Intellij Code completion in (s)css annoying - intellij-idea

I am developing in IntelliJ IDEA mainly scss and js. When I want to type
th, td {
some style
Intellij autocompletes td to "text-decoration:;" (and th to text-height) which is highly annoying. I have checked all my settings and plugins and am currently lost. I have the setting "Code Completion > Insert selected suggestion" turned off under "Show suggestions as you type".
My enabled custom plugins are Emmet Everywhere, Save Actions and Vue.js. Disabling those does not solve anything.
I would honestly love to enable autocompletion per language/per extension and not as a global setting.
Any thoughts?

As #lena pointed out, Settings > Live templates > By default expand with was set on space which caused this behaviour. With so many options it can sometimes be hard to find unusual settings.


How to reformat a Vue.js component in VS Code?

I'm using Visual Studio Code to code a Vue.js component and need to reformat the code of that component.
I did not find any built-in formatters, and the first choice for a plugin was vue-buetify which informs after installation that
There are many bugs in the extension, please do not use it, the better choice is vetur
I then tried Vetur by installing it but there is no place where I see an option to beautify the code currently in the editor. The Shift + Alt + F command has no effect.
How can I actually beautify (reformat) the code for a Vue component?
I've been fiddling with formatting quite a bit since my previously working project stopped formatting one day. Here's what I think the current state of the art is:
Use extensions vetur and prettier (specifically, esbenp.prettier-vscode Prettier - Code formatter). (You get these preinstalled by Vue.js Extension Pack esbenp.prettier-vscodeand others.)
Vetur is the (current) mandatory default tooling for vue. Accept no substitutes.
Prettier doesn't support .vue files per se, so that filetype is disabled by default:
But Vetur understand its limitations and instead delegates formatting of individual sections of the .vue file to a potentially different formatter. By default, though, it delegates everything other than HTML sections to Prettier. It disables formatting for HTML sections.
Vetur developers are down on js-beautify-html, although it is still apparently functional: And they don't make an alternative recommendation at this time.
Prettier support for HTML, which would be the obvious choice if only it existed, is a long, sad story. Currently (May 2018), prettier formats HTML as JSX. Many subtleties are mentioned, but one issue that I have grasped is that JSX converts begin/empty/end tags to empty tags, e.g to . Apparently React and (I believe) Vue, do not like this, hence vetur disables Prettier for HTML.
So I'm going forward with enabling js-beautify-html in vetur settings, hoping for the best and keeping my eyes peeled. But I'm such a superficial coder that I may never trip over its known issues.
In 2022, the situation regarding formatting Vue files regaled in another answer has vastly improved.
Vetur is still the de facto solution for managing .vue files in VS Code, but in the time since this question was asked, Prettier added full support for them (and HTML proper). This means you can format them using Prettier without Vetur if you so desire.
Note that Vetur does not support VS Code's "Format Selection" functionality, even though Prettier does (for a small set of languages):
Vetur only has a "whole document formatter" and cannot format arbitrary ranges. As a result, only the Format Document command is available.
The Format Selection command does not work.
If you do decide to use Vetur, you shouldn't need any other extensions to get formatting to work, as the extension comes bundled with all of its available formatters. As long as you have the extension installed and enabled, formatting with the "Format Document" command or Shift + Alt + F should work out of the box.
Vetur's settings allow the user to configure which of its available formatters is used for each language it supports (Prettier is the default for all but Sass and Stylus). The formatters can also be toggled off per language, or entirely, if you prefer to use some other formatting solution instead.
If you have installed the Vetur extension on VS Code,
Go to the VS Code extension area.
Find Vetur and select the gear icon to enter settings of Vetur.
Scroll down until you find
Vetur › Format › Default Formatter: JS
Default formatter for <script> region
Select pretter-eslint from dropdown menu
(if you don't see that option you can install Prettier extension).
Now you can see it formats your code automatically whenever you save.

