How does spark decides column order when reading Parquet file - dataframe

I have a directory in which I have 2 parquet files with same schema but columns order are different
I want to know how spark decides column order when reading the directory
Input directory
Dataframe 1 while reading 1.parquet file
Dataframe 2 while reading 2.parquet file
When reading complete directory

Column order depend of schema metadata , you can use a parquet viewer to inspect each file.
You can also provide a schema when reading parquet file to get all the time the same columns order.
val parquetSchema: Structype = new structype()


Parquet file with more than one schema

I am used to parquet file with a single schema. I came across a file which, seemingly has more than one schema. I used pandas to convert it to a CSV file. The result is some things like this:
0, {data for table-1} {dat for table-2} {data for table-3}
I read the parquet file format and it looks like a single parquet file has a single schema.
Does parquet support more than one schema in a single file?
No, the Parquet format only supports a single schema per file. This schema is written into the footer of the file and accounts for all sections of the file. You could probably reread the CSV file into pandas and save that as a Parquet file, but ultimately you will be better off when you save each table as a separate file. The latter should also be much more performant and space-efficient.

pyspark script to copy any parquet file data to any oracle table

We have one s3 bucket called Customers/
Inside this we have multiple folders and again sub folders inside them.
And finally we have parquet files of data.
Now I want to read any parquet file (not specific to any file) and load data into oracle.
For now my script is working for one s3 path where it reads one parquet file e.g. customer_info.parquet and it loads data in oracle database table called customer.customer_info
I need help on generating a generic script where we can read any parquet file and load data in any corresponding database table.
for e.g.
S3 location : s3/Customers/new_customrers/new_customer_info.parquet
Oracle Database: Customer
Oracle table : new_customers
S3 location :s3/Customers/old_customrers/old_customer_info.parquet
Oracle Database:Customer
Oracle table:old_customers
S3 location : s3/Customers/current_customrers/current_customer_info.parquet
Oracle Database :Customer
Oracle table:current_customers**
Is there any way to make this copy process generic. Database will be same only oracle tables will be changed according to the parquet file.
My current script is a pyspark script where we are reading one s3 file data into spark dataframe and writting that dataframe to one oracle table.

bq load command to load parquet file from GCS to BigQuery with column name start with number

I am loading parquet file into BigQuery using bq load command, my parquet file contains column name start with number (e.g. 00_abc, 01_xyz). since BigQuery don't support column name start number I have created column in BigQuery such as _00_abc, _01_xyz.
But I am unable to load the parquet file to BigQuery using bq load command.
Is there any way to specify bq load command that source column 00_abc (from parquet file) will load to target column _00_abc (in BigQuery).
Thanks in advance.
Gouranga Basak
It's general best practice to not start a Parquet column name with a number. You will experience compatibility issues with more than just bq load. For example, many Parquet readers use the parquet-avro library, and Avro's documentation says:
The name portion of a fullname, record field names, and enum symbols must:
start with [A-Za-z_]
subsequently contain only [A-Za-z0-9_]
The solution here is to rename the column in the Parquet file. Depending on how much control you have over the Parquet file's creation, you may need to write a Cloud Function to rename the columns (Pandas Dataframes won't complain about your column names).

Is there any problems with saving parquet as a single file and no directory

I am currently working on a Pyspark application to output daily delta extracts as parquet. These files are to be a single partition (the natural partition will be on the date the data is created/updated, which is how they are being built).
I was planning to then take the outputted parquet folder and files, rename the actual parquet file itself, move it to another location and discard the original *.parquet directory including its _SUCCESS and *.crc files.
While I have tested reading files produced using the above scenario with Spark and Pandas, I am unsure whether this will cause issues with other applications that we may introduce in the future.
Can anyone see any actual issue (apart from the processing/coding effort) with the above approach?
If you are having one parquet file and renaming that file to new filename then new file will be a valid parquet file.
If you are combining one or more parquet files and combining them to one then the combined file will not be a valid parquet file.
In case you are combining more parquet files into one then its better to create one file by using spark (using repartition) and write to the table.
You can also use parquet-tools-**.jar to merge multiple parquet files into one parquet file.

How to get number of records in Parquet file

I have a parquet file created from text /dat file using Pig Script.
Now i would like to know how many records in the parquet file without reading the file?
Is there anyway, Parquet file stores the number of rows somewhere in meta-data?
Read from the path using parquet.pig.ParquetLoader. Then the parqet file will be a normal file and then you can go for a count of the records.
LOGS = LOAD '/X/Y/abc.parquet' USING parquet.pig.ParquetLoader ;