Understanding then() in Cypress - testing

I am reading through the documentation in Cypress and I think I have an idea as to what then() does. It works like promises, where a promise returns another promise, but with then(), we are returning a new subject.
If we look at the code example below, we are using then() because we are returning a new variable, which in this case is called target.
Am I understanding this correctly? If not, can someone correct me?
it.only('Marks an incomplete item complete', () => {
//we'll need a route to stub the api call that updates our item
.then(todos => {
//target is a single todo, taken from the head of the array. We can use this to define our route
const target = Cypress._.head(todos)
//Here we are mergin original item with an object literal
Cypress._.merge(target, {isComplete: true})

.then is used to receive the results from cy.fixture('todos'). The variable target is not significant in this code.
In your code sample, the variable that is returned from cy.fixture is named todos - the spacing of the code may be throwing you off here? The .then call is attached to the cy.fixture() call
// These 2 code blocks are the same - just different spacing
.then(todos => {});
cy.fixture('todos').then(todos => {});
cy.fixture('logo.png').then((logo) => {
// load data from logo.png

Using .then() allows you to use the yielded subject in a callback function and should be used when you need to manipulate some values or do some actions.
To put it simply, it is used to play around with the yield of the previous command and work around with it in that case. THEN() command is handy and helpful in debugging the yield of the previous command.
const baseURL = "https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com";
describe("Get Call-Expect+ normal req", () => {
it("GetPostById-Expect", () => {
cy.request(baseURL + "/posts/1").as("GetPostById");
cy.get("#GetPostById").then((response) => {
//response: status
Refer: https://docs.cypress.io/api/commands/then#Promises


Same situation but different results. I think that Try syntax might be the cause [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How do I return the response from an asynchronous call?
(41 answers)
Closed 3 months ago.
I encountered axios error in the process of creating my application.
The below code work fine.
in the first image,console.log output res.data.
let categoryId = ''
.then((res) => {
console.log(res.data) // image part
categoryId = res.data.id
.catch((err) => {
('api/max') return category with max ID.
The below code don't work well.
console.log(res) output properly, but console.log(res.data) output undefined.
try {
const res = axios.get('/api/max')
console.log(res.data) // undefined
categoryId = res.data.id
} catch (err) {
what causes undefined?
I googled but, I didn't know the cause.
I'm sorry that my English is not very good.
Thank you for your help.
You should use await axios.get('/api/max') before using console.log since it's an async call. (you can also use .then but it's less friendly)
Of course, don't forget to wrap your function into an async when using await.
Also, keep in mind that quirk when using console.log. Prefer using Vue devtools to inspect the current state you do have on your page.
Overall, I recommend the usage of async/await over .then all the time.
Here is a nice documentation for that one: https://javascript.info/async-await

How to array destructure a Promise.all in Nuxt's asyncData

I am working with Nuxt and Vue, with MySQL database, all of which are new to me. I am transitioning out of WebMatrix, where I had a single Admin page for multiple tables, with dropdowns for selecting a particular option. On this page, I could elect to add, edit or delete the selected option, say a composer or music piece. Here is some code for just 2 of the tables (gets a runtime error of module build failed):
export default {
async asyncData(context) {
let [{arrangers}, {composers}] = await Promise.all([
const {arrangers} = await context.$axios.get('/api/arrangers')
const {composers} = await context.$axios.get('/api/composers')
return { arrangers, composers }
You do have the same variable name for both the input (left part of Promise.all) and as the result from your axios call, to avoid naming collision, you can rename the result and return this:
const { arrangers: fetchedArrangers } = await context.$axios.get('/api/arrangers')
const { composers: fetchedComposers } = await context.$axios.get('/api/composers')
return { fetchedArrangers, fetchedComposers }
EDIT, this is how I'd write it
async asyncData({ $axios }) {
const [posts, comments] = await Promise.all([
console.log('posts', posts)
console.log('comments', comments)
return { posts, comments }
When you destructure at the end of the result of a Promise.all, you need to destructure depending of the result that you'll get from the API. Usually, you do have data, so { arrangers } or { composers } will usually not work. Of course, it depends of your own API and if you return this type of data.
Since destructuring 2 data is not doable, it's better to simply use array destructuring. This way, it will return the object with a data array inside of it.
To directly have access to the data, you can use the $get shortcut, which comes handy in our case. Directly destructuring $axios is a nice to have too, will remove the dispensable context.
In my example, I've used JSONplaceholder to have a classic API behavior (especially the data part) but it can work like this with any API.
Here is the end result.
Also, this is what happens if you simply use this.$axios.get: you will have the famous data that you will need to access to later on (.data) at some point to only use the useful part of the API's response. That's why I do love the $get shortcut, goes to the point faster.
PS: all of this is possible because Promise.all preserve the order of the calls: https://stackoverflow.com/a/28066851/8816585
EDIT2: an example on how to make it more flexible could be
async asyncData({ $axios }) {
const urlEndpointsToFetchFrom = ['comments', 'photos', 'albums', 'todos', 'posts']
const allResponses = await Promise.all(
urlEndpointsToFetchFrom.map((url) => $axios.$get(`https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/${url}`)),
const [comments, photos, albums, todos, posts] = allResponses
return { comments, photos, albums, todos, posts }
Of course, preserving the order in the array destructuring is important. It's maybe doable in a dynamic way but I don't know how tbh.
Also, I cannot recommend enough to also try the fetch() hook alternative someday. I found it more flexible and it does have a nice $fetchState.pending helper, more here: https://nuxtjs.org/blog/understanding-how-fetch-works-in-nuxt-2-12/ and in the article on the bottom of the page.