Visual Studio Code Formatting fail on save

I've started learning React Native.
I'm using Visual Studio Code as my editor.
I've set up the boiler plate and started the app. But whenever I change a .js file and hit save, VSCode is messing up all the formatting.
I thought I could sort this in the settings.json file but after googling for a while and playing around I can't find the correct setting.
Is this a bug or am I doing something wrong?
Setting file is default one:
UPDATE: I re-installed vscode. Then set up a basic js file with a react native tag and a html tag. I added in:
"editor.formatOnSave": false,
"javascript.format.enable": false
To my settings.json file and the problem still occurs:
The problem is having tags in a js file, I just don't know how to tell vscode to ignore them?
I found out what this was by looking though the extensions. Thanks to #wgj for the hint.
Turns out it was the JS-CSS-HTML formatter. I looked through the instructions and have removed the auto save for now. I'll have to work out the specific settings for this.
It uses js-beautify so if anyone knows the settings I should be looking at would be much appreciated.
I had a similar problem and it turned out my ultimate culprit was...
So I simply disabled it for the workspace.
Same here, all my HTML format messed up after saving, I disable "JS-CSS-HTML Formatter" and problem solved
In the end, what did the trick was changing the file format from JavaScript to JavaScript React on the bottom toolbar.
All my HTML format messed up in js after saving, I disable "JS-CSS-HTML Formatter" and restarted vscode, problem solved.
I found my solution to this problem by converting my components file extension from js to jsx. No more issues and everything is working fine.
Disable js-css-html formatter.
if you are using prettier and beautify together, override the setting as :
"beautify.ignore": [
Use Prettier Code Formatter instead of Beautify. Works perfectly for language mode Babel JavaScript
You should search for "format" in settings.json. You'll find a whole lot of TypeScript/JavaScript formatting tweaks in there, but the one that stands out to me is:
// Defines space handling after opening and before closing non empty brackets.
"javascript.format.insertSpaceAfterOpeningAndBeforeClosingNonemptyBrackets": false
Alternative, you're not a fan of formatting at all, you can turn it off entirely:
// Enable/disable default JavaScript formatter.
"javascript.format.enable": true,
However, a lot of my formatting options come from language server extensions, so if you're using one for React Native specifically, be sure to check the attributes in settings.json, or the docs to see if there are any attributes you can add.
Add this on settings.json file. Whether you are using any extension or not, use this code. It works fine for me:
Solution 1: Just Disable JS-CSS-HTML Formatter
Solution 2: Press Ctrl+, (open settings) after that search Code formatted and change none --> Prettier
If you don't have prettier install from the extension's marketplace.
i just had this problem , apparently its because of the beautify/prettier , try to disable both , then restart Vs code (your editor) . but then if u really want to use prettier , go under its extension settings and make sure its in strict with whitespaces and toogle around a few other settings and you should be fine , cheers .
Just turning off format on save option from the settings would work.
You can select JavaScript React in the task bar under Select Language Mode.
You can try one of the following
uninstall other formatters which are not required. To check how many formatters you have just press ctrl + shift + p or command +shift + p (mac) and type format document after that a menu will appear showing you your formatters
press ctrl + shift + p or command +shift + p (mac) and type settings and click on open users settings and then search for format on save and check the box
that's it!!
changing the file format from JavaScript to JavaScript React on the bottom toolbar worked just fine for me
I have tried all methods but the problem is solved completely by this:
-> Open setting.json
-> "files.associations": {
"*.js": "javascriptreact"
->Add above lines and press save the problem will solve
You can type the following command string when creating your project
npx create-react-app name-of-app react-complete-guide
or the following, if you have create-react-app installed already
create-react-app name-of-app react-complete-guide

Intellij idea deprecated no strikeout/strikethrough

I'm using IntelliJ IDEA v12. When I import a project, there’s a strikeout/strikethrough line on the method which has the annotation #Deprecated, but I used alt+enter to disable it. So, how can I reactivate this feature? I want to display that strikethrough, thanks!
Open Settings -> Type Inspections to go to inspection settings -> Type Deprecated to find out all deprecated related inspection settings -> Check Deprecated API usage.
IntelliJ had a bug in 2018.3, 2018.2.2 (182.4129.33). It was fixed in builds 191.65, 183.3691.
Setting in the .vmoptions fixes the problem.
In addition to Ionghua's answer .....
If you find that IntelliJ is still not striking out deprecated methods, even though you have enabled the inspection as above, check to make sure that your code is not ignoring deprecation warnings with #SuppressWarnings("deprecation").
In addition to longhua's answer... and vegemite4me...
Another possible source for this problem might be custom color themes.
If you are using a custom theme, make sure that it contains strikethrough. I was using monokai-sublime and there is no strikethrough for #Deprecated annotations. When I changed the color theme from monokai to darcula strikethrough worked as expected.
I found that the only thing that worked for me with version 2019.2 192.5728.98, runtime 11.0.3+12-b304.10 was to use Help | Edit VM Options and add

Creating Dijit > Editor > Plugins

I have been googling this subject for hours. Does anyone have an examples of a custom plugin being deployed in Dijit's Editor. I'd be really interested to look at it because I have been following this without much success and of the few examples that exist out there none of them come with working examples :(
(I'm looking to create a pulldown menu like the one for font selection)
There's no difference between a custom plugin and a "builtin" plugin, so I suggest just looking at a small builtin example like TabIndent, and then move on to the font selection itself.

How to disable code formatting for some part of the code using comments?

I'd like to selectively disable the IntelliJ IDEA code formatter for a portion of code just like I can in Eclipse. Does IntelliJ support this feature, and if so, how do I use it?
Since version 13 it's possible to wrap the code with
// #formatter:off
// #formatter:on
IntelliJ IDEA v.2018+:
File > Settings > Editor > Code Style
IntelliJ IDEA v.2016+:
Preferences > Editor > Code Style
IntelliJ IDEA v.14+:
Preferences > Editor > Code Style > Formatter Control
You can change the formatter control markers, as long as they're in comments.
Ensure formatter markers in comments are enabled, as shown in the following figure:
Note for Carlos' answer of #formatter:off and #formatter:on to work, you may need to enable the preference first:
Discovered via How to config intellij-idea not format some part of the code?
IDEA-56995 Disabled code formatting per region using comments
In xml files, use:
<!-- #formatter:off -->
<!-- #formatter:on -->
Obsolete answer from 2010:
No, it's not possible right now, I've submitted a new issue which you can track.
As a temporary solution you can use external formatter plug-in for IDEA which can utilize Eclipse code formatter (I didn't check whether this particular option is supported).
It's currently not possible to exclude entire files (like regression test data xmls) from formatting. See