Can I use Fluent UI for creating websites not related to any Microsoft Apps? - office-ui-fabric

Can I use Fluent UI for creating websites not related to any Microsoft Apps? I read the LICENSE file and even though it says MIT license, the following line related to Fabric assets is somewhat confusing because it says that we can use Fabric assets only for Microsoft related apps. So can't I use Fluent UI and with the icons and font in normal website like I use Bootstrap or Material Design?
"Note: Usage of the fonts and icons referenced in Fluent UI React is subject to the terms listed at "

Yes, You can use it now like any other Bootstrap or Material design
add this module to <script type="module" src=""></script>
For any further references about Fluent UI Web Components visit: Link
But these are limited but fast and neat.


iOS: staic framework and dynamic framework?

Recently, I decide to make a framework for login module. I add the image resources to the framework, but I could not get it by code. I change the build the setting. mach-o type static library into dynamic library. I can get the image.
It is easier to make a moudle with dynamic framework than static framework.
but I google and find the dynamic framework made by developer is different with the Apple's dynamic framework. the app contain custom dynamic framework can not upload to Appstore ? Is it true?
who can answer my question? Thank you so much!!!
Dynamic frameworks are extremely common in AppStore apps. What you're probably seeing in posts is that you cannot manually load frameworks at runtime on iOS (i.e. there's no access to dlopen). They all have to be loaded at link time. You also cannot ship "shared" frameworks, where multiple apps share a single copy (like Apple's system frameworks). Each app must contain all of its custom frameworks.
But you can certainly ship dynamic frameworks in your bundle.

The better way to build a VueJs Website (Framework easily deployable)

Hey i search a powerful web framework with some specific features :
VueJS support (single file / template)
Easy deployment (with Now, Netlify, etc..)
Powerful dynamic routes management
Why not Nuxt.Js
Because Nuxt does not support dynamic routes when the app is generated (it does not define routes automatically)
Use vue-cli-3 and generate a project with all the bells and whistles (vuex, vue-router, typescript, SPA, unit testing, etc). Then add Vuetify or another similiar Material Design framework to spruce up the UI.
Of course this is opinion based and your question will most likely get pulled down soon :)

Migrate from dojo to standard bootstrap admin dashboard theme

I am using a php dojo v1.4 project with mysql as backend.
The UI looks very basic.
I need to migrate this project to a standard bootstrap admin theme.
What are the steps I need to do?
If backend and general architecture of your application will remain the same, I'd suggest you to start building new UI from the scratch. When it finished, write missing functions, which were previously implemented with dojo using jquery (which comes with bootstrap) or whatever you like.
I assume, that you are not going to use dojo anymore.
If you are facing some specific difficulties, you'd better provide more details in your question.

Site redesign in sitefinity 3.7

I need to redesign web site that has been done in Sitefinity 3.7. Current version is 6.3 ( I believe ).
I watched some tutorials about this CMS because I use it for the first time.
Can you tell me how much templating system differs in this old 3.7 version from current 6.3?
Is it possible to use Bootstrap 3?
We've been using Bootstrap in all of our recent Sitefinity implementations. I usually end up creating a vanilla, base page template off a .master page that includes references to the Bootstrap css and js, then create custom layout controls through Sitefinity's Visual Studio plugin, Thunder. Using the layouts you can easily create the markup needed for the grid layouts and components in Bootstrap so content editors can drag and drop them through the Sitefinity page edit interface. Editing the widget templates is another way to incorporate Bootstrap styling in the built in content modules.
Here is a project that has a Sitefinity Bootstrap theme, I believe the version of Bootstrap it uses is 2.31 though.
Jochem added Bootstrap version 3+ to the project, my fault for not seeing it, sorry Jochem! Direct link here

Is there a central FreePascal/Lazarus Component repository?

I'm looking to find something like Torry but instead of being Delphi centric, it should be Lazarus centric.
I'm aware of the Source Forge Project Code and Component Repository but I'm looking for something with more span and a bit more searching features.
There is this page in the Lazarus wiki which probably has most of Lazarus components (it includes some components not found in CCR). Its pretty well searchable. There are also the forums and the mailing list where components are announced (and usually are mentioned in the above wiki page).
Lazarus isn't as popular as Delphi or other solutions, so its not that easy to find stuff for it :-/. Although porting components from Delphi isn't a very hard process - many components available for Lazarus were originally Delphi components.
Here is a component web site :
I have seen that we can create lazarus repositories, but there is poor doc about that.
Recent versions of Lazarus IDE have an Online Package Manager function.
IDE Menu: Package > Online Package Manager.
This open a window with a pretty good list of packages that that be downloaded and installed with a couple of clicks.
I use lazarus BigIDE from
full LCL from more source