Update records in database automatically - sql

Let me describe my scenario here.
I am having a table with multiple records, where the name is the same, as it's gonna be records for the same person updated on daily basis.
Right now, I am trying to find out the easiest way to update all the names accordingly.
Name is going to be updated (TestName -> RealName)
I want this change to be applied to all the records with the same name, in this case, "TestName"
I can do a single query, but I am trying to find if there's an automatic way to do this correctly.
Been trying using a triggers, but in most cases, I am ending with an infinite loop, as I am trying to update the table, where a trigger is actually bound to, so it's invoking another update and so on.
I don't need an exact solution, just give me some ropes about how it can be achieved, please.

The problem may be simply resolved by using the function pg_trigger_depth() in the trigger, e.g.:
create trigger before_update_on_my_table
before update on my_table
for each row
when (pg_trigger_depth() = 0) -- this prevents recursion
execute procedure before_update_on_my_table();
However, it seems that the table is poorly designed. It should not contain names. Create a table with names (say user_name) and in the old table store a reference to the new one, e.g.:
create table user_name(id serial primary key, name text);
create table my_table(id serial primary key, user_id int references user_name(id));

You can use event triggers in postgresql https://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.3/sql-createeventtrigger.html


Informix select trigger to update column

Is it possible to increase the value of a number in a column with a trigger every time it gets selected? We have special tables where we store the new id and when we update it in the app, it tends to get conflicts before the update happens, even when it all takes less than a second. So I was wondering if it is not possible to set database to increase value after every select on that column? Do not ask me why we do not use autoincrement for ids because I do not know.
Informix provides the SERIAL and BIGSERIAL types (and also SERIAL8, but don't use that) which provide autoincrement support. It also provides SEQUENCES with more sophisticated autoincrements. You should aim to use one of those.
Trying to use a SELECT trigger to update the table being selected from is, at best, fraught with problems about transactions and the like (problems which both the types and sequences carefully avoid).
If your design team needs help making effective use of these, ask a new question outlining what you want to achieve.
Normally, the correct way to proceed is to make the ID column in each table that defines 'something' (the Orders table, the Customer table, …) into a SERIAL column and either not insert a value into the ID column or insert 0 into it. The generated value can be retrieved and used when creating auxilliary information — order items, etc.
Note that you could think about using:
CREATE TABLE xyz_sequence
and using:
INSERT INTO xyz_sequence VALUES(0);
and then retrieving the inserted value — in Informix ESQL/C, you'd use sqlca.sqlerrd[1], in other languages, other techniques. You can also delete the newly inserted record, or even all the records in the table. You can afford to ignore errors from the DELETE statement; sooner or later, the rows will be deleted. The next value inserted will continue where the prior ones left off.
In a stored procedure, you'd use DBINFO('sqlca.sqlerrd1') to get the inserted value. You'd use DBINFO('bigserial') to get the value if you use a BIGSERIAL type.
I found out possible answer in this question update with return value instead of doing it with select it seems better to return value directly from update as update use locks it should be more safer even when you use multithreading application. But these are just my assumptions. Hopefully it will help someone.

Trigger a Stored Procedure on Insert or Update Triggers

I have two Triggers for a table that share identical functionality. A record is inserted into or updated in said table, and some of its fields are Inserted into another table, or elsewhere into the same table. If it is a new record, the Insert Trigger triggers. If it is an already-existing record, the Update Trigger triggers.
It isn't rocket science.
However, I'm entertaining the idea of simplifying these Triggers by having each of them call a Stored Procedure that will replicate the above functionality. I'm going this route because a separate table I'm working with doesn't allow an After Insert Trigger to be used in this manner with the code it contains, and I'd like to find a workaround. I'm not sure if it'll work or not, but I'd like to give it a shot.
I have no idea how to go about it, though. I utilize variables that are populated with data from tables Joined to the triggering one, and N.field or O.field throughout the Triggers. Is this possible if the Trigger calls a Proc? If it's called For Each Row, are the New and Old fields available to be used within the Proc? If so, how? Input and Output parameters with regard to Stored Procedures are new to me. I don't even know if what I'm asking makes as much sense written out as it does in my head.
For example, we'll say I'm working with a table called Cars.
1 A1234 A
2 A1235 A
3 B1234 B
If a record is Inserted into Cars, the first character of CARS.VIN should be Inserted into CARS.CATEGORY. If a record is Updated, CARS.CATEGORY should be, as well, referencing N.VIN. I have a Trigger for each of these and they work fine.
The minutiae of the 'why' aside, is it possible to contain the functionality of these Triggers into a Proc that either can call? How would I go about the initial steps of creation for said Proc?
Instead of using a trigger, consider defining CATEGORY as a generated column, for example
vin VARCHAR(17),
category CHAR(1) GENERATED ALWAYS AS ( LEFT( vin, 1 ) )

