () : Record
interface IRecordRepository : MongoRepository<Record, String> {
class RecordService (
private val recordRepository : IRecordRepository // or just val instead of private val
) : IRecordService
override fun doSomething () : Record {
// does something
Is there any difference between using private val in the RecordService constructor vs just val? I've seen both being used but couldn't tell if there was a recommended way or why.
This isn't specific to Spring or Mongo; it's just core Kotlin. There are several things going on here; I'll try to unpick them.
Consider the simpler definition:
class MyClass(i: Int)
The parens specify the primary constructor: any parameters there (such as i) are passed into the class, and are available during construction. So you could pass them up to the superclass constructor, use them in property initialisers, and/or in an init block:
class MyClass(i: Int) : MySuperclass(i) {
val someProperty = i
init {
println("i is $i")
However, they don't persist after the instance has been constructed — so you couldn't refer to them in methods, or from outside the class.
If you want to do that, you have to define a property for each parameter you want to persist. You could do that explicitly, e.g.:
class MyClass(i: Int) {
val i2 = i
Here every instance of MyClass has a property called i2 which is initialised to the i constructor parameter.
However, because this is a common pattern, Kotlin provides a shortcut. If you specify val or var in the primary constructor:
class MyClass(val i: Int)
then Kotlin creates a property with the same name as the parameter, and initialises it for you. So every instance of the above class has a property called i that you can refer to at any time.
By default, properties in Kotlin are public: you can access them from inside the class, from subclasses, from other classes in the same module, and from any other code that has a MyClass instance.
However, in some cases it's useful to restrict access, so you can add a visibility modifier: internal prevents code in other modules from seeing it, protected allows only subclasses to see it, and private makes it visible only inside the class itself.
So, to answer your question: without the private modifier, any code that had access to your RecordService would be able to access its recordRepository property; adding private prevents that, and means that only code within RecordService can see it.
In general, it might be a good idea to centralise all access to the recordRepository in the one class; then making it private would ensure that no other code can muck around with it. That would make it easier to see what's going on, easier to debug, and safer to work on. (However, we obviously don't know about the rest of your program, and can't advise on whether that would be a good plan in your case.)
By the way, using an I prefix for interfaces is not a convention that's used much in Kotlin (or Java). There's often little point in having an interface with only one implementation; and if you could have multiple implementations, then better to use a simple term for the interface and then more specific terms for the implementations.  (For example: the List interface with ArrayList and LinkedList classes, or Number with Int and Long.)
If you put val, it will be a constructor parameter and property. If you don't, it will be a constructor parameter (NOT property).
See Why to put val or var in kotlin class constructors
Firstly if you use val it converts this constructor parameter to property,If you do not want to hide this property (to set it) from other classes,you can use val.But if you do not want your property to be changed by other classes you should use private val instead.
Well, you can use both val and private val in your constructor there's no problem in that, it's just that with private keyword your properties wont be modified or accessed by some other class, so it basically provides some data hiding. If you talking about difference in functionality inside your RecordService class, then no there wont be any difference.

