How to make fuzzy rules? - fuzzy-logic

I have a dataset with weather factors(rainfall, humidity, temperature etc.) and crop yield. I want to make fuzzy rules. Considering the large number of features, it cannot be done manually by observing patterns.
Are there any methods to make fuzzy rules? (Without doing it manually)

Ultimately it depends on what kind of data you want to approximate.
For text or strings try using regular expressions - there should be a library in just about all languages.
For numerical data, try using a mixture of boolean with equality statements, along with a delta: eg is (x => y), (x == y+d)


Principled reasoning about tolerances and formulas for comparing floating-point numbers?

The Python standard library contains the function math.isclose, which is equivalent to:
abs(a - b) <= max(rtol * max(abs(a), abs(b)), atol)
The Numpy library likewise contains numpy.isclose and numpy.allclose, which are equivalent to:
abs(a - b) <= (atol + rtol * abs(b))
Neither documentation page explains why you would want to use one of these formulas over the other, or provides any principled criteria for choosing sensible absolute and relative tolerances, written above as atol and rtol respectively.
I very often end up having to use these functions in tests for my code, but I never learned any principled basis for choosing between these two formulas, or for choosing tolerances that might be appropriate to my use case.
I usually just leave the default values as-is unless I happen to know that I'm doing something that could result in a loss of numerical precision, at which point I hand-tune the tolerances until the results seem right, largely based on gut feeling and checking examples by hand. This is tedious, imperfect, and seems antithetical to the purpose of software testing, particularly property-based testing.
For example, I might want to assert that two different implementations of the same algorithm produce "the same" result, acknowledging that an exact equality comparison doesn't make sense.
What are principled techniques that I can use for choosing a sensible formula and tolerances for comparing floating point numbers? For the sake of this question, I am happy to focus on the case of testing code that uses floating-point numbers.
For example, I might want to assert that two different implementations of the same algorithm produce "the same" result, acknowledging that an exact equality comparison doesn't make sense.
Consider instead of a singular true/false assessment of the "same" result, attempt to rate the algorithms same-ness on various properties.
If the assessments are within your tolerance/limits, functions are the "same".
Given g(x) and r(x) (the reference function).
Absolute difference: Try y = abs(g(x) - r(x)) for various (if not all) x. What is the largest y?
Relative difference: Try y = abs((g(x) - r(x))/r(x)) for various normal r(x) (not zeroes). What is the largest y?
Relative difference: Like above with r(x) with sub-normal results. Here relative difference may be far larger than with normals and so handled separately. r(x) == +/-0.0 deserves special assessment.
Range test/ edge cases: What is largest/smallest greatest/least x that "works". e.g. y = my_exp(x) and exp(x) may return infinity or 0.0 at different x, but are otherwise nearly the "same".
Total ordering difference: (a favorite). Map all non-NAN floating point values -inf to +inf to an integer: [-ORDER_N to ORDER_N] with a helper function called total order(). total order(+/-0.0) is 0. Find the maximum difference abs(total_order(g(x)) - total_order(r(x))) and use that metric to determine "same"-ness.
Various function deserve special handling. This field of study has many further considerations.
One question when using relative tolerance is - relative to what? If you want to know if 90 and 100 are "equal" with a 10% tolerance, you get different answers if you take 10% of 90 vs 10% of 100.
The standard library uses the larger of a or b when defining the "what" in that scenario, so it would use 10% of 100 as the tolerance. It also uses the larger of that relative tolerance or the absolute tolerance as the "ultimate" tolerance.
The numpy method simbly uses b for the "relative" tolerance and takes the total of the relative and absolute tolerance as the "ultimate" tolerance.
Which is better? Neither is better or worse- they are different ways of establishing a tolerance. You can choose which one to use based on how you want to define "close enough".
The tolerances you choose are contextual as well - are you comparing lengths of lumber or the distance between circuit paths in a microprocessor? Is 1% tolerance "good enough" or do you need ultra-precise tolerance? A tolerance too low might yield too many "false positives" depending on the application, while too high a tolerance will yield too many "false negatives" that might let some problems "slip through the cracks".
Note that the standard function is not vectorized, so if you want to use it on arrays you'll either have to use the numpy function or build a vertorized version of the standard one.
Nobody can choose the tolerances for you, they are problem dependent. Because in real-life the input data that you work on has (very) limited accuracy, be it the result of experimental measurement or of numerical computation that introduces truncation errors. So you need to know your data and understand the concepts and methods of error calculus to adjust them.
As regards the formulas, they were designed to be general-purpose, i.e. not knowing if the quantities to be compared can be strictly equal or not (when they are strictly equal, the relative error does not work). Again, this should not be a blind choice.

