How to automate the Lastpass CLI login process - authentication

I was wondering if anyone successfully automated the LastPass CLI login process. I cannot seem to get around the password prompt, which I need to automate to make it useful.
I've tried commands like
echo <password> | lpass login <username>
yes <password> | lpass login <username>
I keep getting output saying the password is not correct. Has anyone automated this?

You would probably need to disable the pinetry password prompt so that lpass reads your password from standard input.
As the man pages say:
If pinentry program is unavailable, or if the LPASS_DISABLE_PINENTRY environment variable is set to 1, passwords will be read from standard input and a prompt will be displayed on standard error.
Meaning: It should work if you run it like this:
echo <password> | LPASS_DISABLE_PINENTRY=1 lpass login <username>
Or by just setting the environment variable for your shell (export LPASS_DISABLE_PINENTRY=1 in your ~/.profile or similar)


Connect to sqlplus in shell script and run sql script with separate password

I am writing a shell script in Jenkins that logs into a database and runs an sql file. All of the commands are logged to the console, so if I use the simple login method for sqlplus (sqlplus -s $USERNAME/$PASSWORD#connectionstring), the password gets logged, which isn't ideal.
This works:
sqlplus -S ${USERNAME}/${PASSWORD}#connectionstring #sql_update.sql
but the logging on Jenkins shows the command once the values have been substituted:
+ sqlplus user123/pass123#connectionstring #sql_update.sql
To avoid having the password logged, I am trying to use the sqlplus login method where you just provide the username and then get asked to input the password.
I have tried the following, but I am getting ORA-01-17: invalid username/password; logon denied
sqlplus -s ${USERNAME}#\"connectionstring\" <<EOF
Is there something obviously wrong with this?
It's worth noting that simply disabling the console logging isn't an option, as we need it for other things in the script.
Also, the difference between this question and Connect to sqlplus in a shell script and run SQL scripts is that I am asking about providing the password separately.
EDIT I managed to partially resolve the issue thanks to Echo off in Jenkins Console Output. My script now contains set +xbefore the commands are run, which hides the commands. However, I'd still like to know what was wrong with the above, so am leaving this question open for now.

opendj's ldappasswordmodify command is not taking into account user password history or validation requirements

I am on a Solaris 10 machine with opendj 2.4.5 installed. I am attempting to set a user's password with the ldappasswordmodify command. In my application I want to be able to set their password without requiring the previous password. I still need the password to obey the history and validation requirements though. I have this working on a similar machine that I set up a while ago and am not sure how I did it.
This is how I am calling the command:
ldappasswordmodify -D cn=mgr -w mgrpw -a uid=user,ou=people,o=systems,dc=program -n newpassword
No matter what password I give it the command works and sets the password.
If I use the command and supply the old password like this:
ldappasswordmodify -D cn=mgr -w mgrpw -a uid=user,ou=people,o=systems,dc=program -c oldpassword -n newpassword
The history and validation requirements are enforced properly.
Does anyone have any idea how to do this or perhaps what to check on the working system to see how I did it before? I'm at a complete loss.
Don't use the manager account. Don't use it for anything actually. Use a user account. The manager account is for slapd itself. It bypasses a lot of security and overlays.
I think this was an issue in OpenDJ 2.4 and it has been resolved in later versions.
You might want to try with OpenDJ 3.0 which is the later release available.

How to input password on command prompt using VBA?

I've created a procedure on VBA (Excel) that restarts services on remote servers calling the command prompt and executing the "runas" command. I need to enter the command on the servers as administrator. So far it works fine but I don't want to have to type my password for each I want to run the command in. I know how I can automate the task using VBA and the Excel. What I don't know is how could I input my password on the command prompt using VBA?
Can anybody help me?
I've had all sorts of issues trying to convince runas to let me specify passwords from a program.
In the end, I tossed it and downloaded psexec from the Microsoft Windows Sysinternals site, which has other good stuff as well.
While many see this as a tool running remote programs, it can also be used quite happily to run local stuff under a different user name while allowing you to specify the password as a command-line argument, such as:
You should be able to create a textbox control in VBA with the input mask set to password, this will allow you to enter the password in a non-viewable fashion.
Then you can just construct the psexec command and execute it from VBA, without having to worry about injecting the password into the process running runas.

