Cannot find module 'babel-preset-react-native' - react-native

I have recently integrated react-native-web into my native project and have included webpack. I've followed all the instructions listed here.
However, when trying to run using the webpack command listed on the bottom of that page, i keep getting the error:
ERROR in ./index.web.js
Module build failed (from ./node_modules/babel-loader/lib/index.js):
Error: Cannot find module 'babel-preset-react-native' from '<*path to root*>'
I have the preset metro-react-native-preset already installed and my babel config looks like the following:
module.exports = {
presets: ['module:metro-react-native-babel-preset']
Im currently using React Native 0.62

Could you try to install 'babel-preset-react-native'?
npm install --save -dev babel-preset-react-native

You said you've got metro-react-native-preset already installed but your config has metro-react-native-babel-preset - I assume that mismatch is just accidental?
Anyway, that's probably unrelated. Here's a few things to try:
Have you verified you've got 0.62 of react native installed? I.e. in the npm lock file, as maybe you're on an older version (pre 0.57) which uses that older plugin.
Have you got a .babelrc file too, perhaps, with the other plugin defined instead?
Similar to (1), have you tried to delete the lock file and/or node_modules folder and run npm install again from scratch so versions match up properly.



throw e;
Error [ERR_PACKAGE_PATH_NOT_EXPORTED]: Package subpath './lib/tokenize' is not defined by "exports" in C:\Users\Masum PC\ami-parbona\node_modules\postcss-safe-parser\node_modules\postcss\package.json
at new NodeError (node:internal/errors:371:5)
at throwExportsNotFound (node:internal/modules/esm/resolve:416:9)
at packageExportsResolve (node:internal/modules/esm/resolve:669:3)
at resolveExports (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:482:36)
at Function.Module._findPath (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:522:31)
at Function.Module._resolveFilename (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:919:27)
at Function.Module._load (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:778:27)
at Module.require (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:999:19)
at require (node:internal/modules/cjs/helpers:102:18)
at Object. (C:\Users\Masum PC\ami-parbona\node_modules\postcss-safe-parser\lib\safe-parser.js:1:17) {
Node.js v17.0.1
While doing on my nextJs project -
npm run dev
I found the same error. I have solved this by doing some steps.
Created a new project on other folder using npx create-next-app#latest (or for react project use the respective command to create a new project)
In My current project where I'm getting the error I deleted the node_modules folder and package-lock.json file (not the package.json file)
Opened the package.json file of current project and replaced the next ,react, react-dom version with latest project's version which I have created on other folder.
Now simply npm install and then run the project
Explanation:- This error normally occur if you trying to run a old project where versions are different than your current installed version. So you need to use exact version on package.json file as current installed version.
If you exactly know the versions then no need to create a new project , just replace the version.
While searching for the solution over stackoverflow I found that npm update command worked well for others because that answer was upvoted. But for me (using ubuntu 20) this wasn't working so I need to manually update the version of package.json.
You can see the screenshot which refer the where to replace the new version.
You might have other packages inside the dependencies , you might need to upgrade the latest version of other packages as well.
In my react-native project, I have to upgrade the react-native-camera version to run the application on my new system but it was running well on my old system.
So the conclusion is **UPGRADE THE VERSION(S)**.
I totally agree with TripleM's answer (please refer to that answer for more details) but I'm going to suggest a short and sweet answer here.
First, uninstall these 3 npm packages: (next, react, react-dom)
npm uninstall next react react-dom
Then, reinstall them with the latest versions
npm install --save next react react-dom
If this method is not working for you try TripleM's answer, that might work for you.
This happened to me when I git clone'd this repo.
What worked was downgrading my node.js version from current to lts. I used nvm use --lts.

