What kind of a timestamp is this? - sql

We are extracting data from a third-party database for export. Two of the columns are Timestamp columns with some of the values displayed below. The timestamp is supposed to represent a UTC timestamp from a GPS device. They are stored as int data types in an SQL Server database.
Any idea how I can convert this timestamp (e.g. 368815303) to a regular date/time? The numbers seen should be very recent - i.e. within Sept 2020 and should represent the time down to the nearest second.

Based on the comment, you would use:
select dateadd(second, 368815303, '1980-01-06')
Based on your expectation, the base time appears to be about 2009-01-01, which suggests:
select dateadd(second, 368815303, '2009-01-01')
I am not familiar with any date/time epoch that uses that as the base time. It might be some bespoke system.

It looks like some kind of epoch Unix timestamp.
Try this Epoch Converter which converts timestamp to human date


what is realdate in SQL?

I have some SQLite database in which one of the columns has data type as realdate and the column has value as 2453137.5
can anyone please comment on this?
any help is appreciated :)
From SQLlite Docs
SQLite does not have a storage class set aside for storing dates and/or times. Instead, the built-in Date And Time Functions of SQLite are capable of storing dates and times as TEXT, REAL, or INTEGER values:
TEXT as ISO8601 strings ("YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.SSS").
REAL as Julian day numbers, the number of days since noon in Greenwich on November 24, 4714 B.C. according to the proleptic Gregorian calendar.
INTEGER as Unix Time, the number of seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC.
Applications can chose to store dates and times in any of these formats and freely convert between formats using the built-in date and time functions.
In your example you are using REAL datatype to store Dates. It will give the output which is not human readable.
For eg., If i'm storing current date and time
Output : 2458792.7882345
You can read this using built-in date() and time() as shown below
Output :
date(d1) time(d1)
2019-11-05 06:55:03
Check demo here
One of the powerful features of SQLite is allowing you to choose the storage type.
Real number has 2 advantages:
High precision regarding fraction seconds
Longest time range
I got this answer from a user named Zso.
Here's the link to the original post How do DATETIME values work in SQLite?.
Hope this might help you to understand better.

BigQuery: how to get a datetime out of a timestamp in seconds?

My solution is the following
SELECT TIMESTAMP_ADD('1970-01-01', INTERVAL 1551692341 SECOND) AS ts
Is there any other, more readable, way to convert a unix timestamp to a datetime ?
Yes there is.
TIMESTAMP_SECONDS(int64_expression). Description. Interprets
int64_expression as the number of seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00
SELECT timestamp_seconds(1551692341)
2019-03-04 09:39:01 UTC
I am curious, why would you want anything simpler than what you already have.
Alternatively, BQ has support for UDF (user defined function) wherein you can create TEMP functions embedded with your JS snippet to parse the epoch value and convert into a required date value in any format deemed fit for data.
In most cases, it is good to have all such formatting and value transformations at the app layer and not create bespoke utilities at DB layer.
In any case, you may want to have a quick read at here

BigQuery - Datetime vs Timestamp

I looked on the documentation for google big query data types, checking the differences between TimeStamp to Datetime data types.
As I understand the main difference is:
Unlike Timestamps, a DATETIME object does not refer to an absolute instance in time. Instead, it is the civil time, or the time that a user would see on a watch or calendar.
So when should I use Timestamp/Datetime?
In most cases you will want to use the timestamp data type. It refers to an absolute point in time. BigQuery interprets any timezone information and represents the time internally as a UTC timestamp.
Very rarely would you use a datetime data type, which is a date and a time but no time zone. The example I like to give is that you'd use a datetime to represent pi day, 2017, since it occurs at 2017-03-14 15:09:26.535898 in each time zone separately.

How to format an integer date (5 digits) to yyyy-mm-dd in SQL Server?

I have a database with integer fields (columns) named fSystemDate, fOpenned, fStatusDate, etc... I think they represent dates, but I don't know their format. The values in those fields are how these: 76505, 76530, 76554, 76563.
I do not have examples with the real date associated with them.
Solved. See answers.
I found that this format is part of a programming language called Clarion and his date numbering starts at the date 28-December-1800.
I can convert clarion data to sql date in two ways:
SELECT DATEADD(day, 76505, '28-12-1800')
where the result would be 2010-06-15 00:00:00.
SELECT CONVERT(DateTime,76505 - 36163)
where the result is same. The number 36163 is used to adjust a SQL. This is the number of days between 1-Jan-1900 (MSSQL datetime numbering starts) and 28-Dec-1800 (Clarion datetime numbering starts).
The result in my case is correct because I asked them (my customer) examples of data from your application and compare information.
It's rather hard to help you given just a number. It looks like your dates are some sort of serial number. But without any other data points
epoch. An epoch is the zero point of a calendrical system.
increment. How big is a tick in the serial number? 1 day? 1 hour, 1 minute? A week? A month?
source hardware/operating system. From what computer system did the value originate? Different systems represent dates differently, using different calendrical systems with different epochs.
source software system. What software created the value? Was it custom software? What language what it written in? When? What is the backing store for the data? Databases, filesystems, etc., might all have their own internal date representation.
the represented value. If 76563 is indeed a representation of a date, what date does it represent? Or at least, does it represent a recent date? a date in the past? a date in the future?
It's impossible to answer your question. This page might help you:
It lists some common epochs for different computer systems:
Edited to note: here's one data point for you: Adding 76,563 days to 1 Jan 1800 yields the date 16 August 2009.

How to convert a unix timestamp (INT) to monetdb timestamp ('YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS') local time format

Q1: I want to convert a unix timestamp (INT) to monetdb timestamp ('YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS') format
but it is giving me the GMT time not my actual time.
When I do
select (epoch(cast(current_timestamp as timestamp))-epoch(timestamp '2013-04-25 11:49:00'))
where 2013-04-25 11:49:00 is my systems current time it gives the same difference
I tried using
set time zone interval '05:30' HOUR TO MINUTE;
but it did not change the result
How can I solve this problem??
Example Problem:
I wanted to convert unix timestamp 1366869289 which should be around "2013-04-25 11:25:00" but monetdb gives "2013-04-25 05:55:00"
Knowing nothing about MonetDB, but a lot about timezones, I decided to look in their documentation to see what kind of datatypes are supported and how conversions are handled.
I found this page on Temporal data types. Based on that, I can conclude that a timestamp in MonetDB is always intended to reference UTC/GMT time - which is consistent with other systems.
In order to get a value that is for a particular time zone, they offer the following example:
I assume this means to set the database to offset all times by 1 hour, effectively placing the values all in UTC+01:00, such as is the offset for British Summer Time.
The page also goes on to point out the problems that can arise with using just and offset to adjust time values (see TimeZone != Offset in the TimeZone tag wiki). It also offers a list of various named time zones. But it does not show how to set a time zone to one of the named values. Also, their list appears to be proprietary, and incomplete. While at first glance they appear to have similarities to the IANA/Olson time zone database - the identifiers they specify are not valid TZDB names.
There are some other functions listed on this page, without much explanation. One that looks promising for your needs is LOCALTIMESTAMP. Perhaps this will take the local time zone into account, which appears to be what you were looking for.
I could not find any additional details specific to MonetDB date/time/timezone handling. The documentation appears to be fairly incomplete. You might want to reach out to their mailing list.