I edit the template "Create Stored Procedure (New Menu).sql" with the template-explorer. And saved it. Restart ssms.
But if I create a new stored procedure by right-click in the object explorer and then "new -> stored procedure..." the changes are not visible. It seems ssms uses an standard-template I can't find...
If I call the template via template-explorer I can see my changes.
The template I changed is saved at C:\Users\breuerp\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\SQL Server Management Studio\18.0\Templates\Sql\Stored Procedure.
Is there any other place? How to change the template ssms uses when clicking menu?
Google finds only instructions how to change the template - I did it like the hits described ir - or where they are saved - the place I find my template...
I'm using ssms Version 18.6 and with this infos:
SQL Server Management Studio 15.0.18338.0SQL Server
Management Objects (SMO) 16.100.41011.9 Microsoft Analysis
Services Client Tools 15.0.19205.0 Microsoft Data Access
Components (MDAC) 10.0.17763.1 Microsoft MSXML 3.0 4.0
6.0 Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0.30319.42000 Operating System 10.0.17763
The paths mention in Customise default 'New Stored Procedure' SSMS 2008 Template do not exist on my pc.
Looks like the templates are intended to start your own collection of starting points for frequently used scripts. Nowhere does the documentation state that it will import or include your custom templates in SSMS.
The documentation states the following (without higlights).
The first time the template explorer is opened, a copy of the templates are placed in the user's folder in C:\Users, under AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\SQL Server Management Studio\130\Templates.
Perhaps if the original location could be retrieve and the original scripts adjusted, then you might see changes in SSMS.
Create custom templates for tasks you perform frequently. Organize your custom scripts into the existing folders or create a new folder structure.
If creating a new folder structure is suggested as possible practice, but there is no option to configure the new folder path in SSMS, then there is no way for the application to find your custom templates.
I'm trying to get just basic unit testing on an SQL database through a Visual Studio project.
The first thing I tried was just creating a simple .Net Core Unit Testing library.
Then I added an SQL Test, and it couldn't link to the SqlDatabaseTestClass`. Looking around, this is a fairly ubiquitous issue, but I found an obscure comment at the bottom of https://developercommunity.visualstudio.com/content/problem/29842/database-unit-test-project-does-not-build-in-visua.html that said that it's probably a linking issue.
So I created a .Net Framework Unit Test project. Now that has no option to add an SQL Test.
So I found an article that says that I should try creating an SQLDatabase https://www.codeguru.com/csharp/.net/net_data/create-sql-server-database-unit-tests-using-visual-studio.html
But then I got an error that The server version or database compatibility level is not supported. Import Database in VS 2015 SQL Server Database Project
The solution to that was to go to the SQL Server Object Explorer and right click on the DB and create an SQL project by right clicking on the Database. And that worked! Finally I have a project with database tables.
But now when I right click on a stored procedure, I don't get the option to create a unit test.
I figured it out.
Open the View -> SQL Object Explorer in the top menu bar in Visual Studio 2017. Make sure it's the Object Explorer and not the Server Explorer. These instructions presuppose that you have your connections setup properly.
Right-click on your database and click Create New Project. Make sure the directory is correct because it wasn't for me.
After the database imports, go to your Error List and resolve all those errors. Now you should be able to right-click on a stored procedure in either the SQL Server Object Explorer and select Create Unit Tests.
Allowing Visual Studio to do all the heavy lifting sorted me out.
My goal is to keep SQL Server stored procedures under source control. I also want to stop using SQL Server Management Studio and use only Visual Studio for SQL related development.
I've added a new SQL Server Database project to my solution. I have successfully imported my database schema into the new project, and all the SQL objects (tables, stored procedures) are there in their own files.
I know that now if I run (with F5) the .sql files then my changes will be applied to my (LocalDB). This if fine, but what if I want to very quickly run something on another machine (like a dedicated SQL Server shared by the entire team)? How can I change the connection string of the current .sql file in the Sql Server Data Tools editor?
I have the latest version of Sql Server Data Tools extension for Visual Studio 2012 (SQL Server Data Tools 11.1.31203.1). I don't know if this is related to the current version, but I cannot find anymore the Transact-SQL Editor Toolbar.
I have also tried to Right-click on the sql editor, choose Connection -> Disconnect. If I do the reverse (Connection -> Connect...) the editor directly connects automatically (probably to my LocalDB), without asking me a dialog to choose my connection.
Another strange thing I've observed, if I try to run a simple SQL query (like select * from dbo.ApplicationUser I receive the following message (even if the autocomplete works):
(Note: I have the same issue with Visual Studio 2013)
Inspired by srutzky's comments, I installed the latest SSDT pack (12.0.41025). And bingo, like srutzky said there is a Change Connection option. But what's more, you can specify your Target DB by right clicking on the Project in the Solution Explorer, and going to Properties->Debug and changing the Target Connection String! If you're stuck on an older SSDT, then the below instructions will still work.
For SSDT 12.0.3-
I've also been plagued by this problem! My solution is below, but it has some Pros and Cons to it...
I'm assuming that you are using a SQL Server Project in VS (I'm using VS2013 and SQL Server 2012).
Right click on your .sql file in the Solution Explorer and view Properties.
Change Build Action to None.
If the file is open for editing, then close it.
Reopen the file, and the T-SQL Editor should appear at the top.
Click Connect, and you will connect to your (localdb).
Click Disconnect.
Click Connect again and the SQL Server Connection dialog should appear.
Switch the connect string of '(localdb)\Whatever' to '.' (for some reason using '(localhost)' didn't work for me).
