CKEditor 5 inline widget -> add space before - ckeditor5

I wrote and using my custom CKeditor5 plugin. It is an inline-widget according to their docs.
As you see on the screenshot, the widget is directly next to the . of the line before.
Is it somehow possible to add a space before the inline-widget on creation when the previous character is not a space?
I am using editor.model.change( writer => editor.model.insertContent to insert the widget.
But from there I have no cursorposition or whatsoever to find out what the previous character is.


Birt export in pdf does not wordwrap long lines

My reports preview is ok.
But now, I need to export to pdf...and I've got an issue : the content of some cells are truncated to the witdh of the column.
For instance, 1 cell should display "BASELINE" the preview it's ok...but in pdf, it displays "BASEL".
I've been looking for a solution the whole day and did not find anything...
Of course : I don't want to fit the width of the column on the length of this word "BASELINE" because the content is dynamic...
Instead, I want to fix the column width and then, the cell should display something like that :
Any idea ?
Thanks in advance (am a little bit desperated...)
The solution is trivial in BIRT v4.9 if you've integrated the engine into your java code. Just set the PDF rendering options.
RenderOption options = new PDFRenderOption();
options.setOption(PDFRenderOption.PDF_WORDBREAK, true);
options.setOption(PDFRenderOption.PDF_TEXT_WRAPPING, true);
You have to set a special PDF emitter option:
PDFRenderOption options = new PDFRenderOption();
options.setOption(PDFRenderOption.PDF_HYPHENATION, true);
This is if you integrated BIRT into your Java program.
For the viewer servlet, it is possible to set such options, too, AFAIK, but I don't know how; maybe on the URL or using environment variables.
I had the same issue. I found a very good topic about that :
This will split the string in the given number of character you want :
The function to add in a functions.js (for example). To let you know, I create some folder in my report project : one for the reports, one for the template, one for the libraries, another for the resources, I added this js file in the resources folder.
* Format a long String to be smaller and be entirely showed
*#param longStr
* the String to split
*#param width
* the character number that the string should be
*#returns the string splited
function wrap(longStr,width){
length = longStr.length;
if(length <= width)
return longStr;
return (longStr.substring(0, width) + "\n" + wrap(longStr.substring(width, length), width));
You will have to add this js file in the reports : in the properties -> Resources -> Javascript files
This is working for me.
Note: you can add this function in your data directly if you need only once...
The disadvantage of this : you will have to specify a max length for your character, you can have blank spaces in the column if you specify a number to small to fill the column.
But, this is the best way I found. Let me know if you find something else and if it's working.

Drupal 7 - Print PDF and Panelizer

Hi guys ,
I'm currently working on a Drupal project which use the Panelizer module by overriding the default node display. The panel for this content type is made width a lot of rules and specifications in order to display some specific content (like views) according some fields.
Now I need to print in PDF the same content that is displayed by the panelizer module but in another display (in one column ), so I cloned the display I use and rearranged it to display what I want.Then I want to use this display width the print module but I didn't managed to do that.
Any idea how can I do that ?
I just can't use the default node render, because I would miss some informations dues to the specifications used in the panel, and I can't print the panelized content because it's not the same display.
I read this thread but how can I say to the print module to use the "print" display I cloned instead of the default one ?
Any suggestions or ideas will be appreciated or if you have another idea for doing that you're welcome :)
Thank you !
In your print pdf template you can load the node then create a view with the display and finally render it : drupal_render(node_view(node_load($node->nid), "name of your display")) ;
Another way is to alter node entity info, telling that 'print' view can be panelized, i.e.
* Implements hook_entity_info_alter().
function mymodule_entity_info_alter(&$entity_info) {
$entity_info['node']['view modes']['print']['custom settings'] = TRUE;
After that, you go to panelizer settings of your content type(s), and set whatever you want for the print view mode

XSL / XSL-FO: Different formatting of a block depending on its page position on PDF page

I'm new in this mailing list, so please apologize any of my wrongdoings.
FOP 1.1
Question: Is there any condition to find the position of a text-block in on PDF page.
This is the problem:
I need to change the formatting of a title-block depending on its position on the page.
If the title-block appears somewhere in the (vertical) middle of the page, I want to add a line on top of it.
if the title-block appears at the beginning/top of a page the line must not appear
Does XSL-FO have a way to do that?
I used a white background on the
fo:region-before and a negative margin on the title to 'push' the
'border-before' of the title under the fo:region-before.
This requires that the FO processor supports negative values of
'margin-top', which is allowed but not required ( It also requires
that the FO processor will 'paint' the fo:region-before after painting
the fo:region-body.

Not able to get tooltip text using Selenium WebDriver

I have 5 tooltips in page. Using WebDriver, I am trying to verify these tooltip text.
I am using following code sequentially to get the tooltip text of all 5 elements:
Actions builder = new Actions(WebDriver);
The issue is I get only the tooltip text of first element printed in console.
Is it because I need to refresh or reset the builder?
It's really weird when I delete the code for 1st element , then I can get tooltip text of 2nd element. So, basically it is getting tooltip text only once in single execution.
Verify tool tip by comparing "title" attribute of the web element and your expected tool tip text.
Tool tip text for input elements would be the title attributes and for images, alt attribute would be the tool tip.This is the standard for HTML 4, so I am not sure if you need to do hover and all.
I think, it needs to release from element as:
So, your code could be as below:
Actions builder = new Actions(WebDriver);
I am facing the same issue , i checked the view source page on running the test and it appears that the title attribute is displayed as data-original-title.Due to which it is unable to display the text.On replacing the title with data-original-title . I am able to obtain text.

haml editing on gEdit, any way to auto indent?

I'm using gEdit to edit haml files and the auto indenting feature seems to work when i'm writing one line after another, but when I go and clear out a exisiting element (a div or a class) the rest of the code below doesn't adjust itself. Suppose this is my code
%li hello
%li world
Now is there any way (using some plugin) through which when I delete .rightside, the rest of the code moves to left by two spaces? I now have to manually erase the space on every line. Thanks for your input.
You can select the block underneath the tag in question and use Shift-Tab or Ctrl-Shift-T to un-indent the text, assuming you have gedit set to use 2 spaces for tabs.
I have also installed the multi-edit plugin. This gives me multiple carets at which points any edits i make will be duplicated. In this case, I can just position the cursor at the top of that block, use the Ctrl-PgDown key shortcut to select the whole block, and then hit delete a couple times.