kotlin get static type of a class property

I'm trying to get the type of some class properties in order to strongly typing my Kotlin Code.
In typescript, we can do this (stupid examplebut this is to explain)
class Test {
private _prop:string
this._prop = val
public get prop():Test["_prop"] { return this._prop}
const t:Test["_prop"] = "fdds"
The benefit here is that if I need to chnange the type of "_prop", no need to refactor the whole code, as the type is find thanks to Test["_prop"].
Is there a way to do this in Kotlin ?
I've seen reflection functions in Kotlin, but can't get what I want
Kotlin code :
class Test(val prop:Int) {
fun ppr() {
fun getProp():Int {
return prop
fun main() {
println("Hello, world!!!")
var t:Test = Test(4)
var a:Int = t.getProp() // how to change :Int by "return type of func Test.prop
What you're trying to do is the opposite of strong typing. The point of a strong-typed system is that you're defining exactly what things are, and the system requires you to interact with those things correctly, and prevents you from doing things those types don't support
You're working with specific types and defined type hierarchies, and the way you can interact them is strongly enforced. It's possible to go outside the type system, e.g. with unchecked casts, or by reflection (which can get close to throwing the whole thing out completely) - but that's losing the benefits of strong typing, the guarantees and assistance it can provide, and makes errors a lot more likely
Basically if you want to change the type, you're supposed to refactor it. That lets the system handle it all for you systematically, and it will point out any problems that change might introduce, so you can resolve and handle them. This is another benefit of a strongly typed system - it can help you in this way
If you want to stay within the type system, but just want to update a type and avoid creating changes in a bunch of files, then #Sweeper's typealias approach will work - kinda abstracting a type definition away to one place (and you can give it a more meaningful name that doesn't reflect the specific type it happens to be right now). But if you meaningfully change what that underlying type is, your code will probably have to handle it anyway, unless you're just doing a common call on it like toString().
I might have got what you're asking for wrong, but I wanted to point this stuff out just in case, since you were talking about reflection and all!
You can't do it exactly like that in Kotlin, but you can declare a type alias, which sort of achieves the same result - enabling you to change the type of multiple things by editing only one place.
typealias PropType = Int
class Test(val prop: PropType) {
fun prop(): PropType {
return prop
To change the type of both, just change the typealias PropType = Int line.
However, note that you don't actually need to do this if you just want to write a getter. You don't need to explicitly write getters if all it does is just returning the property's value. If you want to do something extra in the getter, you can do:
class Test(prop: Int) {
val prop = prop
get() {
// do something extra in the getter
println("getting prop!")
return field // return the underlying field
The getter will be called whenever you access Test.prop, and again, you only need to change one place to change the type of the property.

How to test if lateinit var is initialized from outside the class? - Kotlin

This SO post outlines how to test if a lateinit var has been initialized. However, in the example, the lateinit var is conveniently located within the same class.
How do you do the same thing from outside the class? This is the situation I have:
class Foo {
lateinit var foo: String
class Bar {
fun doSomething() {
val foo = Foo().foo
if (::foo.isInitialized) { // Unsupported [reference to variables aren't supported yet]
Log.i("TAG", "do something")
What's the workaround for this?
If this was going to work, you'd need to do
val foo = Foo()
if (foo::foo.isInitialized)
The way you're doing it, you're trying to get a property reference of your local variable, which isn't a property. That's why the error says "reference to variables aren't supported yet" rather than "backing field not accessible at this point". Also, you'd be accessing the getter of the lateinit property when assigning the local variable, so it would fail if it weren't initialized yet.
But it doesn't work because of compiler limitations. You could simply add a getter
val fooReady: Boolean get() = ::foo.isInitialized
But I would say the design has very poor encapsulation if outside classes need to check whether a particular public property is initialized yet. In my opinion, any use of isInitialized is a code smell to begin with. If you need to guard calls to the getter with isInitialized, you might as well make the property nullable instead. Then you can use the familiar idioms of null checks instead of resorting to reflection, and it will work in a familiar way even for external classes that access it.
If object of another class has to make a decision based on whether or not the property is initialised, then having this property initialised - or answering whether or not it has already been initialised - is a public business capacity of your object and therefore I would recommend you to simply make it a part of your public API via public fun isFooInitialised(): Boolean function that utilises the fact that the object itself can inspect the state of its lateinit properties.