Best Scala collection type for vectorized numerical computing

Looking for the proper data type (such as IndexedSeq[Double]) to use when designing a domain-specific numerical computing library. For this question, I'm limiting scope to working with 1-Dimensional arrays of Double. The library will define a number functions that are typically applied for each element in the 1D array.
Prefer immutable data types, such as Vector or IndexedSeq
Want to minimize data conversions
Reasonably efficient in space and time
Friendly for other people using the library
Elegant and clean API
Should I use something higher up the collections hierarchy, such as Seq?
Or is it better to just define the single-element functions and leave the mapping/iterating to the end user?
This seems less efficient (since some computations could be done once per set of calls), but at at the same time a more flexible API, since it would work with any type of collection.
Any recommendations?
If your computations are to do anything remotely computationally intensive, use Array, either raw or wrapped in your own classes. You can provide a collection-compatible wrapper, but make that an explicit wrapper for interoperability only. Everything other than Array is generic and thus boxed and thus comparatively slow and bulky.
If you do not use Array, people will be forced to abandon whatever things you have and just use Array instead when performance matters. Maybe that's okay; maybe you want the computations to be there for convenience not efficiency. In that case, I suggest using IndexedSeq for the interface, assuming that you want to let people know that indexing is not outrageously slow (e.g. is not List), and use Vector under the hood. You will use about 4x more memory than Array[Double], and be 3-10x slower for most low-effort operations (e.g. multiplication).
For example, this:
val u = / _) // v is Vector[Double]
is about three times slower than this:
val u = new Array[Double](v.length)
var j = 0
while (j<u.length) {
u(j) = 1.0/v(j) // v is Array[Double]
j += 1
If you use the map method on Array, it's just as slow as the Vector[Double] way; operations on Array are generic and hence boxed. (And that's where the majority of the penalty comes from.)
I am using Vectors all the time when I deal with numerical values, since it provides very efficient random access as well as append/prepend.
Also notice that, the current default collection for immutable indexed sequences is Vector, so that if you write some code like for (i <- 0 until n) yield {...}, it returns IndexedSeq[...] but the runtime type is Vector. So, it may be a good idea to always use Vectors, since some binary operators that take two sequences as input may benefit from the fact that the two arguments are of the same implementation type. (Not really the case now, but some one has pointed out that vector concatenation could be in log(N) time, as opposed to the current linear time due to the fact that the second parameter is simply treated as a general sequence.)
Nevertheless, I believe that Seq[Double] should already provide most of the function interfaces you need. And since mapping results from Range does not yield Vector directly, I usually put Seq[Double] as the argument type as my input, so that it has some generality. I would expect that efficiency is optimized in the underlying implementation.
Hope that helps.

Exponents in Genetic Programming

I want to have real-valued exponents (not just integers) for the terminal variables.
For example, lets say I want to evolve a function y = x^3.5 + x^2.2 + 6. How should I proceed? I haven't seen any GP implementations which can do this.
I tried using the power function, but sometimes the initial solutions have so many exponents that the evaluated value exceeds 'double' bounds!
Any suggestion would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
DEAP (in Python) implements it. In fact there is an example for that. By adding the math.pow from Python in the primitive set you can acheive what you want.
pset.addPrimitive(math.pow, 2)
But using the pow operator you risk getting something like x^(x^(x^(x))), which is probably not desired. You shall add a restriction (by a mean that I not sure) on where in your tree the pow is allowed (just before a leaf or something like that).
OpenBeagle (in C++) also allows it but you will need to develop your own primitive using the pow from <math.h>, you can use as an example the Sin or Cos primitive.
If only some of the initial population are suffering from the overflow problem then just penalise them with a poor fitness score and they will probably be removed from the population within a few generations.
But, if the problem is that virtually all individuals suffer from this problem, then you will have to add some constraints. The simplest thing to do would be to constrain the exponent child of the power function to be a real literal - which would mean powers would not be allowed to be nested. It depends on whether this is sufficient for your needs though. There are a few ways to add constraints like these (or more complex ones) - try looking in to Constrained Syntactic Structures and grammar guided GP.
A few other simple thoughts: can you use a data-type with a larger range? Also, you could reduce the maximum depth parameter, so that there will be less room for nested exponents. Of course that's only possible to an extent, and it depends on the complexity of the function.
Integers have a different binary representation than reals, so you have to use a slightly different bitstring representation and recombination/mutation operator.
For an excellent demonstration, see slide 24 of or check out the Eiben/Smith book "Introduction to Evolutionary Computing Genetic Algorithms." This describes how to map a bit string to a real number. You can then create a representation where x only lies within an interval [y,z]. In this case, choose y and z to be the of less magnitude than the capacity of the data type you are using (e.g. 10^308 for a double) so you don't run into the overflow issue you describe.
You have to consider that with real-valued exponents and a negative base you will not obtain a real, but a complex number. For example, the Math.Pow implementation in .NET says that you get NaN if you attempt to calculate the power of a negative base to a non-integer exponent. You have to make sure all your x values are positive. I think that's the problem that you're seeing when you "exceed double bounds".
Btw, you can try the HeuristicLab GP implementation. It is very flexible with a configurable grammar.

