Why is mysql connection not working with dotenv variables - sql

Good evening,
I have been trying to connect to my database by using dotenv variables.
It worked perfectly before i used it.
I have 2files: 1 file mysqlConfig, where i put my settings for my database, and .env where i put my variables.
I don't see what i am doing wrong here:
MysqlConfig :
var mysql = require('mysql');
// Connexion à MYSQL
var bdd = mysql.createConnection({
socketPath : process.env.SOCKET_PATH,
user : process.env.USER,
password : process.env.PASSWORD,
host : process.env.HOST,
database : process.env.DATABASE
module.exports = bdd;
Thank you for your help
Have a nice evening

It might be because the dotenv package hasn't been able to find your .env file.
try printing any of the variables, and see if it's undefined. If it is, my assumption is correct.
In that case, you need to manually specify the relative path to your .env file. That can be done by passing an options object to your config function, containing the property path:
const path = require('path')
path: path.resolve(__dirname, '../../.env')

Ok, i just found the issue...
I used console log for every varibales, util i figured out that my USER was not the correct one... it was my last name (i don't know why ?)
I did not know the variable USER is kind of reserved ?
Anyway, this way it works...
var mysql = require('mysql');
// Connexion à MYSQL
var bdd = mysql.createConnection({
socketPath : process.env.SOCKET_PATH,
user : process.env.USERDB,
password : process.env.PASSWORD,
host : process.env.HOST,
database : process.env.DATABASE
module.exports = bdd;
Your answer helped a lot, thanks !!


Laravel site cant be reached for this DotenvEditor

I am uses Dotenveditor to save the env parameters but after redirecting i faced error as
This site can’t be reachedThe connection was reset.
Checking the connection
Checking the proxy and the firewall
what is mistake in my code? rest part of controller works properly.
if (isset($request->APP_DEBUG)) {
$env_update = DotenvEditor::setKeys(['APP_DEBUG' => 'true']);
} else {
$env_update = DotenvEditor::setKeys(['APP_DEBUG' => 'false']);
if (isset($request->COOKIE_CONSENT_ENABLED)) {
$env_update = DotenvEditor::setKeys(['COOKIE_CONSENT_ENABLED' => 'true']);
} else {
$env_update = DotenvEditor::setKeys(['COOKIE_CONSENT_ENABLED' => 'false']);
$env_update = DotenvEditor::setKeys([
'APP_NAME' => preg_replace('/\s+/', '', $request->title),
'APP_URL' => preg_replace('/\s+/', '', $request->APP_URL),
Try to update your .env file using notepad++ as administrator. I Think it is much easier and user friendly. When you make the necessary changes save the file. Afterwords, I think you must reboot to the Virtual Machine (if you are using one) or restart the service in order the change takes effect to the application.
Talking about Laravel-Dotenv-Editor please try to visit Dotenv editor in order to find more information.
Example of a .env file:

How to setup Proxy in Karate config file

I am using the following syntax in karate feature file and it works but I want to add this globally in karate config file so that I don't have to add in all of my feature file individually
* configure proxy = { uri: 'http://xx.xx.xxx.xx:8080', username: 'myuserid', password: 'xxxxxx' }
I need to know how we can add above globally in karate-config.js file
The karate documentation is quite comprehensive.
If you have any questions, it's pretty likely to find the answer there or in a related demo .feature file.
From the documentation:
And if you need to set some of these 'globally' you can easily do so using the karate object in karate-config.js - for e.g. karate.configure('ssl', true).
So, I would try to put the following snippet in karate-config.js:
function() {
var config = {
BASE_URL: 'base url one,
BASE_URL2: 'base url two'
karate.configure('proxy', { uri: 'http://xx.xx.xxx.xx:8080', username: 'myuserid', password: 'xxxxxx' });
return config;
Needless to say, that you can use karate.env property to configure your proxy on the base of your environment.

Where the correct place should i define a port of server( express )?

I keep any hard coding information inside models/config.js, but i'm not sure that the models/config.js file is the correct place for a port.
Keep a ./config/my_database_config.js and put all there.
Similar for ./config/main_server_config.js
usually all other config files can also go there.
You can hardcode values in this my_database_config.js file . Or this file could suppose make a request to the server for the config file that returns a following json.
The config could be a json of type :
configJson = {
"env_production": {
"db_host_production": "www.host.production.url",
"db_password_production": "www.host.production.password"
"env_staging": {
"db_host_staging": "www.host.staging.url",
"db_password_staging": "www.host.staging.password"
"env_local": {
"db_host_local": "www.host.local.url",
"db_password_local": "www.host.local.password"
If its is just for local testing puposes you could even pass in config values as env variables to the json in config.js

