Having issues installing and accessing Directus on Debian based VPS - directus

I've attempted to install Directus through Sofaculous installer on my VPS and using the instructions laid out here: https://docs.directus.io/installation/git.html and nothing is working. It just gives me a 503 Service Unavailable once its installed.
Debian Based VPS on A2hosting.com
Methods of install include Softaculous and attempted to install using git clone.
Folders have the correct permissions
Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.


How to install mod_auth_openidc on RHEL 7

I've been to the Releases site for mod_auth_openidc and brought down the rpm. And attempting to install requires cjose but attempting to find and install that poses a problem as it seems to incorrectly test the version of jansson (e.g., 2.10 is though to be less than 2.3). Most of the documentation I find is years old. Trying to use yum brings in a very outdated version of the mod_auth_openidc (1.8.8) that fails to allow apache httpd to load if you have an OIDCDirectURL coded.
I'm trying to configure Apache HTTPD to call out to an OAUTH2 Server I've created but I can't get the old mod to work and I'd love to know where I can get the piece parts to allow the latest version to install. There are some old downloads on the Releases site if you page back to 2.0 but the libcjose0 is not an rpm.
Do I need to retrieve the dependencies from their github and build them? If someone has done this already and posted the assets I'm happy to retrieve them. I'm surprised RHEL 7 repos don't have the latest (or newer) versions of the mod_auth_openidc.
The version issue reported when trying to install cjose is a red herring. Based on this site I found I needed to install jansson-devel to get past the errant warning about versions.
Going here allowed me to retrieve a fairly recent version of cjose-0.5.1-1.el7.centos.x86_64.rpm which installed without complaints once jansson-devel was installed.
I was then able to install mod_auth_openidc-2.4.9-1.el7.x86_64.rpm from the github repo releases
I am now able to start apache httpd with the OIDCRedirectURI entry in httpd.conf

Install Phalcon on RHEL 7

I'm trying to install Phalcon on my RHEL 7 VM. I downloaded files and folders from GitHub and place them on my VM via WinSCP in /opt/ (using remi repo or git clone from VM is blocked)
When I move into /opt/phalcon/build/ and try to sudo ./install, I got a notice that PHP 5 is no longer supported, currently on my Red Hat, I have PHP 7.3.11 version running (checked using php -v and config page).
I installed things like php-devel or gcc.
I have rh-php73-php installed and running on my VM
Maybe someone can help me, because I have no idea how to fix it.
I have rh-php73-php installed and running on my VM
Sorry, but phalcon extension package doesn't exist for this PHP stack.
Using the full php stack from "remi-php73" repository or php73 SCL from "remi-safe" will give you "php-phalcon4" package with latest version of this extension.
using remi repo or git clone from VM is blocked
Use a proxy, or download packages and install them manually.
Tips: test installation from another computer, connected to internet, to get the full package list. You can even retrieve them later from /var/cache/yum (using keepcache=1 in yum.conf)
For memory, for a proper installation, follow the Wizard instructions

How to install mod_cloudflare for easyapache 4

I am trying to install mod_cloudflare for Apache using easyapache 4 on cPanel Server. I am running CentOS 7.2.
I have installed mod_cloudflare for EasyApache4 following the instructions under Option 2 here. After running the installer it said "Done. Please restart EasyApache 4". I then went into WHM -> EasyApache 4 and tried to find the server module, but it is not to be found. I clicked the "run system update" button and tried again, to no avail. Is there an easyapache service that needs to be restarted via the command line?
I am not a hosting provider so I have not tried the Cloudflare plugin for CPanel.
* Edit 4/9/2019 *
Changing accepted answer to EasyCo's, as the original solution no longer works.
Figured I'd throw my solution into the mix using Centos 6.9 with WHM/cPanel.
bash <(curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cloudflare/mod_cloudflare/master/EasyApache/installer.sh)
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cloudflare/mod_cloudflare/master/mod_cloudflare.c
yum install ea-apache24-devel
apxs -a -i -c mod_cloudflare.c
rm /etc/apache2/conf.modules.d/mod_cloudflare.conf
service httpd restart
What's happening?
We're using the cPanel installer.sh as suggested by Cloudflare but the compiled mod_cloudflare.so throws an error if you then run service httpd restart. Lets fix this.
Download the source mod_cloudflare file.
Ensure we have the correct EasyApache4 developer tools to build the mod_cloudflare module.
Build and install extension module.
Remove the new mod_cloudfare.conf file since we prefer the one that was generated and installed in step 1.
Restart apache.
Note: The mod_cloudflare module will not show in EasyApache4. You can see it's enabled by running httpd -M | grep cloudflare and you should see something like cloudflare_module (shared).
I found a solution that worked perfectly.
This github project installs the module and adds it into EasyApache so that future rebuilds keep the module active. This was the only solution I found that actually works for EasyApache 4. Everything else seems to be for EasyApache 3.
CloudFlare was not much help with this either, as they had suggested I contact my hosting provider for assistance.
I know this is a bit old now, but it's the first answer that shows up in google.
The official cloudflare answer does work, it just doesn't show up in the EA4 list of modules. However it is installed and working.
Just for others like me that reached here recently, mod_cloudflare module is deprecated and there is a native module for apache [mod_remoteip]. I can see it in EasyApache (apache module section). Also There is a manual here to install & config :
with this module you can see Client IP through
And there is no need to
Instructions for installing mod_cloudflare on cPanel with EasyApache4 can be found here:
bash <(curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cloudflare/mod_cloudflare/master/EasyApache/installer.sh)

Why does apache2.2 keeps installing instead of apache2.4?

I've been trying to set Vagrant up for local development on my machine. I see from Apache's official website that 2.4.7 is the current stable version. And I had no issues installing it on my VPS. But with Vagrant it's a different story. I'm trying with both Base64 and Base32 boxes. This is the command i'm running:
sudo apt-get install -y apache2
It should install apache 2.4.x. But it doesn't. Sometimes it installs version 2.2, sometimes 2.4. This is driving me nuts, since the whole idea of using Vagrant is to have the same Virtual machine replicated everywhere. Any ideas?
Because the Debian based distro (possibly Ubuntu) you're using is still using 2.2.x. Switching to 2.4.x from 2.2.x means all the 3rd party modules they ship have to be upgraded (or at least rebuilt) so they probably haven't made the switch yet.

Uninstalling user install of Apache on Mac Mini

I got a MacMini at work for development, and was asked to follow this article to install SVN on it: http://developer.apple.com/tools/subversionxcode.html The article assumes that only Apache 1.3 was installed and asks the reader to install Apache 2. I've since learned that the MacMini has Apache 2 already installed. So basically I've installed two versions of Apache 2. The preinstalled one has access to PHP, so I wanted to remove my version, but I'm unsure of how.
My version has httpd.conf stored at:
And the preinstalled version has it stored at:
/etc/apache2/httpd.conf, which I believe is an alias for /private/etc/apache2/httpd.conf
Thanks for your help
Delete the Apache2 folder from the location you specified, /Library/StartupItems/Apache2, and /Library/Receipts/Apache2.pkg according to: