Apple Mail Plugin Message Content Body - objective-c

I am in the process of developing a Plugin for Apple Mail.
I spend lots of time figuring out how to hook into the undocumented API. But I can't figure out how to access the content of a message.
I can access and manipulate the header alright (from, to, subject)-- but I don't know how to put some text into the actual email message. (I want to place a predefined greeting, like "hello Mr. mail").
Any help is much appreciated. I buy you a beer(or coff
ee, juice, up to you) if you can help me here.
I appreciate any help you can provide.
Best regards


I would like to download all envelops form all user

I would like to download all envelopes form all users. Which api can do that? Thank you.
To complete this task successfully you have two complete to sub-tasks:
Find all envelopes in the DocuSign account.
Loop over each envelope and download it.
I would recommend you start with #2 and ensure you know how to download a single envelope first. Lots of resources to help you out including how to article and blog post on this topic.
#1 is a bit more nuanced as I assume you would only want to look for the envelopes that are in Completed state (meaning they have been finalized and everyone signed them). I suggest you look into how to find envelopes based on status change and understand how this works to confirm you can do that.

Getting data out of SAP information box with vba

I'm automating a process with VBA, and I'm using SAP Scripting to do so.
The process is basically go to VA01, input the Orders Data and save the order.
But there is a variant in saving the order that is cracking up my head.
The SAP displays a popup message with relevant informations about the order, and I need that information and can't figure out how to get the Text out of the infobox that is displaying when you save the order.
Infos are: Blocked on price, No limit etc... And when it displays that message, I need to save it on a TXT file (i've already got a code for that), I just need a help in manage how to get that text out of the infobox.
If you had an access to the messages you can use MESSAGE - INTO (check info about it)
if i got your task incorrect pls write here. Good luck
I reproduce here the answer of the OP (#zanniboni):
"Hey, thanks for your help. I managed to do what I wanted with this code session.FindById("wnd[1]/usr/txtMESSTXT1").Text".

Can't upload new product image backend prestashop

I need a little help here, i hope someone here can help me for a hint or clue.
First of all, I'm not programmer. I'm just web admin who can use cms and basic html.
I was using PrestaShop for my online shop. In the backend, I can't upload new product image anymore.
The error just blank without any sign for me. Here for the screenshot:
I appreciate it, if someone can help me, thanks, and sorry for my english.
#PanjiWiyono This errors don't really give us a quality information, but this is a start. In your JS code should be a ajax query that has an error when converting results to json (first error). You should check what's the exact error that this request is returning by inspecting in browser developer console.
If you detect that the second error is in fact, the response of this ajax query, well now we almost have the problem.
The second error should be related to data size. Check this: Error while sending QUERY packet
Anyway, you should check DbPDO.php class. You can use debug_backtrace function to display the complete stack, but definitly if error is related to a basic PHP class issue you will have not help knowing wich classes are in calling stack.
Good luck.
Simple solution
maybe a extra module is in a conflict with the prestashop core files. go to advanced parameters, performance and disable third party modules and try again.
other option is reupload admin folder with other name and
js folder check again
hope it will work for you

Show dynamic counter in TYPO3 6.2 backend module name

For an extended comment-adminstration I'd like to create a backend module.
To show if there are any new comments that need the administrators attention, a counter of unresolved issues in the module name would be great.
The output should look like:
Comments awaiting moderation (42)
Is this even possible in TYPO3, or should I look for another way to remind the moderators about them? Until now it's e-mail notifications, but after we received nearly 15000 comments so far, another solution would be greatly appreciated.

An automated email response system to incoming faxes

This is a theoretical question but any specific technical knowledge that could help will also be appreciated.
I am an IT Assistant with not much knowledge in programming (apart from EasyPattern and super-simple batch files) but have been given an opportunity to start getting into it by having been given a task to create a step in our document management system which is vaguely defined by the title of this question.
So, we have incoming faxes with short digit codes on them, these code correlate to identifying information in our database (relevantly; email addresses). In a watched folder environment we have software that upon auto-acknowledging these fax/image files being dropped into a designated incoming location (from a fax server) it initiates Microsoft Digital Imaging (MODI, runs in the background) to find these codes (using OCR, Optical Character Recognition) and places them into CSV files (one .csv file per code per fax page). Our database admin assures me that he can have the email addresses that correlate to the codes automatically placed into their correlating csv file.
It is from this point that I am being asked to find a way to have a universal unchanging email message ("We have received your fax") automatically sent to those email addresses. Upon a "way" being known, I am then to actually accomplish it.
How to do this? As I said, a valid theoretical answer will suffice, for that will tell me how it can be done, which would in turn tell me what to learn, which would in turn tell me where to look.
I understand VBA to be a programming model within an 'event-driven' paradigm and that VBA programming projects are possible and supported in both Microsoft Outlook and Access. Does herein lie my answer? Can VBA used to accomplish this? (maybe auto import the email addresses from the csv file into the "To:" field of a outgoing email?) I'm hoping it'll be easier since the message can always stay the same (something along the lines of: We received your message). I'm reading two text books that introduce the reader to VBA in Access with one, and VBA in Outlook with the other.
I hope this message makes sense, this whole question might be naive, incoherent, or maybe even outright ignorant. But any patient and understanding response would be GREATLY appreciated.
You want something like this.
For posterity's sake, here is a summary of what it entails:
In Outlook, add a handler for the Application-level NewMailEx event.
Load each MailItem by its EntryID and handle it appropriately.
You would create your new email with Application.CreateItem(oMailItem), define its subject/body/recipients and then send it.