Finding distinct count of combination of columns values in sql - sql

Currently I have a table this :
Roll no. Names
1 Sam
1 Sam
2 Sasha
2 Sasha
3 Joe
4 Jack
5 Jack
5 Julie
I want to write a query in which I get count of the combination in another column
Required output
Combination distinct count
2-Sasha 1
5-Jack 1
5-Julie 1

Basically, you could group by these columns and use a count function:
SELECT rollno, name, COUNT(*)
FROM mytable
GROUP BY rollno, name
You could also concat the two columns:
SELECT CONCAT(rollno, '-', name), COUNT(*)
FROM mytable
GROUP BY CONCAT(rollno, '-', name)


count different column values after grouping by

Consider this table:
id name department email
1 Alex IT
1 Alex IT
2 Jay HR
2 Jay Marketing
If I group byid,name and count I get:
id name count(*)
1 Alex 2
2 Jay 2
With this query:
select id,name,count(*) from tb group by id,name;
However I would like to count only records that diverge from department,email, so as to have:
id name count(*)
1 Alex 0
2 Jay 1
This time the count for the first group 1,Alex is 0 because department,email have the same values (duplicated) , on the other hand 2,Jay is one because department,email has one different value.
If you meant "two different values" for "Jay", you can use distinct:
select id,name,count(*) from (SELECT distinct * FROM tb) group by id,name;
You can use count(*) - 1 to get similar results in your question.

SQL query to get only rows match the condition based on two separated columns under one 'group by'

The simple SELECT query would return the data as below:
Select ID, User, Country, TimeLogged from Data
ID User Country TimeLogged
1 Samantha SCO 10
1 John UK 5
1 Andrew NZL 15
2 John UK 20
3 Mark UK 10
3 Mark UK 20
3 Steven UK 10
3 Andrew NZL 15
3 Sharon IRL 5
4 Andrew NZL 25
4 Michael AUS 5
5 Jessica USA 30
I would like to return a sum of time logged for each user grouped by ID
But for only ID numbers where both of these values Country = UK and User = Andrew are included within their rows.
So the output in the above example would be
ID User Country TimeLogged
1 John UK 5
1 Andrew NZL 15
3 Mark UK 30
3 Steven UK 10
3 Andrew NZL 15
First you need to identify which IDs you're going to be returning
SELECT ID FROM MyTable WHERE [User]='Andrew';
and based on that, you can then filter to aggregate the expected rows.
SUM(Timelogged) as Timelogged
FROM mytable
WHERE (Country='UK' OR [User]='Andrew')
SELECT ID FROM MyTable WHERE [User]='Andrew')
GROUP BY ID, [User], country;
So, you have described what you need to write almost perfectly but not quite. Your result table indicates that you want Country = UK OR User = Andrew, rather than AND
You need to select and group by, then include a WHERE:-
Select ID, User, Country, SUM(Timelogged) as Timelogged from mytable
WHERE Country='UK' OR User='Andrew'
Group by ID, user, country

Select records distinct in one column in Postgresql database

I got the following records where different people have the same name:
id name category_id birthdate family_id
1 joe 2 2014-05-01 1
2 jack 3 2013-04-01 2
3 joe 2 1964-05-01 1
4 jack 5 1982-05-01 2
5 emma 1 2014-05-01 1
6 joe 3 2003-07-06 3
Now I need a query which results to the following. I want only each name once per family_id. I need all values of each record afterwards including the id. In case the table gets further rows down the road I need them too. So the result should include all values.
id name category_id birthdate family_id
1 joe 2 2014-05-01 1
2 jack 3 2013-04-01 2
5 emma 1 2014-05-01 1
6 joe 3 2003-07-06 3
I tried it with several approaches (GROUP BY, DISTINCT, DISTINCT ON etc.) but none was working out for me.
When I use a GROUP BY clause (GROUP BY name) I get a ERROR: column "" must appear in the GROUP BY clause or be used in an aggregate function. But when I put id inside the clause I get all records back.
Same with distinct. There I have to choose all fields on which the result set should be distinct. But I need all values of the record. And because of the primary each record is distinct when i include the id.
I tried it with a sub clause which has filtered all distinct names. I used them in a where clause. But I got all values back including (of course) the not distinct name/family_id records.
Has anybody a helping hand for me?
You might not of specified all of the fields in your group by and if you included id, then that would make the rows unique.
Try something like:
name, category_id, birthdate, family_id
FROM family
name, category_id, birthdate, family_id;
It worked with DISTINCT ON.
The following worked quite well:
SELECT DISTINCT ON (, table.family_id) table.* FROM table;
The only thing I have to check is the ordering. But I wanted to share my solution so far.

How to add one column values with respect to other column in sql

Name QTY
Jones 4
Smith 1
Smith 1
This is the output of my query. now i have to add last column values with respect to the names.
i should get the output as
Jones 4
smith 2 (1+1)
how should i do that?
Use Group By and Sum the QTY values in each group:
SELECT Name, Sum(QTY) As SumQuantity
FROM dbo.TableName

SQL Server select first instance of ranked data

I have a query that creates a result set like this:
Rank Name
1 Fred
1 John
2 Mary
2 Fred
2 Betty
3 John
4 Betty
4 Frank
I need to then select the lowest rank for each name, e.g.:
Rank Name
1 Fred
1 John
2 Mary
2 Betty
4 Frank
Can this be done within TSQL?
SELECT MIN(Rank) AS Rank, Name
FROM TableName
select name, min(rank)
from nameTable
group by name
As Paul + Kevin have pointed out, simple cases of returning a value from an aggregate can be extracted using MIN / MAX etc (just note that RANK is a reserved word)
In a more general / complicated case, e.g. where you need to find the second / Nth highest rank, you can use PARTITIONs with ROW_NUMBER() to do ranking and then filter by the rank.
SELECT [Rank], [Name]
SELECT [RANK], [Name],
FROM [MyTable]
) AS [MyTableReRanked]
WHERE [RowRank] = #N
ORDER BY [Rank];