Define One to Many Relationships with SQL

I'm looking for a way to set up a one to many relationship between 2 tables. The table structures is explained below but I've tried to leave everything off that has nothing to do with the problem.
Table objects has 1 column called uuid.
Table contents has 3 columns called content, object_uuid and timestamp.
The basic idea is to insert a row into objects and get a new uuid from the database. This uuid is then used stored for every row in contents to associate contents with objects.
Now I'm trying to use the database to enforce that:
Each row in contents references a row in objects (a foreign key should do)
No row in objects exists without at least a row in contents
These constraints should be enforced on commit of transactions.
Ordinary triggers can't help probably because when a row in the objects table is written, there can't be a row in contents yet. Postgres does have so called constraint triggers that can be deferred until the end of the transaction. It would be possible to use those but they seem to be some sort of internal construct not intended for everyday use.
Ideas or solutions should be standard SQL (preferred) or work with Postgres (version does not matter). Thanks for any input.
Your main problem is that other than foreign key constraints; no constraint can reference another table.
Your best bet is to denormalize this a little and have a column on object containing the count of contents that reference it. You can create a trigger to keep this up to date.
This won't be as unbreakable unless you put some user security over who can update this column. But if you keep it up to date with a trigger and all you're looking to avoid is accidental corruption, this should be sufficient.
EDIT: As per the comment, CHECK constraints are not deferrable. This solution would raise an error if all the contents are removed even if the intention is to add more in the same transaction.
Maybe what you want to do is normalize a little bit more. You need a third table, that references elements of the other tables. Table objects should have its own uuid and table contents sholud have also its own uuid and no reference to the table objects. The third table should have only the references to the other two tables, but the primary key is the combination of both references.
so for example you have an uuid of the table objects and you want all the contents of that uuid, assuming that the third table has as columns object_uuid and content_uuid, and the table contents has its own serial column named uuid, your query should be like this:
SELECT * FROM thirdtable,contents
WHERE thirdtable.content_uuid = contents.uuid AND thirdtable.object_uuid=34;
Then you can use an on insert trigger on every table
and then in function my_check_function() delete every row in objects that is not present in the third table. Somebody else answered first while I was answering, if you guys like my solution I could help you to make the my_check_function() function.

Avoiding a two step insert in SQL

Let's say I have a table defined as follows:
CompoundKey varchar(255) NOT NULL,
CompoundKey is a string with the primary key P_Id concatenated to the end, like Foo00000001 which comes from "Foo" + 00000001. At the moment, entries insertions into this table happen in 2 steps.
Insert a dummy record with a place holder string for CompoundKey.
Update the CompoundKey with the column with the generated compound key.
I'm looking for a way to avoid the 2nd update entirely and do it all with one insert statement. Is this possible? I'm using MS SQL Server 2005.
p.s. I agree that this is not the most sensible schema in the world, and this schema will be refactored (and properly normalized) but I'm unable to make changes to the schema for now.
Your could use a computed column; change the schema to read:
CompoundKeyPrefix varchar(255) NOT NULL,
CompoundKey AS CompoundKeyPrefix + CAST(P_Id AS VARCHAR(10))
This way, SQL Server will automagically give you your compound key in a new column, and will automatically maintain it for you. You may also want to look into the PERSIST keyword for computed columns which will cause SQL Server to materialise the value in the data files rather than having to compute it on the fly. You can also add an index against the column should you so wish.
A trigger would easily accomplish this
This is simply not possible.
The "next ID" doesn't exist and thus cannot be read to fulfill the UPDATE until the row is inserted.
Now, if you were sourcing your autonumbers from somwhere else you could, but I don't think that's a good answer to your question.
Even if you want to use triggers, an UPDATE is still executed even if you don't manually execute it.
You can obscure the population of the CompoundKey, but at the end of the day it's still going to be an UPDATE
I think your safest bet is just to make sure the UPDATE is in the same transaction as the INSERT or use a trigger. But, for the academic argument of it, an UPDATE still occurs.
Two things:
1) if you end up using two inserts, you must use transaction! Otherwise other processes may see the database in inconsistent state (i.e. seeing record without CompoundKey).
2) I would refrain from trying to paste the Id to the end of CompoundKey in transaction, trigger etc. It is much cleaner to do it at the output if you need it, e.g. in queries (select concat(CompoundKey, Id) as CompoundKeyId ...). If you need it as a foreign key in other tables, just use the pair (CompoundKey, Id).

SQL: No Identity feature workaround using triggers

I'm a little rusty with my triggers and what not and am trying to figure out this problem for a class:
In a database TEST, tables do not have the option of the IDENTITY feature. In other words, when we insert a row into the table “Users”, we would like the primary key “UserID” to auto-increment. Please suggest a workaround to implement this feature without such a built-in functionality.
(Hint: You may still use functions, stored procedures, sequences, triggers, etc)
Use an Int column for the table Primary Key called ID.
You can then use an instead of Insert Trigger, to populate/calculate the value to be inserted for ID.
The trigger will determine what the maximum existing ID is for the table in question (using select MAX ID from TableA) and then increment it by 1 for each record to be inserted.
If there are no records in the table then the ID value is 1.
You use a sequence, and it's very common with Oracle, which does not (or did not once, it may have changed) have identity columns. Since this is homework I'll let you figure out the rest from here.