How to know which column has changed on UPDATE? - sql

In a statement like this:
update tab1 set (col1,col2)=(val1,val2) returning "?"
I send whole row for update on new values, RETURNING * gives back the whole row, but is there a way to check which exactly column has changed when others remained the same?
I understand that UPDATE rewrites the values, but maybe there is some built-in function for such comparison?

Basically, you need the pre-UPDATE values of updated rows to compare. That's kind of hard as RETURNING only returns post-UPDATE state. But can be worked around. See:
Return pre-UPDATE column values using SQL only
So this does the basic trick:
WITH input(col1, col2) AS (
SELECT 1, text 'post_up' -- "whole row"
, pre_upd AS (
UPDATE tab1 x
SET (col1, col2) = (i.col1, i.col2)
FROM input i
JOIN tab1 y USING (col1)
WHERE x.col1 = y.col1
TABLE pre_upd
TABLE input;
db<>fiddle here
This is assuming that col1 in your example is the PRIMARY KEY. We need some way to identify rows unambiguously.
Note that this is not safe against race conditions between concurrent writes. You need to do more to be safe. See related answer above.
The explicit cast to text I added in the CTE above is redundant as text is the default type for string literals anyway. (Like integer is the default for simple numeric literals.) For other data types, explicit casting may be necessary. See:
Casting NULL type when updating multiple rows
Also be aware that all updates write a new row version, even if nothing changes at all. Typically, you'd want to suppress such costly empty updates with appropriate WHERE clauses. See:
How do I (or can I) SELECT DISTINCT on multiple columns?
While "passing whole rows", you'll have to check on all columns that might change, to achieve that.


How to subscript a Postgres column

I have a Postgres query:
CASE WHEN 1=1 THEN (col_a, col_b)
END as main
FROM "table1"
LIMIT 100) inner_t
Which returns a single column of values in the format (value_a, value_b) in each row. I want the outer query to format those values so that all the value_a's and value_b's are in their own separate columns.
Is there an easy way to do this?
Output screenshot:
You can abuse row_to_json to do this, but it is probably best to avoid anonymous record types in the first place.
SELECT row_to_json(main)->>'f1', row_to_json(main)->>'f2'
CASE WHEN 1=1 THEN (col_a, col_b)
END as main
FROM "table1"
LIMIT 100) inner_t
To give a concrete example (after running pgbench -i):
SELECT row_to_json(main)->>'f1', row_to_json(main)->>'f2'
CASE WHEN 1=1 THEN (aid, bid)
END as main
FROM pgbench_accounts
LIMIT 100) inner_t;
But it only works in v10 and up.
This is more of an explanation than an actual answer. But it won't fit into a comment.
The thing is, SQL is a strictly typed language. Postgres demands to know the number and data types in the SELECT list at call time. The *-expansion in SELECT * FROM .. is based on registered types. Postgres knows the columns of a table because the structure is saved in the catalog tables.
The expression nested in your construct (col_a, col_b) is short for ROW(col_a, col_b) and a ROW constructor creates an anonymous record. The manual:
By default, the value created by a ROW expression is of an anonymous
record type. If necessary, it can be cast to a named composite type —
either the row type of a table, or a composite type created with
Postgres does not know how to expand an anonymous record. *-expansion does not work.
You could cast like the manual says. But that's only an option if the type is stable, i.e. you always put in the same number of columns with the same data types. And that still would not preserve column names.
So, for the best solution, first define:
Obviously you want to preserve column vales.
Do you also want to preserve column names?
Do you also want to preserve column types?
Is the number of columns in the expression always the same?
Are data types always the same?
The CASE condition is stable or based on other columns?
If the true aim of the game is to fit multiple values in a single CASE expression, you only care about values, create a text array instead:
SELECT main[1] AS col_a, main[2] AS col_b
SELECT CASE WHEN true THEN ARRAY[col_a::text, col_b::text] END AS main
FROM table1
) inner_t;
You lose name and type. You can cast and add aliases if you know name & type.
Else you have to describe your use case more closely - in the question.
Try Below query
SELECT split_part(main,',',1) as Val1,split_part(main,',',2) as Val2
CASE WHEN 1=1 THEN (col_a, col_b)
END as main
FROM "table1"
LIMIT 100) inner_t

Why do I need the 'match' part of a SQL merge, in this scenario?

Consider the following:
merge into T t1
using (select ID,Col1 from T where ID = 123) t2
on 1 = 0
when not matched then insert (Col1) values (t2.Col1);
Cominig from a programming background, to me this translates to:
"Evaluate false (i.e. 1 = 0), and when it is false (i.e. all the time), insert."
Is it not possible to just omit the match condition?
Is it because of my select's where condition that I'm confused here? Should this condition be moved to the on?
Due to restrictions with output, I cannot use insert. I need to output the results of this merge into a temporary table for reasons outside of the scope of what I'm asking.
In the answer you've linked to in the comments, as I've hopefully made clear, we are abusing the MERGE statement.
The query you've shown here could trivially be replaced by:
insert into T(Col1) select Col1 from T where ID = 123
However, if you want to be able to add an OUTPUT clause, and that OUTPUT clause needs to reference both the newly inserted data and data from the source table, you're not allowed to write such a clause on an INSERT statement.
So, we instead use a MERGE statement, but not for its intended purpose. The entire purpose is to force it to perform an INSERT and write our OUTPUT clause.
If we examine the documentation for MERGE, we see that the only clause in which we can specify to perform an INSERT is in the WHEN NOT MATCHED [BY TARGET] clause - in both the WHEN MATCHED and WHEN NOT MATCHED BY SOURCE clauses, our only options are to UPDATE or DELETE.
So, we have to write the MERGE such that matching always fails - and the simplest way to do that is to say that matching should occur when 1 = 01 - which, hopefully, is never.
1Since SQL Server doesn't support boolean literals