[Couchbase-server]Adding user/Changing password?

I am a newbie getting started with couchbase-server.
I simply want to browse the data present in a couchbase server using UI at
The password for the account "Administrator" is unknown. But I need to login to see the data.
One technique for changing the administrator password on couchbase-server is the following command (I do have access to the machine via command line)
$$ /opt/couchbase/bin/couchbase-cli cluster-init -u Administrator -p old_password -c --cluster-init-username=Administrator --cluster-init-password=new_password
BUT...only works if you know the old password(which I don't have).
I also tried modifying the local.ini file present at : /opt/couchbase/etc/couchdb/ and restarting the server. I added a new line(username=password) under [admins] section in the file. However I am not able to log in with the new user as well.
It would be great if someone can give me a way to add a new user(with read/write permissions) or change password for Administrator OR point me to some resource to do the same.
cbreset_password - it'll reset Administrator password w/o need to know the prior.
Have you looked in "config.dat" according to this it may appear there in plain text. (granted, they are talking about web console).
It seems like you may have already seen this but I'll reference it just in case. The format they use for password stored in local.ini includes spaces -> "username = password" Also they recommend running the command 'ls -alR /opt/couchbase-server/etc' to help figure out where your problem might be. Perhaps you can post your output for that command here if the last two suggestions don't work out.
I had the same problem. Seems like there's no way to reset the password, but it is visible in the config.dat file. The other thing that caught me out is the's case sensitive, so Admin != admin !!!
If you know the old password ( I know this is not your case, but I want to write the solution to help someone who knows old password), you should read:
I changed with this command ( although it has thrown error --> ERROR: option cluster-init-ramsize is not specified);
./couchbase-cli cluster-init -c --user=admin --password=OLDPASS --cluster-init-username=admin --cluster-init-password=NEWPASS
My configuration is;
CentOs Gnu/Linux &
Couchbase 2.5.0
I have run command under the directory: /opt/couchbase/bin
Ok man I figured it out :)
I use OSX but I guess the way will be simular.
I went into the in orde to view the content.
then you open the folder Content/Resources/couchbase-core/bin
and theres programm called cbreset_password :)
Then it asked you to change the admin password.....there you go.
I feel with you it took me 2 hours :)
Using couchsync with couchbase you can change all users password using the administrative REST API.
curl -vX PUT --data "{"name":"youruser", "password":"newpassword", "admin_channels":["yourlistofchannels"], "admin_roles":["yourlistofroles"]}"
Using your command go to your Couchbase bin folder. For mac, this is
In that folder, execute this:
./couchbase-cli reset-admin-password --new-password test123.
Your new password will be changed to test123.
Here is the detailed guide:
/opt/couchbase/bin/couchbase-cli reset-admin-password --new-password 'Pass#2020'
You may be trying to login with username "Administrator" but you will see error sometimes. Because in some clusters "Administrator" may not be the default hard coded admin, to see the admin name see the below file (as follows):
$ ls -lrth /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/
$ cp /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/ /tmp
$ cat /tmp/
"users": [
"n": "**Admin**",
------------------here "Admin" is the Administrator account. So use "Admin" as username to login with your new password changed in step1.

sqlcmd from command-line with sql authentication

SQLCMD uses windows authentication by default. According to the MSDN documentation, you can change it by adding a -U parameter to the command and then the user name.
The problem is with the password. Is there any way to access the sql server if the password is blank?
sqlcmd -U admin
Whenever I try this and just press enter (indicating that the password is an empty string), I get a message saying that the login failed.
Any suggestions? thanks
This forum post implies that sqlcmd does not support empty passwords. The workaround is to use osql.
However the documentation for sqlcmd here suggests you can use a blank password:
"If the -U option is used and the -P option is not used, and the SQLCMDPASSWORD environment variable has not been set, sqlcmd prompts the user for a password. If the -P option is used at the end of the command prompt without a password sqlcmd uses the default password (NULL)."
Hope one of those helps you!