Voila, you should now be able to query against your SQL Server DBs! Rinse and repeat for every file you want this capability with... :/
You can finally run queries directly against your SQL Server DB
Your code can be organized in a nice VS solution (SSMS doesn't allow folders! :/)
You can (after switching Build Action setting back) Build the project
I'm not seeing any autocomplete/intellisense against the remote DB, although if you import your DB, then you could gain the intellisense from that
Requires each file to switch Build Action to None
This should be a fairly simple and straight-forward thing to do, that is, if you are using SSDT version 12.0.41025.0 (or newer, one would suppose):
Do either:
Go to the SQL menu at the top of the Visual Studio window
Right-click inside of the SQL editor tab
Go to Connection ->
Select Change Connection
Then it will display the "Connect to Server" modal dialog window.
If you do not see the options for "Disconnect All Queries" and "Change Connection...", then you need to upgrade your SSDT via either:
Visual Studio:
Go to the "TOOLS" menu and then "Extensions and Updates..."
Direct download:
Go to: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/data/tools.aspx
The fastest way to achieve this is create a new SQL Connection, copy and paste the code then execute.
What I do is Tools->SQL Server->New Query.
Enter the database credentials (And make sure that the Database at the top is correct - I have hundreds of sp's in my master db on local :) )
Copy the source code from the editor, paste into the new query window.
Then Execute (CRTL-Shift-E).
You can leave this 'scratch' window open and pinned for easy access for subsequent executes.
If you want to deploy (i.e. publish) the entire database then you can setup a publish destination for each server, right click on the xml and select publish..
I am working on a team that have a number of developers working with SQL Server, developing stored procedures, functions etc.
I would like a consistent layout between the SQL, same header with a copyright etc. SO I need a standard template for the SQL. I know in Visual Studio it is possible to share templates.
How can I generate such a template for SQL Server Management Studio that I can share between developers?
This is how I do it:
the physical location of my template is in(Win7 SQL Server Management Studio 2012):
C:\Users\ys\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\SQL Server Management Studio\11.0\Templates\Sql
I created my own folder in it (00_Mine)
Created a git repository
Asked other devs to pull from it.
In SQL Server Management Studio, press Ctrl-Alt-T or go to Menu, View, Template Explorer
It will list all the templates. However, from SSMS, there is no easy way to add templates to it by drag and drop, you can create new ones and put them into a folder, such as _WORK_.
The templates live physically in (for 2008 R2): C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\100\Tools\Binn\VSShell\Common7\IDE\SqlWorkbenchProjectItems\Sql, so you can simply drop files and folders in there or push out to team members using group policy. The templates are sorted alphabetically, hence the suggestion for _WORK_ above. Note: A restart of SSMS is required to pick up Template Folder changes.
Here's an article: Using SQL Server Templates
Question to users of template functionality: do you think it will be helpful if you had a possibility to have placeholders for data like: Current database, Current User, Date/Time (something else ?), so, when you open the template these placeholders would be replaced by appropriate values. I develop an add-in and had this idea a time ago, but I do not know if someone really needs it.
I just installed VS 2010 for the purposes of running someone else's DB project that was created using the 2010. In VS 2008 I was able to right click on a SQL file ans select "Run ON" to run the script on a given SQL Server. I don't see this option in 2010. Is it available and if so how do I get access to it?
The database project format that was included in VS 2005 and VS 2008 has been completely removed in 2010.
Rather than holding loose SQL files that could be run independently, it acts a bit more like a compiler. When the project is built, the SQL files are parsed and (for the most part) turned into an XML-description of the database schema.
If you're trying to create or update a database based on all of the scripts in the project, right click on the project name in Solution Explorer and select "Properties". Under the Deploy tab youchange "Deploy Action" to "Create a deployment script and deploy to the database". Specify the connection settings and database name.
When you select "Deploy" on the right-click context menu of the database project, Visual Studio will build the database deployment files and generate the database. It's generally intelligent enough to update existing databases as well, assuming the project was designed well.
If you're attempting a remote deployment to a production SQL Server, things get a bit trickier. There is no single set of SQL files you can run - part of the database schema is stored as XML.
Take a look at Link - it describes how to use the "vsdbcmd.exe" utility to deploy a database file.
If you just want to run a single SQL file or test part of one, open the file, right click, and select "Execute SQL"
DNRTv # 167 talks about VS 2010 Database Projects in detail.
As #ShadowChaser already mentioned, DB Project in VS 2008 simply had the scripts in it, and 2010 version is a lot more complex and has a lot more features.
Good evening/morning/after/noon.
I have an ASP.net 3.5 website and I am using vb.net in VWD 2008 Express, I am also using MS SQL Server 2008 Express, I used ajax tabs and a textBox charavters counter control develped by https://web.archive.org/web/20211020202742/https://www.4guysfromrolla.com/
The database is attached with MS SQL Server Management Studio Express and the files are stored in the SQL default "Data" folder.
The whole project's code and forms are stored in a folder in my E drive.
I need to hand the whole project to another coworker who have to finish it, please describe in steps how can i make my website portable (like i can put it all in a folder that he can carry around in his flash disk).
PS: I have had a problem trying to move the project from one server to the other, the pproject seems to look for the dlls of the AJAX control and the textBox counter where i originally unzipped the folders in which they cam in, which i think was on my desktop, although when i added those controls to the Tools tab, i created a new tab, then i choose the dll from the where i unzipped the controls source code, aint that enough?
Thanks in advance
When you create the structure, make a folder for referenced files in the source tree. You can then reference from there. If you do that the entire tree is portable. The only changes, from environ, to environ, are configuration elements. And, if on the local system, you use SQL Express and put in the App_Data folder, it cana connect to your coworkers system, as long as he also has SQL Express.