PL/SQL Oracle condition equals

I think I'm encountering a fairly simple problem in PL/SQL on an Oracle Database(10g) and I'm hoping one of you guys can help me out.
I'm trying to explain this as clear as possible, but it's hard for me.
When I try to compare varchar2 values of 2 different tables to check if I need to create a new record or I can re-use the ID of the existing one, the DB (or I) compares these values in a wrong way. All is fine when both the field contain a value, this results in 'a' = 'a' which it understands. But when both fields are NULL (or '' which Oracle will turn into NULL) it can not compare the fields.
I found a 'solution' to this problem but I'm certain there is a better way.
iReUsableID INT;
SELECT * INTO rowTable1
So NVL changes the null value to ' ' after which it will compare in the right way.
Thanks in advance,
You can use LNNVL function ( and reverse the condition:
Your method is fine, unless one of the values could be a space. The "standard" way of doing the comparison is to explicitly compare to NULL:
WHERE col1 = col2 or col1 is null and col2 is null
In Oracle, comparisons on strings are encumbered by the fact that Oracle treats the empty string as NULL. This is a peculiarity of Oracle and not a problem in other databases.
In Oracle (or any RDBMS I believe), one NULL is not equal to another NULL. Therefore, you need to use the workaround that you have stated if you want to force 2 NULL values to be considered the same. Additionally, you might want to default NULL values to '' (empty) rather than ' ' (space).
From Wikipedia (originally the ISO spec, but I couldn't access it):
Since Null is not a member of any data domain, it is not considered a "value", but rather a marker (or placeholder) indicating the absence of value. Because of this, comparisons with Null can never result in either True or False, but always in a third logical result, Unknown.
As mentioned by Jan Spurny, you can use LNNVL for comparison. However, it would be wrong to say that a comparison is actually being made when both values being compared are NULL.
This is indeed a simple and usable way to compare nulls.
You cannot compare NULLS directly since NULL is not equal NULL.
You must provide your own logic who you would like to compare, what you've done with NVL().
Take in mind, you are treating NULLS as space, so ' ' in one table would be equal to NULL in another table in your case.
There are some other ways (e.g. LNNVL ) but they are not some kind of a "better" way, I think.

Sql Server - Any special way to insert so that in one column the value was the same, while in the other varied?

I need to insert into a simple table with two columns.
The first column has to contain the same value from row to row, while the second has to hold the various values from a source table. So it all should look like this:
Question is - is there a way to make a set-based insert in this case? The way I do it now is simply iterate through the rows of the source table. Or it's also possible to use cursors, only I'm not sure which is best.
But still this is iteration.
Any means to get around this?
Thanks in advance!
If you know your static value ahead of time, you could do something like this:
INSERT INTO targetTable(Col1, Col2)
SELECT 1, yourColumn
FROM sourceTable
WHERE <condition>
This is assuming that 1 is your static value. It can be replaced with the real value, or a variable, depending on the specifics of your query.
insert into dest_tab(col1, col2)
select 1, col2
from src_table
where ....

COUNT() Function in conjunction with NOT IN clause not working properly with varchar field (T-SQL)

I came across a weird situation when trying to count the number of rows that DO NOT have varchar values specified by a select statement. Ok, that sounds confusing even to me, so let me give you an example:
Let's say I have a field "MyField" in "SomeTable" and I want to count in how many rows MyField values do not belong to a domain defined by the values of "MyOtherField" in "SomeOtherTable".
In other words, suppose that I have MyOtherField = {1, 2, 3}, I wanna count in how many rows MyField value are not 1, 2 or 3. For that, I'd use the following query:
WHERE ([MyField] NOT IN (SELECT MyOtherField FROM SomeOtherTable))
And it works like a charm. Notice however that MyField and MyOtherField are int typed. If I try to run the exact same query, except for varchar typed fields, its returning value is 0 even though I know that there are wrong values, I put them there! And if I, however, try to count the opposite (how many rows ARE in the domain opposed to what I want that is how many rows are not) simply by supressing the "NOT" clause in the query above... Well, THAT works! ¬¬
Yeah, there must be tons of workarounds to this but I'd like to know why it doesn't work the way it should. Furthermore, I can't simply alter the whole query as most of it is built inside a C# code and basically the only part I have freedom to change that won't have an impact in any other part of the software is the select statement that corresponds to the domain (whatever comes in the NOT IN clause). I hope I made myself clear and someone out there could help me out.
Thanks in advance.
For NOT IN, it is always false if the subquery returns a NULL value. The accepted answer to this question elegantly describes why.
The NULLability of a column value is independent of the datatype used too: most likely your varchar columns has NULL values
Do deal with this, use NOT EXISTS. For non-null values, it works the same as NOT IN so is compatible
WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROm SomeOtherTable S2 WHERE S1.[MyField] = S2.MyOtherField)
gbn has a more complete answer, but I can't be bothered to remember all that. Instead I have the religious habit of filtering nulls out of my IN clauses:
FROM SomeTable
WHERE [MyField] NOT IN (
SELECT MyOtherField FROM SomeOtherTable
WHERE MyOtherField is not null