Async/await calls with axis and Vue.js - `.then()` callback not updating `this.something`

I'm having a little trouble setting one of my this.values within my Vue application. I believe I'm either not understanding async axios calls correctly, or how async works within axios.
I have the following axios post method within my Vue application:
postRequest: async function(event) {
let config = {
headers: {
"X-CSRFToken": this.csrfToken,
"Content-Type": 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
let formData = new FormData();
formData.append('data', someData);
await axios.post('{{ request_absolute_uri }}', formData, config).then(function(response) {
this.responseMessage = response.data.message;
}).catch(function(error) {
return this.responseMessage;
My response.data.message is being passed back from my framework as True/true but it seems I'm not returning anything from the postRequest function? The post definitely hits the server as logging shows everything I want - then returns back message = true in json response context (using console.log(this.responseMessage) directly before returning the same value. However, nothing on the template changes or updates from this....
I'm assuming at this point that I have missed something incredibly simple!
Hmmm. I think I know what is going on here: because you're using a standard function, your this inside the .then() callback is not refering to the instantiated object...instead, this. is the calling the context of that function - with your original code, i.e., the Promise returned by the axios .post method.
Instead, I would advise using an arrow function instead so that the this is inherited from the outer scope, something along these lines:
await axios.post('{{ request_absolute_uri }}', formData, config).then( (response) => {
this.responseMessage = response.data.message;
N.B. With arrow functions, the this. is always inherited from the outer scope, rather than depending on the calling context of the arrow function - so you can reference this.message or this.someFunction() with ease.
I believe the "this" is out of scope inside .then statement. If you add the line:
var self = this;
at the top of your postRequest function, and then when assigning the response message use:
self.responseMessage = response.data.message;
I think that should work.

How to populate the store and sequentially await return using Redux Observable?

I am attempting to use Redux Observable to call an action to fetch some data, wait for its return, then fetch some more data that relies on it.
I have an epic which populates a store from a fetch FetchTodos. This listens for the FETCH_TODOS action and then calls my todos API and populates {todos: [] } =
I also have a comments section in my store todoComments. However, I would like to only populate todoComments once FETCH_TODOS has returned and populated the store.
In imperative code, this might look like:
let todos = await api.get('/todos');
await dispatch("FETCH_TODO_COMPLETE", todos)
let firstId = getState().todos[0].id
let comments = await api.get(`/todos/${firstId}/comments')
await dispatch("FETCH_COMMENTS_COMPLETE", { todo_id: firstId, comments})
The closest I saw to this was this issue in the Redux Observable Repo, but I could not understand how to do this efficiently. This is a pretty common scenario for me.
I would like to reuse as much code as possible. In this example, I may dispatch FETCH_TODOS from multiple components.
How would i accomplish this with Redux-Observable?
Based on our conversation in the comments:
In redux-observable, you can sequence things in numerous ways. You could do it all in one epic using normal RxJS, or you could split them into multiple ones. If you split them, the subsequent epic would listen for the signal that the previous one has completed its task. Something like this:
// this assumes you make your `api.get` helper return an Observable
// instead of a Promise which is highly advisable.
// If it doesn't, you could do:
// Observable.from(api.get('/url'))
// but Promises are not truly cancellable which can cause max
// concurrent connections issues
const fetchTodosEpic = action$ =>
.switchMap(() =>
.map(todos => ({
const fetchComments = action$ =>
.switchMap(({ todos }) =>
.map(comments => ({

Vue 2 About nextTick

I have read that nextTick allows codes to be executed at the next action. But this does not work in my code, can someone helps me on this? Please correct me. Thanks.
var vm = this
vm.user = response.data
vm.shop = response.data.data.shop
{{user.id}} does work. where this gives me the following error:
GET http://localhost:8000/getShop/undefined 404 (Not Found)
if i do something like this it works but this should not be the right way to do in my opinion.
var vm = this
vm.user = response.data
vm.shop = response.data.data.shop
If I do something like this it wont work coz vm.user.id is not set.
var vm = this
vm.user = response.data
vm.shop = response.data.data.shop
I think your understanding of what nextTick does is incorrect. If you read the documentation, it says that the callback you pass to the nextTick function will be executed after the next DOM update.
Let's say you have a property that determines whether an element exists or not in the DOM with a v-if directive. If you change the value of the property so that the element exists in the DOM, you might have to wait for Vue to process the change and update the DOM before you can grab a reference of that element, for example. In that case, you should use Vue.nextTick to make sure by the time you want to query the DOM to get that element, it actually exists.
Your scenario doesn't have anything to do with the DOM.
You have 2 asynchronous HTTP calls that you want to execute one after another, because the second relies on the result of the first. Your original implementation and third one (EDIT#2) are flaky because you don't make sure the first HTTP request is complete before firing the second one, which explains why you get errors about vm.user.id not being set.
Your second implementation (EDIT#1) is more correct because the second HTTP request is fired after the first one completes. Still, I'd suggest a minor modification:
getUserInfo() {
.then(response => {
vm.user = response.data;
return vm.$http.get('/getShop/' + vm.user.id);
}).then(response => {
vm.shop = response.data.data.shop;
The first callback returns a Promise which result is fed into the second then call. I like this approach because it avois having nested thens. I would also suggest you to read the MDN docs on Promises.