React Native: createMaterialTopTabNavigator align current Tab during swipe with scrollable - react-native

I have problem with my scrollable materialTopTabNavigator stuff. When I swipe to another tab, I see delay, but then the selected tab aligns. My behavior in the first gif.
I need behavior like this, without delay and with auto align
How can I achive this?

I'm having similar performance issues and am able to workaround them by disabling Remote JS Debugging.
Without spending much time into the issue, you might want to check debug > slow animations in your ios simulator.


(iOS) Is it possible to move loading spinner in FlatList refreshing prop?

I am trying to use pull to refresh from FlatList. Is it possible to move the spinner to where the data actually starts rendering instead of the top of the screen? I found the progressViewOffset that works on Android but I am trying to find how I can implement this behaviour on iOS too. I feel like my solution is to watch scroll interactions and go on from there.
Any idea is appreciated. Thanks in advance.

How can you make a movable frame over the content with React Native, while making it possible to click the content around it?

I'm looking for a solution, if possible a library or a custom component, for React Native, without Expo.
I need to create a video frame that is movable in the screen, up and down, and cover the content. I also need to make it possible to click on the content behind it.
Another difficulty is that I need it to stay up on all screens during navigation.
I first tried to use reanimated-bottom-sheet with some increments, but the content behind the bottom is not clickable. Also, to make it available on all screens I needed to put in at the same level as React Navigation's BottomTabNavigator and it covers the tab bar too even with a zIndex.
I also tried to use modals, but I'm relatively new to React Native and couldn't find how to make the background touchable as well as making it movable.
I guess I need to make a view with absolute positionning and learn Reanimated, unless you have a simpler idea?

Realizing Facebook friends request like slider

I am developing my first React Native + Redux app. In my app I want to develop something similar to the friends requests slider of facebook:
There is a slider (left/right) where you can see the current content in a box and a little bit of the next and preview item. When swiping up or tap the content should be come to "full screen". Swiping left or right is disabled in full screen.
Only the current and maybe the two next and the two previous slides should be loaded but I think thanks to redux this is not a big deal.
Which components should I use for this?
A simple way to approach this might be to use a library like react-native-swiper for the swiping component and then use LayoutAnimation to animate the subview into the full screen view, taking care to remove the name in the header/etc.

Off screen display with textinput and scrollview in react-native

I am creating an app in react-native and I'm having problem with the display.
I have a textinput in scrollview. When I tap on the textinput and it's focused, the display will go up and goes off screen.
I have seen the same issue posted in github.
Here is the link: Github issue posted by someone
This is the default behavior of they keyboard for Android. You have to manually change the android:windowSoftInputMode in AndroidManifest.xm to another option (adjustNothing is more iOS like). See the options here:
Also, keep in mind that keyboardWillShow() and keyboardWillHide() are not fired on Android, and if you opt to use adjustNothing, not even keyboardDidShow() or keyboardDidHide() are fired.
I would recommend keeping the default behavior of android:windowSoftInputMode, but use the keyboardDidShow() and keyboardDidHide() to manually adjust the ScrollView position.

JetBrains IDEs scrolling on touchscreen

I'm having a problem scrolling in all the JetBrains IDEs (PyCharm, PhpStorm) using touch screen. I have a Dell XPS 15 with a touchscreen.
When I try to scroll it just selects code. I have tried in regular Notepad and Notepad++ and there works as expected.
Has anyone else experienced it? Is there any solution to this? It would be really great to scroll through the code using touchscreen.
I have found temporary solution by installing plugin Code glance ( The plugin provides a sidebar with code map, which is similar to the one from Sublime. In the sidebar it is possible to navigate through code. It is not ideal but it's better than nothing.
Yes, I was having the same problem. And luckily I got a gesture to scroll using two fingers:
Scroll up: Tap and hold using one finger and swipe away[from close to distant of the first finger] using another finger. Swiping away from each other also works.
Scroll Down: Tap and hold using one finger and swipe in[from distant to close of the first finger] using another finger. Swiping close to each other also works.