Get info object of the request - typegraphql

I can get query info by using this package, as described in here and here. How do I implement same functionality (i.e. get info object of the request) with type-graphql?

Use #Info decorator to retrieve GraphQLResolveInfo value as the parameter.


MobileFirst - Answering a call to a WS (JAX-RS)

I have a java adapter (JAX-RS) that returns a POJO, one of the attributes is called validateUser and is a boolean value. I want to get the value of this boolean when called from main.js
It should work like this (main.js):
onGetLoginSuccess function (response)
busy.hide ();
alert ("validate:" + response ["validateUser"]);
As I can get the value in the variable response, the validateUser attribute my POJO.
Thank you for your attention
You can use alert(response.responseJSON.validateUser);
In general to examine the structure of "response" you could do something like: alert(JSON.stringify(response)); It could help you to understand which fields are available and how can you find this validateUser.
It is also important to make sure that your JAX-RS adapter returns JSON content type. Make sure that you have the annotation: #Produces("applicaion/json") in your JAX-RS method that returns this POJO

after receiving soap response modify xml and send to anther service using http adapter

while using http adapter I need to call first service that return XML,
after receiving the response I want to change values and send back to anther service,
how can I do it ?
do http adapter has json to xml function ?
WL adapter will automatically convert XML to JSON for you, however it doesn't have any manual JSON<->XML conversion APIs.
In your case possible solution might be to retrieve XML as plaintext by supplying returnedContentType:"plain" in invocation options. Alter whatever you need using regex/string replace. Use resulting string in 2nd procedure invocation as post body.
Alternatively, you can use 3rd party library to parse/convert/do whatever you need with XML, e.g. (more info about how to use it in your adapter -
After checking number of solutions, I state the the http result will be a plain text,
then made a call to java function sending the xml as String, and used
javax.xml to hold and alter the XML.
XPath to retrieve the correct node using org.w3c.dom.*
Hope this will help you too.

how to set a property globally in wso2 ESB

I am trying to figure out how to implement session management in wso2 esb.So i have written a class mediator which generates session_ID that i want to store.For storing the session id I am using following code as:
org.apache.axis2.context.ServiceContext serviceContext = org.apache.axis2.context.MessageContext
serviceContext.setProperty("SessionIDGlobal", uuid);
But while running it in my esb's proxy it throws null pointer exception at getCurrentMessageContext part.I have followed another approach where-in i am storing the sessionID in property mediator and tried to get its value but when i click postRequest operation after generateSessionID operation from try-it. all the property gets reset and my sessionID property gives me null value. What should i do to rectify this problem? Is there any alternate way?
You have to create servicecontext like this;
ConfigurationContext cfgCtx =(((Axis2MessageContext) synCtx).getAxis2MessageContext(). getConfigurationContext();
You should store in the Message context but you have stored in the service Context. please refer this to understand how you can set the properties at different scopes. Synapase (default), Axis2, Transport etc.
Please refer this blog post for complete details.

Flurry Event API not returning event parameter values

I have been trying to use the EventMerics API to return detailed event parameter data.
I have setup a test application and have uploaded event data with parameters, I can see the data in the web interface.
However the API doesn't seem to return the parameter data as stated by the documentation.
The following call
<eventMetrics type="Event" startDate="2012-08-27" eventName="heatmap - iPhone-Title-all" endDate="2012-08-27" version="1.0" generatedDate="8/27/12 10:45 PM">
<day uniqueUsers="2" totalSessions="12" totalCount="14" date="2012-08-27"/>
The parameters section is empty, I am expecting the following parameter values:
{touchXY : 299,465,2012-08-27 16:40:15 +0100}
{touchXY : 301,461,2012-08-27 16:29:03 +0100}
{touchXY : 192,312,2012-08-27 16:22:54 +0100}
{touchXY : 254,461,2012-08-27 16:23:04 +0100}
Has anyone got parameter values to return via the Flurry REST API?
the API call used by you is correct. I would recommend you to write to to investigate why this is not happening.
(Disclaimer: I work in the Support team at Flurry)
The event name in the request is case sensitive so you should check the way it's written on the site. I changed mine from "editor" to "Editor" and the problem resolved.

Unable to add body to RestSharp RestRequest using enums

I am using RestSharp in ASP .NET MVC 2 project. Trying to create RestRequest (using POST method) and add two enum values (my enum type -- OrderStatusFlags) to request body -- using build-in RestSharp XmlSerializer:
var request = new RestRequest("orders/{vendorID}/{number}", Method.POST);
But after calling AddBody method in request parameters can see only empty but no value. And while calling MVC action method an error occurs:
The parameters dictionary contains a null entry for parameter 'previousStatus' of non-nullable type 'OrderStatusFlags' for method 'RestResponse PostOrderStatus(Int32, System.String, OrderStatusFlags, OrderStatusFlags)' in 'OrdersResourceEndpoint'. An optional parameter must be a reference type, a nullable type, or be declared as an optional parameter.
Parameter name: parameters
Enum look like this:
public enum OrderStatusFlags : long
Does anybody occurs a similiar situation?
A couple issues here. First, you can only call AddBody() once or the last call will take precedence. AddBody() is also only for sending XML as the request body. What is the required XML schema that you need to send to that URL? Can you post some sample XML that you're trying to generate?
I think more likely you actually want to use AddParameter() to add some POST parameters since that is far more common than XML request bodies.