How to include custom js file in my custom theme? - orocommerce

Using OroCommerce v4.1.8 (latest stable version).
I have created my custom theme (extended from "default" theme) which renders correctly (all css is loaded and applied as defined), but for my custom JS file that does not appear to be included in the page. Below is my \Resources\views\layouts\mytheme\config\jsmodules.yml file:
- $
- jQuery
- jQuery=jquery
- jQuery=jquery
exports: owlCarousel
magnificPopup$: mytheme/js/magnific-popup.min
owlCarousel$: mytheme/js/owl.carousel.min
my-main$: mytheme/js/main
- magnificPopup
- owlCarousel
- my-main
On the webserver, I can see a compiled mytheme.js file getting created under /var/www/oroapp/public/layout-build/mytheme/chunk folder, but looking into the HTML for the home page, there is no line/reference to load this file.
Please advise what am I missing or how to troubleshoot this?

OroCommerce uses Webpack to build JS dependencies. By default, all the configured JavaScript dependencies files are combined to the single file, e.g.:
<script src="/layout-build/mytheme/app.js"></script>
Where mytheme is your theme name.
To use one of the above dependencies in your ES6 module, you have to require it manually with the import statement or using the require function.
For more details, see the official documentation about JavaScript Modularity in the OroCommerce Application.


Adding a houdini paintworklet in a nuxt3/vue app

I am trying to add a paintworklet to my application, but I am having a really hard time.
The worklet is a npm dependency, but worklets can't be inlined, they need to be registered like so:
I am having a hard time, because even though that currently works in my application, I am not sure if this is the right way to go about it, or if it will work in production. Currently, my url points to a file inside node_modules and I am not sure if nuxt will do anything with this.
I am currently doing this with a .client.js file inside the plugins folder. But they need an export default function(), but the worklet code does not have an export.
What I am currently trying to do, is tell nuxt somehow to grab certain files from node_modules and serve them as assets somehow, and then reference them some other way. But I cannot find any resources on this.
Any ideas would be appreciated.
If the file path is specified in a literal string, containing node_modules, the paint worklet might appear to work in development mode, but the worklet file will not be bundled in the build output:
❌ file not bundled in build output
Solution: Import the file
Importing a file enables the bundler to track the file, and include it in the build output. Nuxt 3 uses Vite by default, and the Vite docs describe how to import the file to use with paint worklets:
Explicit URL Imports
Assets that are not included in the internal list or in assetsInclude, can be explicitly imported as an URL using the ?url suffix. This is useful, for example, to import Houdini Paint Worklets.
import workletURL from 'extra-scalloped-border/worklet.js?url'
Since the CSS.paintWorklet API is only available in the browser, make sure to use this in the mounted() hook, which only occurs client-side:
import workletURL from 'extra-scalloped-border/worklet.js?url'
export default {
mounted() {

How do you add css to a Kotlin JS project?

I created a new Kotlin/JS Gradle project using the wizard in IntelliJ.
I'm unclear how I'm supposed to add css to the project. The documentation explains how to enable css webpack support, but it doesn't actually say how to add the css file into your project (i.e., how to use the file).
For example, in a normal project, you would just import it in a javascript file. Since I am writing in Kotlin, how do I do it now?
The current documentation is not very precise about this. There are actually two cases:
Importing CSS from existing packages
You can pretty easily import CSS files from other Node-modules using the require() function:
import kotlinext.js.require
import kotlinx.browser.document
import react.dom.h1
import react.dom.render
fun main() {
render(document.getElementById("root")) {
h1 { +"Hello"}
For this to work, you need to specify cssSupport.enabled = true in your Gradle build, just like described in the documentation. CSS imported this way will be processed by Webpack.
Incorporating your own CSS into the Webpack build
This seems to be a bit tricky right now. The KotlinJS plugin doesn't copy any resources to the Webpack's build directory (build/js/packages/<project_name>) by default and I didn't find any obvious configuration option for this. To solve it, you have to tell Webpack where it can find your styles:
Create webpack.conf.d directory in project's root and put inside some JS file containing:
This config will be picked up by the KotlinJS plugin and merged into the generated build/js/packages/<project_name>/webpack.config.js. With this configuration you can just require() project's styles like in the example above. It is kind of mentioned in the documentation.
Alternatively you can tweak the Gradle build, so it copies the stylesheets into the Webpack's build dir:
task("copyStylesheets", Copy::class) {
from(kotlin.sourceSets["main"].resources) {
// kotlin { js { moduleName = "xyz" }} has to be set for this to work
tasks.withType(org.jetbrains.kotlin.gradle.tasks.KotlinJsDce::class) {
Simply sticking a CSS file into main/resources and referencing it in index.html worked for both browserDevelopmentRun and serving the production build, statically. The CSS file appears in build/distributions.
My build:
kotlin("js") version "1.7.20"
<link rel="stylesheet" href="index.css">
index.css is in the same resource folder as index.html.
This also works for images anything else, apparently.

