_ in variable name google apps script? [duplicate] - variables

In Google apps script documentation, there is a page about Private functions on server side. That should explain that without private functions, the server code is visible from the user browser.
Can anybody explain how you can see such server side functions in a browser ?
See : https://developers.google.com/apps-script/guides/html/communication#private_functions

The server code is never visible on the user's browser, only the functions names. Private functions hides those names, but more importantly they remove the ability from the frontend to call them directly.
In other words, private functions allow you to define your backend entry-points, preventing a malicious user to bypass some checks you might have and call your "internal" functions directly.
To showcase how easy it is to see the name and call any non-private backend function, I've put up this example where we inspect the google.script.run object:
function myFunction() {}
function anotherFunction() {}
function privateFunction_() {}
function doGet() {
return HtmlService.createHtmlOutput(
'<p id="output"></p>'+
"<script>var s = ''; for( var prop in google.script.run ) s+=prop+'<br>';"+
"document.getElementById('output').innerHTML = s;</script>"
Here's this example published:
And its source code (same as above):
-- to address a question in the comments
The doGet function cannot be made private since its name is fixed/predefined. But that is not really a problem as this function is supposed to be an entry point anyways, and since you expect it to be called from the users' browsers and can do your parameters checks and such accordingly.


Can we actually send out mails during semi-automatic testing?

We are using unit / integration tests during Shopware 6 development.
One technique we use is to disable database transaction behaviour to see the results for example of fixtures in the admin panel, for an easier debugging / understanding:
trait IntegrationTestBehaviour
use KernelTestBehaviour;
// use DatabaseTransactionBehaviour;
use FilesystemBehaviour;
use CacheTestBehaviour;
use BasicTestDataBehaviour;
use SessionTestBehaviour;
use RequestStackTestBehaviour;
Similar to this it would be helpful to send out actual emails during some tests (only for development, not in the CI and so on).
It is already possible to automatically test emails like this:
$eventDidRun = false;
$listenerClosure = function (MailSentEvent $event) use (&$eventDidRun): void {
$eventDidRun = true;
$this->addEventListener($dispatcher, MailSentEvent::class, $listenerClosure);
// do something that sends an email
static::assertTrue($eventDidRun, 'The mail.sent Event did not run');
But sometimes we want to manually see the actual email.
The .env.test already contains a valid mailer URL:
But still no mails get send during the test.
While I guess that this is fully intentional, is there some method to workaround the blockage of getting mails sent during testing?
The reason is the MAILER_URL variable is pre-set to null://localhost in the phpunit.xml.dist of the platform repository:
<server name="MAILER_URL" value="null://localhost"/>
You could set the MAILER_URL environment variable yourself before the tests of the class are executed:
* #beforeClass
public static function setMailerUrl(): void
$_SERVER['MAILER_URL'] = 'smtp://x:y#smtp.mailtrap.io:2525?encryption=tls&auth_mode=login';

Activiti BPMN - How to pass username in variables/expression who have completed task?

I am very new to Activiti BPMN. I am creating a flow diagram in activiti. I m looking for how username (who has completed the task) can be pass into shell task arguments. so that I can fetch and save in db that user who has completed that task.
Any Help would be highly appreciated.
Thanks in advance...
Here's something I prepared for Java developers based on I think a blog post I saw
edit: https://community.alfresco.com/thread/224336-result-variable-in-javadelegate
Option (1) – use expression language (EL) in the XML
<serviceTask id="serviceTask"
activiti:resultVariable="myVar" />
public class MyService {
public String toUpperCase(String val) {
return val.toUpperCase();
The returned String is assigned to activiti:resultVariable
Option (2) – use the execution environment
public class MyService implements JavaDelegate {
public void execute(DelegateExecution execution) throws Exception {
String myVar = (String) execution.getVariable("myVar");
execution.setVariable("myVar", myVar.toUpperCase());
By contrast here we are being passed an ‘execution’, and we are pulling values out of it and twiddling them and putting them back.
This is somewhat analogous to a Servlet taking values we are passed in the HTMLRequest and then based on them doing different things in the response. (A stronger analogy would be a servlet Filter)
So in your particular instance (depnding on how you are invoking the shell script) using the Expression Language (EL) might be simplest and easiest.
Of course the value you want to pass has to be one that the process knows about (otherwise how can it pass a value it doesn't have a variable for?)
Hope that helps. :D
Usually in BPM engines you have a way to hook out listener to these kind of events. In Activiti if you are embedding it inside your service you can add an extra EventListener and then record the taskCompleted events which will contain the current logged in user.
Hope this helps.
I have used activiti:taskListener from activiti app you need to configure below properties
1. I changed properties in task listener.
2. I used java script variable for holding task.assignee value.
Code Snip:-

