I am currently using SCIP in a Linux environment and would like to move towards using PySCIPOpt as my research is slowly moving towards Machine Learning.
I have read the PySCIPOpt tutorial in Github as well as a document by S Maher and found them not being able to answer my question before I make the jump.
Will regular functions in SCIP such as read (problem) be available in PySCIPOpt too? This is because I have mps fils, pbo files and would not like to rewrite functions or classes that parse the file to fit them into the format found in Maher's document:
from pyscipopt import Model
scip = Model ()
x = scip.addVar(’x’, vtype=’C’)
y = scip.addVar(’y’, vtype=’I’)
scip. setObjective (x + y)
scip.addCons(2∗x + y∗y >= 10)
scip.optimize ()
I think you mean the commands that you use in the interactive shell? (there is no read function in SCIP).
All functions that you can use in PySCIPopt are wrapped in the scip.pyx file in the src directory of PySCIPopt.
So you can read a Problem with readProblem which wraps the SCIP API function SCIPreadProb
The code would look something like:
from pyscipopt import Model
model = Model()
I would like to put some prior on the (hyper)parameters of the GP models in GPflow, but I cannot find any module (like gpflow.priors) or doc about this issue.
Besides, I noticed that prior is one of the arguments of the class parameter, together with a question.
GPflow 2.0 uses tensorflow_probability distributions objects for the priors, e.g.
model.kernel.lengthscales.prior = tensorflow_probability.distributions.Gamma(
gpflow.utilities.to_default_float(1.0), gpflow.utilities.to_default_float(1.0)
(or pass the distribution object as the prior argument of the gpflow.Parameter class). Note that TensorFlow by default uses float32, whereas with GPs we typically want to work in float64 - hence the calls to to_default_float.
This is mentioned in the documentation, both in the notebook on understanding models and discussed in depth in the notebook on how to use MCMC with GPflow.
I successfully managed to implement learning to rank by following the tutorial TF-Ranking for sparse features using the ANTIQUE question answering dataset.
Now my goal is to successfully save the learned model to disk so that I can easily load it without training again. Due to the Tensorflow docs, the estimator.export_saved_model() method seems to be the way to go. But I can't wrap my head around how to tell Tensorflow how my feature structure looks like. Due to the docs here the easiest way seems to be calling tf.estimator.export.build_parsing_serving_input_receiver_fn(), which returns me the required inpur receiver function which I have to pass to the export_saved_model function. But how do I tell Tensorflow how my features from my learning to rank model look like?
From my current understanding the model has context feature specs and example feature specs. So I guess I somehow have to combine those two specs into one feature description, which I then can pass to the build_parsing_serving_input_receiver_fn function?
So I think you are on the right track;
You can get a build_ranking_serving_input_receiver_fn like this: (substitue context_feature_columns(...) and example_feature_columns(...) with defs you probably have for creating your own context and example structures for your training data):
def example_serving_input_fn():
context_feature_spec = tf.feature_column.make_parse_example_spec(
example_feature_spec = tf.feature_column.make_parse_example_spec(
servingInputReceiver = tfr.data.build_ranking_serving_input_receiver_fn(
return servingInputReceiver
And then pass this to export_saved_model like this:
ranker.export_saved_model('path_to_save_model', example_serving_input_fn())
(ranker here is a tf.estimator.Estimator, maybe you called this 'estimator' in your code)
ranker = tf.estimator.Estimator(
I'm a beginner in pytorch, and I have some functions that are needed to implement in network.
My question is: is there any way like tf.function, or should I use "class(nn.Module)" with variable?
For example, let X be a 10x2 matrix . In pseudo-code:
a = Variable(1.0)
b = Variable(1.0)
Y = a*X[:,0]**2 + b*X[:,1]
In PyTorch you don't need things like tf.function, you just use normal Python code (because of the dynamic graph).
Please give more detailed example (with code) of what you're trying to do if the above doesn't answer your question.
How much cross compatibility is there between the different language APIs?
For example, is it possible to train and save a model in Python and run it in C/C++ or any other language?
I would try this myself however my skills in non-Python languages are very limited.
You can dump the model into a text file as like this:
Then you should parse the text dump and reproduce the prediction function in C++.
I have implemented this in a little library that I call FastForest, if you want to save some time and want to make sure you use a fast implementation:
The mission of the library is to be:
Easy: deploying your xgboost model should be as painless as it can be
Fast: thanks to efficient structure-of-array data structures for storing the trees, this library goes very easy on your CPU and memory (it is about 3 to 5 times faster than xgboost in prediction)
Safe: the FastForest objects are immutable, and therefore they are an excellent choice in multithreading environments
Portable: FastForest has no dependency other than the C++ standard library
Here is a little usage example, loading the model you have dumped before and assuming the model requires 5 features:
std::vector<std::string> features{"f0", "f1", "f2", "f3", "f4"};
FastForest fastForest("xgb_model.txt", features);
std::vector<float> input{0.0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8};
float output = fastForest(input.data());
When you create the FastForest you have to tell it in which order you intend to pass the features, because the text file does not store the order of the features.
Also note that the FastForest does not do the logistic transformation for you, so in order to reproduce predict_proba() you need to apply the logistic transformation:
float proba = 1./(1. + std::exp(-output));
The treelite package(research paper, documentation) enables compilation of tree-based models, including XGBoost, to optimized C code, making inference much faster than with native model libraries.
You could consider dumping your model in a text file using
model.get_booster().dump_model('xgb_model.txt', with_stats=True)
then, after some parsing, you can easily reproduce the .predict() function in C/C++. For the rest I am not aware of native porting of xgboost to C
TensorFlow provides a tf.summary.tensor_summary() function that appears to be a multidimensional variant of tf.summary.scalar():
tf.summary.tensor_summary(name, tensor, summary_description=None, collections=None)
I thought it could be useful for summarizing inferred probabilities per class ... somewhat like
op_summary = tf.summary.tensor_summary('classes', some_tensor)
# ...
summary = sess.run(op_summary)
However it appears that TensorBoard doesn't provide a way to display these summaries at all. How are they meant to be used?
I cannot get it to work either. It seems like that feature is still under development. See this video from the TensorFlow Dev Summit that states that the tensor_summary is still under development (starting at 9:17): https://youtu.be/eBbEDRsCmv4?t=9m17s. It will probably be better defined and examples should be provided in the future.