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Closed 2 years ago.
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I am trying to test keyboard short cuts. I tried using 'type' and 'trigger' assertions but they both are child assertions and I will have to pass a DOM element using a parent assertion such as cy.get(). I don't really need to select any DOM element as the test is for HOT-KEY login(I just need to press combination of keys). Can anyone please help me with this issue. Thanks.
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Closed 3 years ago.
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In the below image, there is an h1 tag. Text says, your policy number is ******. Here, Every-time when i run a new test-case, policy number will change. To get that policy number in testng output. What i need to use the code. I mean how can i getText()
You can fetch the element by its xpath and then get the text from it.
You can do it like:
driver.findElement(By.xpath("//div[#class='columns large-8']//h1[#class='fontFamily-1']")).getText()
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Closed 3 years ago.
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I am trying to get the cefbrowser to show browser status for example like web browser you can call Label1.Text = WebBrowser1.StatusText.ToString to receive the loading URL and when mousing over links/hyperlinks will show the URL path.
any help will be great.
In cefsharp you can use the ChromiumWebBrowser.StatusMessage event to get this information.
Have a look in the documentation ;-)
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Closed 3 years ago.
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odoo version:10e.
i want to display barcode field in point of sale(pos) session at anywhere on product. Is is possible through module or coding ?
Yes, this can be possible. To do that you need to add product barcode field in view. In that, you need to edit template "Product" which is located under "/point_of_sale/static/src/xml/pos.xml file.
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Closed 8 years ago.
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I am trying to add some custom fields on my prestashop backend and, when filled, to show up in frontend. Here are some examples of what I want to implement:
And here is the frontpage:
Searched everywhere but no results. I just need an idea or an example. Thank you!
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Closed 8 years ago.
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How can I call a method that is written in textfield when a button is pressed.
You'll have to include a compiler or interpreter for whatever language you're writing in the textfield, call that on the input, passing it whatever data from the rest of your program is relevant, and then run the output of the compilation process. Overall, it's a non-trivial task.