Improving lucene spellcheck

I have a lucene index, the documents are in around 20 different languages, and all are in the same index, I have a field 'lng' which I use to filter the results in only one language.
Based on this index I implemented spell-checker, the issue is that I get suggestions from all languages, which are irrelevant (if I am searching in English, suggestions in German are not what I need). My first idea was to create a different spell-check index for each language and than select index based on the language of the query, but I do not like this, is it possible to add additional column in spell-check index and use this, or is there some better way to do this?
Another question is how could I improve suggestions for 2 or more Terms in search query, currently I just do it for the first, which can be strongly improved to use them in combination, but I could not find any samples, or implementations which could help me solve this issue.
As far as I know, it's not possible to add a 'language' field to the spellchecker index. I think that you need to define several search SpellCheckers to achieve this.
EDIT: As it turned out in the comments that the language of the query is entered by the user as well, then my answer is limited to: define multiple spellcheckers. As for the second question that you added, I think that it was discussed before, for example here.
However, even if it would be possible, it doesn't solve the biggest problem, which is the detection of query language. It is highly non-trivial task for very short messages that can include acronyms, proper nouns and slang terms. Simple n-gram based methods can be inaccurate (as e.g. the language detector from Tika). So I think that the most challenging part is how to use certainty scores from both language detector and spellchecker and what threshold should be chosen to provide meaningful corrections (e.g. language detector prefers German, but spellchecker has a good match in Danish...).
If you look at the source of SpellChecker.SuggestSimilar you can see:
BooleanQuery query = new BooleanQuery();
String[] grams;
String key;
for (int ng = GetMin(lengthWord); ng <= GetMax(lengthWord); ng++)
if (bStart > 0)
Add(query, "start" + ng, grams[0], bStart); // matches start of word
I.E. the suggestion search is just a bunch of OR'd boolean queries. You can certainly modify this code here with something like:
query.Add(new BooleanClause(new TermQuery(new Term("Language", "German")),
which will only look for suggestions in German. There is no way to do this without modifying your code though, apart from having multiple spellcheckers.
To deal with multiple terms, use QueryTermExtractor to get an array of your terms. Do spellcheck for each, and cartesian join. You may want to run a query on each combo and then sort based on the frequency they occur (like how the single-word spellchecker works).
After implement two different search features in two different sites with both lucene and sphinx, I can say that sphinx is the clear winner.
Consider using instead of lucene. It's used by craigslist, among others.
They have a feature called morphology preprocessors:
# a list of morphology preprocessors to apply
# optional, default is empty
# builtin preprocessors are 'none', 'stem_en', 'stem_ru', 'stem_enru',
# 'soundex', and 'metaphone'; additional preprocessors available from
# libstemmer are 'libstemmer_XXX', where XXX is algorithm code
# (see libstemmer_c/libstemmer/modules.txt)
# morphology = stem_en, stem_ru, soundex
# morphology = libstemmer_german
# morphology = libstemmer_sv
morphology = none
There are many stemmers available, and as you can see, german is among them.
Elaboration on why I feel that sphinx has been the clear winner for me.
Speed: Sphinx is stupid fast. Both indexing and in the serving search queries.
Relevance: Though it's hard to quantify this, I felt that I was able to get more relevant results with sphinx compared to my lucene implementation.
Dependence on the filesystem: With lucene, I was unable to break the dependence on the filesystem. And while their are workarounds, like creating a ram disk, I felt it was easier to just select the "run only in memory" option of sphinx. This has implications for websites with more than one webserver, adding dynamic data to the index, reindexing, etc.
Yes, these are just points of an opinion. However, they are an opinion from someone that has tried both systems.
Hope that helps...

How do I perform binary addition on a mod type in Ada?

Very specific issue here…and no this isn’t homework (left that far…far behind). Basically I need to compute a checksum for code being written to an EPROM and I’d like to write this function in an Ada program to practice my bit manipulation in the language.
A section of a firmware data file for an EPROM is being changed by me and that change requires a new valid checksum at the end so the resulting system will accept the changed code. This checksum starts out by doing a modulo 256 binary sum of all data it covers and then other higher-level operations are done to get the checksum which I won’t go into here.
So now how do I do binary addition on a mod type?
I assumed if I use the “+” operator on a mod type it would be summed like an integer value operation…a result I don’t want. I’m really stumped on this one. I don’t want to really do a packed array and perform the bit carry if I don’t have to, especially if that’s considered “old hat”. References I’m reading claim you need to use mod types to ensure more portable code when dealing with binary operations. I’d like to try that if it’s possible. I'm trying to target multiple platforms with this program so portability is what I'm looking for.
Can anyone suggest how I might perform binary addition on a mod type?
Any starting places in the language would be of great help.
Just use a modular type, for which the operators do unsigned arithmetic.
type Word is mod 2 ** 16; for Word'Size use 16;
Addendum: For modular types, the predefined logical operators operate on a bit-by-bit basis. Moreover, "the binary adding operators + and – on modular types include a final reduction modulo the modulus if the result is outside the base range of the type." The function Update_Crc is an example.
Addendum: §3.5.4 Integer Types, ¶19 notes that for modular types, the results of the predefined operators are reduced modulo the modulus, including the binary adding operators + and –. Also, the shift functions in §B.2 The Package Interfaces are available for modular types. Taken together, the arithmetical, logical and shift capabilities are sufficient for most bitwise operations.