How can use plugin in Vue.js 2.x?

I am using vue js 2.3.o version.
I want to use plugin for handling modal windows e.g. vue-js-modal (
I add library to my page when I want to use it.
<script type="text/javascript" src="/lib/vuejs/index.js"></script>
I put in a place before I am creating vue instance itself:
import VModal from 'vue-js-modal';
var myVue = new Vue({
Then I see:
SyntaxError: import declarations may only appear at top level of a module
What I don't understand what is it about. What is wrong ? How should be this plugin correctly use ?
Thank you
It seems like you're importing the library using script tags. According to vue-js-modal's instructions, you have to use npm install vue-js-modal --save to install and then use import VModal from 'vue-js-modal' to import.
If you're using script tags to import the module, you'll have to write:
<script src="vue-js-modal.js" type="module"></script>
on your HTML page. However, for now, if you want to import modules in your browser, you'll have to do some extra steps to enable this feature. (You can follow the instructions here: link).
What I suggest is check out the demos vue-js-modal made: link, which use Babel and Webpack instead of only importing script tags. Or, when you set up your Vue web app, use their cli tool (link) to set up a starter project and then install vue-js-modal instead.

How to publish a vue js plugin that modifies an existing plugin

I am trying to create a plugin that utilizes components from another Vuejs plugin (Vuetify). Basically, I have some common components I want to share across multiple applications with our company.
I thought it would just be a matter of:
Create a github repo for the shared components
Author the plugin
Reference the repo in consuming apps via npm install
Here is the gist of the plugin:
// src/index.js <-- package.json/main is set to "src"
import MyComponent from "./MyComponent.vue";
import * as api from "./api";
export default function install(Vue) {
Vue.component("myComponent", MyComponent );
Vue.prototype.$myApi = api;
At the moment, the behavior I'm seeing is:
plugin install function is being executed
functions from api attached to Vue.prototype are available in app components
my-component is available in the app and renders markup
$myApi and Vuetify components are not available in an application instance of of my-component
If I copy the same files into the app and change my import, all works as expected. So, I now wonder if I'm missing something regarding sharing code via external modules.
I've tried these alternatives with the same issue:
use npm link to link the plugin module to the app
manually, use mklink (Windows sym link) to link plugin module to node_modules in the app folder
use a long relative path reference to the plugin module: import MyPlugin from "../../../my-plugin"
I've put this issue off for a while, but for anyone wondering, the issue is with using Single File Components and webpack not compiling those in external modules.
The 2 options I have are:
Don't use Single File Components. I.e.: Just use .js instead of .vue. I've seen some libs like Vuetify.js take this approach
Compile the .vue files in the library module and include them in the source such as ./dist folder.

How to work with css and js files in moodle plugin

I need to develop a plugin for Moodle, and i need to have some js and css files in plugin. But i have the next problem - how to work with them from installed plugin? Of course, i can hardcode their path via to moodle structure, but it's a very dirty and bad way. Also, i know that i can place all js and css code inline, but i think that it's a bad decision too. Is there a built-in way to serve assets from plugin? I tried to find it in documentations, but found nothing.
I assume you want to know how to include CSS and JS files into your plugin.
You can include a JS file via the command:
$PAGE->requires->js( /relative/path/your_script.js');
You can then call a JS function once the page has been downloaded with the command:
$PAGE->requires->js_init_call ( your_JS_function_name, array_of_parameters_here, bool: on DOM ready);
For example:
$PAGE->requires->js_init_call('init', array($USER->lang), true);
Be sure to make the $PAGE available with global $PAGE;, first.
Your CSS file can be named styles.css and put into the root folder of your plugin. The file will be automatically read by the system and included. It will take precedence over (will overwrite the settings of) the system CSS files. After that you will have to reload the theme caches.