Find shape picture by file name - vba

I have this xml structure in my dotx file:
I need to access that picture in VBA Word API by its name.
I can do following:
$Picture = $ActiveDocument.Shapes(1)
Write-Host $Picture.Name #Will return "Image"
But this only returns the first file name "Image". Is there a way to get the inside file name "File Name.gif"?
I found similar problem here, but without answer.
Thanks for any help


Change name of power point files

I would like to change name of Powerpoint files.
I have my ppt file name like : 1.pptx, 2.pptx inside a folder.
I would like to change this name with a corporate title.
How can I proceed to change the name of Powerpoint files in VBA ?
Thanks a lot.
Renaming a file in vba is done with the Name statement
Name "old.pptx" As "new.pptx"
Note that this would fail if you are trying to rename an open document or if your code doesn't have the right permissions

Show picture/image from userform in print header, VBA MS Project

I am making a template and thought to store our logo.jpg inside a userform. Then I'll call this userform and insert the logo in the print header for each "macro activated" print.
So far I have managed to print the image only as numbers. Bits and bytes probably(?). I might be missing some conversion of the picture before printing:
FilePageSetupHeader Alignment:=pjLeft, Text:="&P" & UserForm1.Image1.Picture & " "
This prints as: 1-670746914 in the top left header.
What am I missing?
The syntax I found on MSDN gives the following parameters for inserting a picture:
&;P""path"" Inserts the specified image. An example would be &;P"" [My Documents] \Image.gif"". The term [My Documents] represents the full path to your My Documents folder.
My code makes a copy of the current view, make changes to the view settings, headers etc, before exporting to PDF and deleting the view again.
UserForm1.Image1.Picture is a picture object, not the path to the original source file. Once a picture is loaded into an image control, it is embedded and its original path is not stored.
Store the path the the picture so that you can reference it later (e.g. using the Tag property of the Image control). See Stack Overflow: VBA UserForm Get Filename for more details. (FYI: Excel and Project use the same UserForm object, so this is applicable.)
I gave up on saving the logo inside the Project file itself.
Instead I check if the logo exists inside "C:\CompanyLogo", if does not, create that direcotry and download it from imgur.

How to save RichTextBox text to a text resource file?

I have created a text file named 'Notes' in the resources of my project and want to load/save the text of a RichTextBox to it. I tried using MyProject.My.Resources.Notes in the path. It doesn't show any error in the code window but when I run it, it shows an error.
Here's what I'm using to load the text:
RichTextBox1.Text = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(MyProject.My.Resources.Notes)
Here's what I'm using for saving it:
System.IO.File.WriteAllText(MyProject.My.Resources.Notes, RichTextBox1.Text)
This is not a duplicate. I did not get an answer from the other question
Why don't you use a regular file which always works fine or a database?
Edit: maybe this helps?

Creating a file with name given in code in LiveCode

I'm trying to build a program that gets users name at first. This user names are kept in a text file. After user logins, according to the user's name, I want user to be lead his/her specific informations. I figured out that I can only do it with a file that is created when he sign up for an account which I direct him with my sign up button in Livecode. While he/she create his account I want to create a specific file for his/her. Can you help me with it please?
PS: I don't want to do it with a database right now. I just want to learn how to create a file without a specific name like
put specialFolderPath("documents")&"/userLoginCridentials.txt" into tFile put URL("file:"&tFile) into myFile
Instead of this "userCridentials.txt" I want something user can create with his own name :)
Having a little problem to understand your question. Are you targeting mobile or desktop? Are you having problem saving or reading the data?
If saving is you problem
On desktop you can use:
ask file "Save file as:"
then you get the filename back in it so you can use:
if it is not empty then
# We have a complete file path in 'it'
put it into tFile
put tData into url ("file:" & tFile)
end if
If you targeting mobile and would like to save into the specialFolderPath("Documents")you can get the filename from a field and then save to that file. E.g. if you have a field named 'fileName' you can use something like:
put tData into url("file:" & specialFolderPath("Documents") & "/" & field "fileName"
Of course you should do some error checking to ensure that a user don't overwrite existing files without at least asking for permission, etc.
You can of course use a variable instead of a field...
If reading data is your problem
On desktop you can use:
answer file "Open File:"
Same as above but you now read data instead:
if it is not empty then
# We have a complete file path in 'it'
put it into tFile
put url ("file:" & tFile) into tData
end if
on mobile you probably would like to present a list with the user-created files. In LiveCode you can list all files in the defaultFolder with the files. But you must set the defaultFolder to the folder you want to list.
set the defaultFolder to specialFolderPath("Documents")
put the files into tFiles
Now tFiles contains every file in that folder and you can filter it, display it in a list etc. E.g:
filter tFiles with "*.txt"
put tFiles into
If your problem is how to remember the "current" file name
Whenever you restart your app every variable is reset. So everything you want to remember between runs needs to be saved before your app quits. And for that you need a predefined filename. SO then your procedure will be:
Read in the predefined file.
Grab the file name from within that file
Read the file
If your problem is something else
Sorry, then I misunderstood your question...

Microsoft Excel Search Engine - Hyperlink Results Provides Error Message

I've been trying for two days to figure out this problem.
I have created an Excel search engine to search through a database of hyperlinks in the same worksheet. I want the results to display working hyperlinks, but right now it just displays the text. When the hyperlink is clicked, I get an error message - "Cannot open the specified file."
Can someone please help me. I've tried multiple codes including the following:
=HYPERLINK("#"&VLOOKUP(D5,A2:C91,3,FALSE),""""))) to no avail.
I can also email the spreadsheet if a email is provided. Thank you!
A hyperlink cannot start with the # sign. If the link is to a file, then you need to start with the file path, like shown in the Excel help
=HYPERLINK("D:\FINANCE\1stqtr.xlsx", H10)
If the link goes to another sheet in the same file, use
=HYPERLINK("[Budget.xlsx]E56", E56)
The Vlookup will need to return the correct file path or a valid URL, including the "http://"