#walletconnect/client throw Error: While trying to resolve module crypto

I am using 0.64
I npm install #walletconnect/client
put below import in App.js
import WalletConnect from "#walletconnect/client";
after npx react-native run-ios and got below error:
error: Error: While trying to resolve module `crypto` from file `/Users/hahaha/workspace/mobile/reactnative/nonft/node_modules/#pedrouid/iso-crypto/dist/cjs/helpers/env/node.js`, the package `/Users/hahaha/workspace/mobile/reactnative/nonft/node_modules/crypto/package.json` was successfully found. However, this package itself specifies a `main` module field that could not be resolved (`/Users/hahaha/workspace/mobile/reactnative/nonft/node_modules/crypto/index.js`. Indeed, none of these files exist:
I tried to remove node_modules folder and npm install again but still get the same error.
I am sure that it is thrown by #walletconnect/client because when I removed
import WalletConnect from "#walletconnect/client";
then the error gone
crypto is a built in Node module, which isn't available in React Native, as iOS/Android apps don't run with a Node runtime - only web apps do.
There are a few ways to solve this problem, all of them fairly hacky.
One way is to replace the crypto module with a React Native native module that does the same thing. React-native-crypto is the package used by create-react-native-dapp ( to integrate with WalletConnect:
To get this integration working, note that you'll need to be able to link modules and run rn-nodeify, as it mentions in the instructions on that npm package:
npm i --save react-native-crypto
# install peer deps
npm i --save react-native-randombytes
react-native link react-native-randombytes
# install latest rn-nodeify
npm i --save-dev tradle/rn-nodeify
# install node core shims and recursively hack package.json files
# in ./node_modules to add/update the "browser"/"react-native" field with relevant mappings
./node_modules/.bin/rn-nodeify --hack --install
If you're using Expo, note that you'll need to eject Expo before this can work.
Another hacky workaround is to run WalletConnect in a WebView using react-native-webview. There's an old but working example of this that you can just use to plug and play WalletConnect without requiring linking that you can get here:
Note that that repo is archived and effectively hardcoded to WalletConnect version 1.0.0, but it's a pretty simple codebase - you can just effectively copy and paste its code and update it to the latest version of WalletConnect to get it working with a later version if desired.
As a final note, there are multiple ways to get node modules running in React Native on top of rn-nodeify. If you'd like to explore other methods of getting node modules running, here's a quick rundown of other possibilities:

eslint config for exp init project

I was compiling perfect way for adding eslint-flow-prettier in all types of react native projects.
I have some question about using eslint in Expo project.
Does exp init also install eslint?
If not, I have tried using following command for installing eslint
1)yarn add --dev eslint eslint-config-airbnb eslint-plugin-import eslint-plugin-react eslint-plugin-jsx-a11y babel-eslint
2)yarn eslint --init
Is this the correct way to put eslint in expo project?
In the second step above it asked to Select 'Use a popular style guide', I selected Airbnb, after that it removed multiple packages and project is not running(obvious reason for error: missing libraries).So why this is happening?Should I have selected config other than Airbnb?(only 3 options for eslint config: Google, Airbnb, Standard)
Also I did use YARN for expo project because NPM was giving more complication, as it was removing 500+ packages during step1 above, which resulted in many of the libraries going missing from project, I tried npm install to install all packages but still had problems. So went with YARN.
For now I want to somehow include eslint in the Expo project.
Thanks in advance.
UPDATE 26th March 16:25 IST:
1)Here is the info after installing eslint using: npm install --save-dev eslint-config-airbnb babel-eslint (npm version 5.8.0)
install eslint-config-airbnb and babel-eslint as dev dependencies.
create a file in your root named .eslintrc and add this inside this file
"extends": "airbnb",
"parser": "babel-eslint",
"rules": {
install Eslint extension in your editor. this is the extension for vscode(you can enable eslint if you are using Webstorm)
This problem got solved by deleting node_modules folder in project directory and did npm intsall.
So, during any npm install <package> if it removes some other previously installed packages, only way for now is to delete whole node_module folder and perform npm install. This worked for me, when this problem occurred while creating react-native app with native code support(

Unknown plugin specified in .babelrc, attempted to resolve relative to path

So I've started a new react-native project and copied over the .babelrc file from my previous project. I've installed the necessary plugins but I'm getting the error
Unknown plugin transform-decorators-legacy specified in .babelrc, attempted to resolve relative to "/mypath/project"
I've checked the node_modules in the path and see that the plugin was installed using yarn add. I'm also getting similar errors with my eslint plugins. Am I missing something in my project setup to have babel and eslint see the node_modules?
Is it perhaps caused by installing react-native-code-push? I think it had some errors when I installed codepush where it duplicated the react pod in the pod install - and so I removed it from the podfile. Is it trying to use a cached code-push js even though I don't have code push implemented in my react js files?
You have a typo here.
try this :
yarn add babel-plugin-transform-decorators-legacy -g
for NPM :
npm install --save babel-plugin-transform-decorators-legacy

Yarn add lodash is causing a lodash require error in another module

I have a react native project that already requires and has installed redux-actions.
The app was working correctly.
I then added yarn add lodash
Afterwards I get an error
Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open 'node_modules/redux-actions/node_modules/lodash/identity.js'
Did yarn add remove the lodash somehow from redux-actions/node_modules?
How do I correct this error?
Now that I did an npm list I see that there is a lodash 3.10.1 installed and that redux-actions requires lodash#4.17.4. Did yarn install that lodash based on a requirement of another module and hoiseted it into the root of node_modules? How do I know which module caused that - I'd like to upgrade it to the latest lodash and want to make sure that doesn't break any dependencies.