In Kotlin what does this get() do

Im new to Kotlin and wonder what does the get() = login_email.txt.toString() do?
Does it set email String?
get() and set(value) after a field means the declaration of a custom getter and/or setter. Here's a basic example using default values:
class Demo{
var something: String
get() = field
set(value) {
field = value;
constructor(something: String){
this.something = something;
These two are, however, redundant. You don't actually need them unless you're doing something custom with it. They're automatically added for vars, though that only applies to getters for vals (because they can't be changed, they don't have setters).
The line you were asking about is a custom getter.
get() // declares a custom getter
= // if you don't know how this works, see my explanation below
login_email.text.toString() // you should be familiar with this part already; gets the string value of the field
If you're not familiar with the syntax, this is the equivalent without =:
return login_email.text.toString()
if you have a single return, you can replace the brackets and return keyword with =. If it helps you remember, just remember the alternative to using = (a body + the return keyword)
TL;DR: it declares a custom setter that returns the value of a TextView/EditText (not sure which it is, you didn't include that in the question)
In your case, you're using a custom getter or setter to handle property data. The fields themselves don't actually contain any data, but you have getters for a different object.
Take this as an example:
class Demo(private val someObject: MyCustomObjectWithSomeData){
val text: String
get() = someObject.text
... same for other stuff. Could also have setters, if the properties are mutable
Here the object is private, but it could be public or internal for that matter.
Kotlin supports quite a lot with custom getters. For an instance, you can declare a field to display specific fields of a private variable. For an instance, in your case, you have the email. It doesn't need to be a variable, since you have a custom getter, and the field isn't initialized. If you change var email to a val, you can make it non-null:
val email: String
get() = login_email.text.toString()
That also helps with null-safety.
And for the error field, it's slightly more complicated. It can't be a val because you declare a custom setter, but if you add a getter, you can make it non-null:
var error: String
get() = login_error.text.toString()
login_error.text = value;
Short Answer
get() is used to define a custom getter method. Anytime you access the property you are using the custom getter method
Long Answer
So before we can talk about get(), it is important that we get a proper understanding of what properties actually are.
We all know that in object oriented programming the main idea of a class is to encapsulate data and code that works on data in a single class. In a language like Java (don't worry we will get back to Kotlin soon), the data of a class is stored in private fields, we then use accessor method (getters and setters) to access the data. In Java the combination of accessor methods and a field is called a property
Now in Kotlin does things a little differently, it entirely replaces the traditional idea of defining accessor methods and fields. By using the val or var keyword Kotlin will automatically generate the corresponding field and appropriate accessor methods for us.
There will come a time when either your code or someone else's code needs a more robust solution to the automatic accessor methods created by Kotlin. This is where get() and set() come into play. By using get() you are defining your own custom accessor method(getter for get()) to be used when you are accessing this property.
I would also like to point out that since val is immutable it does not allow you to define a set() method, only a get()

Why the modifier on property is the same as Getter and Setter but not Field after Java being translated into Kotlin?

Official Ref says the default Visibility Modifier is public.
But from koan data classes it can be inferred that it is private.
Is it a contradiction? What is the default Visibility Modifier of property in kotlin?
---------The above is the initial question---------------
I didn't mix property and field up. But I did have confusion on how property is accessed.
To resolve my confusion, I actually should have asked the new question in edited title.
Self-answered below.
The default visibility for properties (and functions and classes, and...) is indeed public.
The Koan is a little confusing, because the Java class has private fields with public getters.
A property can be seen as the combination of field, a getter and an optional setter. The property in the Koan has a private backing field and a public getter.
If you for example write
val age = person.age
then Kotlin will basically generate a getAge() method of the Person class, that will be called internally. This method returns the field itself.
It's also possible to add behavior to that getter. You can find more info in that in the documentation.
It's therefore not a contradiction, but a different concept.
What it the default Visibility Modifier for properties in kotlin?
It is public, as the docs say
Why are the fields not private
In this example the fields are immutable, so there are no setters defined automatically. The data class automatically has getters, and uses them, but it simplifies reading the code by not requiring them to be manually called.
Worked example
This code:
object X {
data class Example(val a: String, val b: String)
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
val e = Example("a", "b")
The main method of this compiles to this (with checks and metadata removed):
public static final void main(String[] args) {
X.Example e = new X.Example("a", "b");
String var2 = e.getA();
var2 = e.getB();
(Decompiled using IntelliJ IDEA)
Property encapsulates backing field by defintion. Backing field is directly assigned only when being initialized. All accesses except initialization are done through accessors.
So the private modifier on field in Java is no longer needed in Kotlin.
And the public on getter and setter in Java is placed on property(actually, still for getter and setter) in Kotlin.
Therefore the omitted modifier is public and not private.