deepstream error listen EADDRINUSE

i try to run my first deepstream.io server from this link but i get this error :
PLUGIN_ERROR | connectionEndpoint wasn't initialised in time
throw error
Error: connectionEndpoint wasn't initialised in time
at DependencyInitialiser._onTimeout
at ontimeout (timers.js:386:14)
at tryOnTimeout (timers.js:250:5)
at Timer.listOnTimeout (timers.js:214:5)
and this is my code:
const DeepStreamServer = require("deepstream.io")
const C = DeepStreamServer.constants;
const server = new DeepStreamServer({
In deepstream 3.0 we released our HTTP endpoint, by default this runs alongside our websocket endpoint.
Because of this, passing the port option at the root level of the config no longer works (it overrides both the HTTP and websocket port options, as you can see in the screen capture provided, both endpoints are trying to start on the same port).
You can override each of these ports as follows:
const deepstream = require('deepstream.io')
const server = new deepstream({
connectionEndpoints: {
http: {
options: {
port: ...
websocket: {
options: {
port: ...
Or you can define your config in a file and point to that while initialising deepstream[1].
[1] deepstream server configuration
One solution that i find is passing empty config object so inseted of :
const server = new DeepStreamServer({
i'm just using this :
const server = new DeepStreamServer({})
and now everything work's well.
All the bellow is for Version 4.2.2 (last version by now)
I was having the same Port in use or config file not found errors. And i was using typescript and i didn't pay attention too to the output dir and build (which can be a problem when one use typescript and build). I was able to run the server in the end. And i had a lot of analysis.
I checked up the code source and i have seen how the config is loaded
const SUPPORTED_EXTENSIONS = ['.yml', '.yaml', '.json', '.js']
path.join('.', 'conf', 'config'), path.join('..', 'conf', 'config'),
'/etc/deepstream/config', '/usr/local/etc/deepstream/config',
DEFAULT_CONFIG_DIRS.push(path.join(process.argv[1], '..', 'conf', 'config'))
DEFAULT_CONFIG_DIRS.push(path.join(process.argv[1], '..', '..', 'conf', 'config'))
Also i tested different things and all. Here what i came up with:
First of all if we don't precise any parameter in the constructor. A config from the default directories will get to load. If there isn't then the server fail to run.
And one of the places where we can put a config is ./conf in the same folder as the server node script.
Secondly we can precise a config as a string path (parameter in the constructor). config.yml or one of the supported extensions. That will allow the server to load the server config + the permission.yml and users.yml configs. Which too are supposed to be in the same folder. If not in the same folder there load will fail, and therefor the permission plugin will not load. And so does the users config. And no fall back to default will happen.
Thirdly the supported extensions for the config files are: yml, yaml, json, js.
In nodejs context. If nothing precised. There is no fallback to some default config. The config need to be provided in one of the default folders, or by precising a path to it. Or by passing a config object. And all the optional options will default to some values if not provided ( a bit bellow there is an example that can show that ). Know however that precising an end point is very important and required.
To precise the path, we need to precise the path to the config.yml file (the server config) [example: path.join(__dirname, './conf/config.yml')]. Then from the same dir permission.yml and users.yml will be retrieved (the extension can be any of the supported one). We can not precise a path to a directory, it will fail.
We can precise the path to permission config or user config separatly within config.yaml as shown bellow:
# Permissioning example with default values for config-based permissioning
type: config
path: ./permissions.yml
maxRuleIterations: 3
cacheEvacuationInterval: 60000
Finally we can pass an object to configure the server, or by passing null as a parameter and use .set methods (i didn't test the second method). For configuring the server we need to follow the same structure as the yml file. With sometimes a bit different naming. The typescript declaration files or types show us the way. With an editor like vscode. Even if we are not using typescript we can keep get the auto completion and type definitions.
And the simplest for equivalent to the previous version is :
const webSocketServer = new Deepstream({
connectionEndpoints: [
type: 'ws-websocket',
options: {
port: 6020,
host: '',
urlPath: '/deepstream'
the above is the new syntax and way.
const server = new DeepStreamServer({
^^^^^^^ is completely deprecated and not supported in version 4 (the doc is not updated).

Issues with output while connecting using nodejs mssql

I'm new to node.js and I'm trying to connect to a intersystems-cache database. Here is what I have, based off the sample code in the docs:
var sql = require('mssql');
}).catch(function(err) {
If I put in the wrong server or port, I get a Failed to connect error, but no matter what else I enter incorrectly (username, pass, db) I get zero output. More importantly, when all the data is correct I never get the connected output.
Is this a compatibility issue with Cache and the mssql library? Or am I doing something wrong?
why do you use mssql, instead of cache, while you have to connect to cache.
If you look at the documentation, you may find and example
var globals = require('cache');
var mydata = new globals.Cache();
{ path:"/cache20102/mgr",
username: "_SYSTEM",
password: "SYS",
namespace: "USER"
function(error, result){}