Subscription has received a request for an abort shutdown - ibm-data-replication

I have a subscription with DB2 for i (as400) as source and Kafka as target ( The replication method is REFRESH.
There was a table in the subscription, which was running well.
But after I delete it and add it to another new subscription (with same source and target, also REFRESH), it cannot be replicated. The replication end with following message:
Subscription XXX has received a request for an abort shutdown. There are no other error messages. The table mapping (flag for refresh already) seems being ignored by CDC.
From the log, it returns:
Received normal shutdown request number 9 with reason OTHER_ENGINE_COMPLETE
I have no idea what is happening as there are no obvious hints from logs.
I tried (1) recreate table mapping and (2) update table definitions, but not working.
Other tables in the subscription can be replicated.

Please check after you delete table mapping from earlier subscription, is it still showing by checking 'replication tables' in MC (select datastore -> replication tables) select and remove and remap in new subscription.
Sudarshan K


ORA-00054 error when trying to delete table

When I try this command on oracle sql-developer :
delete from my_table;
I get the following error :
ORA-00054: resource busy and acquire with NOWAIT specified
I haven't figured out how to solve this problem.
Someone or yourself(unintentionally) has a lock on the table.
Query the table V$LOCKED_OBJECTS to find the name of the user (you would want OS_USER_NAME) locking it.
You can ask the user to unlock the table. They will have to either commit/rollback their transaction. If they are unable to do so and permit you to kill their session, you can use the below:
alter system kill session 'sid, serial#'
to kill their session which has a lock on your table where 'sid' & 'serial#' is something you have to find by querying v$session,v$sqlarea tables.
This can also be done in SQL developer, you can find out the session (if your user has access to meta tables) from the menu Tools --> Monitor Sessions
Right click on the correct session record (very important) and select mark for kill. You should be able to delete the records once the session is killed.
Check with database admin. They can check if anything is going on with the table. May be someone is performing something on the table in different session. Admin can kill the session. Then, you will be able to delete/truncate the table.

Merge replication error the schema script could not be propagated to the subscriber SQL Server 2008

I am with replication so after trying for 1 month I am able to initialize publisher on remote system and subscriber on my local system. When I run job at subscriber end I get an error
the schema script AccountNotic1234.sch could not be propagated to the subscriber
Somewhere I read this error happens when tables are connected using foreign keys and you missing primary table but I am synchronizing all tables. So it can not be the issue.
When I run the subscription I get error for 3 tables in order not on 1st and 2nd don't know why?
What can be the possible reasons for this?

Database replication stops if data is changed on the subscriber

Should the SQL database replication stop if i delete one record in a replicated table on the subscriber end?
I remember having a replication running where the delete on subscriber would be overwritten from publisher effectively preventing you from deleting the data.
But in our new configuration it crashed the replication when we deleted one record.
It depends. If you deleted a row at the subscriber that is subsequently updated at the publisher, replication will break when the update is propagated. Why is this? If you look at how the command is replicated, it calls a stored procedure with the PK column(s), a bit mask of what columns changed, and then the list of new values for columns that changed (I'm glossing over some detail, but you can look for yourself in the subscriber database; the procedures are all there and pretty accessible). Because it doesn't re-replicate the whole row again, if it doesn't find the row indicated by the PK, replication assumes (correctly) that the subscriber is no longer in sync with the publisher and stops. As far as I know, replication has never worked in the way you describe.
TL;DR: you should treat the subscriber database(s) as read-only except by the replication process itself.

SQL Server Replication - Duplicate subscription agents?

I am new to SQL Server replication, and pushed some changes out to an existing replicated environment. It is SQL Server 2005 SP3, with Transactional replication.
I created a new table, added columns to an existing table, and added some SPs. I did all of this on the publisher database.
I created a new snapshot and reinitialized the subscriptions. The new table and new columns were replicated to the new server, and data was synchronized successfully, but just 1 time.
Immediately after, the replication monitor is reporting an error. On the Distributor to Subscriber History tab, I get a message that the "Subquery returned more than 1 value". The Command Attempted is...
delete from MSsubscription_articlecolumns
where artid=89 and
agent_id = (
select id from MSsubscription_agents
where update_mode > 0 and
UPPER(publisher) = UPPER('xxxx') and
publisher_db = N'xxxx' and
publication = N'xxxxx'
) end
Why would there be duplicate subscription agents? How do I fix this? Thanks for all help.
I was able to resolve the issue by manually editing the data in the MSsubscription_agents table. There were 2 records with the same publisher, db and publication names. Instead of deleting one of the records, I changed the update_mode on the older record to be 0, which filtered it out of the problem statement in original question. The replication process was then able to get past that statement and run correctly. Thanks.

Adding new article to transactional replication gives error at subscriber

I have an updatable transactional replication set with SQL Server 2008. Everything is working fine. I added a new table to the existing publication thru sp_addarticle followed by sp_addsubscription. After that I ran the snapshot agent. Snapshot has been generated only for newly added table. So the new table was successfully replicated to subscriber. I could even able to replicate a newly inserted record into new table to subscriber. But vice versa is not possible. When I insert a record into new table in the subscriber database, I am getting an error
*Msg 515 'Cannot insert the value NULL into column 'msrepl_tran_version',
table Servername.dbo.Tablename'; column does not allow nulls. INSERT fails.'*.
Please help me to resolve this issue.
Many Thanks in advance. Geeta
Is it reproducible error? Is subscriber configured as Immediate Updating? In case of Immediate Updating subscriber the transaction fails whenever publisher (or network) is unavailable.
Check and change, if it does not have it, your table so that ms_repl_tran_version defaulted to GUID:
ALTER TABLE [dbo].[TableName] ADD