How to use module.exports and requireJS?

im quite a noob in html and js, so forgive me if this is a dumb question but, im trying to use requireJs to export modules in node and i can't get the function work right.
here is the code extracted from example.
first i have this main.js, as the note in the documentation says http://requirejs.org/docs/node.html#2
var sayHi = require(['./greetings.js'], function(){});
and a greetings.js who export the answer
module.exports= 'Hello';
and get nothing as result, so i define the exports and modules
define( function(exports,module){
module.exports= 'Hello';
and get as result:
function localRequire()
what am i doing wrong? i read the documentation and examples, but somehow i can't make this works.
I'm assuming the require call you are using is RequireJS's require call, not Node's require. (Otherwise, you'd get a very different result.)
You are using the asynchronous form of the require call. With the asynchronous form, there is no return value for you to use, you have to use the callback to get module values, like this:
require(['./greetings.js'], function(sayHi){
However, because you are running in Node, you can do this:
var sayHi = require('./greetings.js');
Note how the first argument is a string, not an array of dependencies. This is the synchronous form of the require call. The returned value is the module you required. When you are in Node, RequireJS allows you to call this synchronous form anywhere. When you are running the browser, it is only available inside a define call.

How to add modernizr build so that I can properly check Modernizr.capture? (currently always undefined)

I need to check if the user's device can input from a camera on my site. To do this I am attempting to use modernizr. I have followed the steps/example code provided on their site but when I test the capture attribute, I always get undefined, regardless of if I am on a device that supports capture.
Steps I followed:
I browsed for the input[capture] attribute and added it to the build
I copied the demo code to check this feature and added it to my project
I downloaded the build, added the js file to my project, and included the appropriate reference in my page
However after all of this, when inspecting Modernizr.capture in the chrome inspector, it always shows up as undefined.
My basic check function is as follows:
$scope.hasCamera = function() {
if (Modernizr.capture) {
// supported
return true;
} else {
// not-supported
return false;
This is my first time using Modernizr. Am I missing a step or doing something incorrectly? I also installed modernizr using npm install and tried adding the reference to a json config file from the command line.
Alternatively, how might I check if my device has a camera?
Thank you very much for your time. Please let me know if I am being unclear or if you need any additional information from me.
A few things
while photos are helpful, actual code hosted in a public website (either your own project, or on something like jsbin.com) is 10x as useful. As a result, I am not sure why it is coming back as undefined.
The actual capture detect is quite simple. It all comes down to this
var capture = 'capture' in document.createElement('input')`
Your code is a lot more complicated than it needs to be. Lets break it down. You trying to set $scope.hasCamera to equal the result of Modernizr.capture, and you are using a function to check the value of Modernizr.capture, and if it is true, return true. If it is false, return false. There is a fair bit of duplicated logic, so we can break it down from the inside out.
Firstly, your testing for a true/false value, and then returning the same value. That means you could simplify the code by just returning the value of Modernizr.capture
$scope.hasCamera = function() {
return Modernizr.capture
While Modernizr will always be giving you a boolean value (when it is functioning - without seeing your actual code I can't say why it is coming back as undefined), if you are unsure of the value you can add !! before it to coerce it into a boolean. In your case, it would make undefined into false
$scope.hasCamera = function() {
return !!Modernizr.capture
At this point, you can see that we are setting up a function just to return a static value. That means we can just set assign that static value directly to the variable rather than setting up a function to do that
$scope.hasCamera = !!Modernizr.capture
Now, the final thing you may be able to do something better is if you are only using Modernizr for this one feature. Since it is such a simple feature detection, it is overkill to be using all of Modernizr.
$scope.hasCamera = 'capture' in document.createElement('input')`

Running multiple browser instances in the same test spec

If I have a single spec that is using page object model, how do I run multiple browser instance for that same spec?
For example I have spec:
it('should run multi browser', function() {
var b2 = browser.forkNewDriverInstance();
var b3 = browser.forkNewDriverInstance();
b2.SearchPage.searchButton.click(); //fails here
How do I reuse vars declared in the SearchPage page object for the other browser instances?
This is a really interesting question that is not covered in Using Multiple Browsers in the Same Test or in the interaction_spec.js.
The problem with page objects is that page object fields are usually defined with a globally available element or browser which in your case would always point to the first browser instance. But you basically need to call element() using a specific browser:
instead of just:
FYI, element is just a shortcut for browser.element.
I am really not sure whether this is a reliable solution and would actually work, but you can redefine global element this way. Think about it as switching the search context to different browser instances:
global.element = b2.element;
global.element = b3.element;
global.element = browser.element;