How to extract the data between the last two brackets in Postgresql? - sql

So for example I have the following column:
Hello this is (BR20134)
Paris, France (BR10293)
(BR62543) Spice girls (BR6729)
I need to have following column
I am using this query to extract what's between columns:
select substring(Column FROM '\((BR.+)\)')
FROM Table
but obviously it only works if there is one pair of brackets in a field and not two.
I am using Postgresql btw.

This always extracts the last parenthesized expression:
substring(textcolumn FROM '\((BR[^)]+)\)[^(]*$')


How to match entires in SQL based on their ending letter?

So I'm trying to match entries in two databases so in the new table the row is comprised of two words that end in the same ending letter. I'm working with two tables that have one column in each of them, each named word. table 1 contains the following data in order: Dog, High, It, Weeks, while table two contains the data: Bat, Is, Laugh, Sing. I need to select from both of these tables and match the words so that each row is as follows: Dog | Sing, High | Laugh, It | Bat, Weeks | Is
The screenshot is what I have so far for my SQL statement. I'm still early on in learning SQL so any info to help on this would be appreciated.
Recommend reading up on SUBSTR() for more information on why the below code works:
, b.word
FROM sec1313_words1 a
JOIN sec1313_words2 b
ON SUBSTR(b.word, -1) = SUBSTR(a.word, -1)
ORDER BY a.word

Basic SQL Script to find a special character, but only when present more than once

I am relearning MS-SQL for a project.
I have a table with a field where the data includes the special character |.
Most times the field does not have it, sometimes once, sometimes 4 times.
I have been able to get it filtered to when present, but I would like to try to show only the times it appears more than once.
This is what I have come up so far:
Is there an easy way?
You can replace | with blank and compare length of strings
Query returns rows where | appears more than one time

PostgreSQL, add prefix to record field in SQL

the problem is:
is there a query in postgreSQL that will add some prefix to every record specific field? For example let's assume we have table users:
**id** **name**
1 adam
2 ewa
and i want to get records and add to every id some specific prefix - let's say 'foo_', desirable result:
id: 'foo_1', name: adam
id: 'foo_2', name: ewa
I know it can be done with Python after retrieving records, but i wonder if possible with query.
Thanks in advance!!
select 'foo_'||id::text,
from the_table;
You can just use a concatenation operator String Functions and Operators
SELECT 'foo_' || id::text FROM table

Pig Latin: using field in one table as position value to access data in another table

Let's say we have two tables. The first table has following description:
animal_count: {zoo_name:chararray, counts:()}
The meaning of "zoo_name" fields is obvious. "counts" fields contains counts of each specific animal species. In order to know what exact species a given field in "counts" tuple represents, we use another table:
species_position : {species:chararray, position:int}
Let assume we have following data in "species_position" table:
"tiger", 0
"elephant", 1
"lion", 2
This data means the first field in animal_count.counts is the number of tigers in a given zoo. The second field in that tuple is the number of elephants, and so on. So, if we want to represent that fact that "san diego zoo" has 2 tigers, 4 elephants and no lion, we will have following data in "animal_count" table:
"san diego zoo", (2, 4, 0)
Given this setup, how can I write a query to extract the number of a given species in all zoos? I was hoping for something like:
FOREACH species_position GENERATE species, animal_count.counts.$position;
Of course, the "animal_count.counts.$position" won't work.
Is this possible without resorting to UDF?

Pentaho Report Designer (PRD): Use parameter in select clause

In the report I'm working with, I need to display information of four columns of a database table. The first three columns of the table are SEX, AGE and NAME. The other N columns (N being like 100!) are questions, with every line of the table meaning that person's answer to that question:
SEX | AGE | NAME | Q1 | Q2 | Q3 | ... | Q100
In my report, I need to show four of these columns, where the first three are always the same and the fourth column varies according to the option selected by the user:
So far I've created a dropdown parameter (filled with "Q1", "Q2", "Q3", etc) where the user can select the question he wants to compare. I've tried to use the value of the selected option (for instance, "Q1") in the SELECT clause of my report query, without success:
SELECT sex, age, name, ${QUESTION} FROM user_answers
Pentaho Report Designer doesn't show any errors with that, it simply doesn't show any values for the question column (the other columns - sex, age and name - always return their values)
So, I would like your know:
Can I do this? I mean, use parameters in the SELECT clause?
Is there any other way have this "wildcard" column according to a parameter?
Thanks in advance!
Bruno Gama
you can use the pentaho report design to design.
First,you must bulid the param "QUESTION"on the paramers
eg: SELECT question FROM user_ansewers order by XXXX
you can use the sql
SELECT sex, age, name,question FROM user_answers
where question= ${QUESTION}
last ,you can see the "drop down" to realized the choose
I am using SQL server as database. This problem solves like this :
execute('SELECT sex, age, name, '+${QUESTION}+' as Q1 FROM user_answers')
Please note that ${QUESTION} must be a column name of user_answers. In this example I used a text box parameter name QUESTION where column name is given as input. You may need other coding if input parameter is not text box.